I wonder if the same imprints caused by conditioning in early childhood are also caused by exposure to video games?  Does the soul know the difference, really, between actuality and a video game scenario?   Are internal reactions to stimulus of lesser impact because they're artificially created?.  I don't know, but I suspect not.   Or does the soul even know the difference between a nighttime dream and a daytime occurrence?  Is it possible that our currently manifested self is a mixture of not only externally caused imprints (by parents, punishment, etc) but also dream-caused imprints?  (Please just go along with the 'soul' concept, although it infers duality.  You know what I'm talking about )    I bring this up because of today's mass shooting in El Paso, TX.  Apparently the shooter posted  some right winged stuff; he posted it to a like- minded website.  On that particular site, there are not only right wing extremists, but extremists who use expressions such as those used in video gaming.  In today's particular case, he posted before he went out to shoot, and there were remarks like 'Rack up those points, bro' - things like that in response.  Perhaps the 'rack up the points' was a common phrase within the gaming circles.   I'm not a soccer mom.  I'm not here to put down video games.  But damn!  Is there any chance that the mass shooters of today could well have been negatively imprinted when younger by video games?   Probably someone's done a study on this - but I'm guessing we're more creative thinkers....