Some of the best guided meditations are from the Indian tradition called Yoga Nidra.  There are dozens if not hundreds of them available and they are wonderful for putting you into a deep state of openness and relaxation.  They tend to be less visual then most western scripts, so work well with people who don't visualize as well.     Here is a link to a short simple 16 minute one- Here's a nice one for sleep- Here's a long one with nice tibetan bells I encourage people to go to and try out a few, find one they like, download it and work with it.  Often there are bits we miss the first few listenings that have experiential teachings.    For those with Amazon Alexa units, you can Open up the skill Yoga Nidra, then anytime you want to hear a nice one you simply say Play Yoga Nidra and it plays.    I notice the Yoga Nidra network changes there selection.  One of favorite longer ones Beach and Stars is no longer available.  So if you like one, download and why not throw them the organization a pound or two for it.   Google or search youtube for Yoga nidra and you can find many other sources for them.    
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