Hi guys ive seen many sources and authors refered about Microcosmic Orbit.
Iam trying to find which are most respected self-learning materials about MCO.   Can you post where did you learned MCO from ?
I know many here learned MCO from a teacher - oral transmission which is of course the ideal way.   But if you would recommend a self-study source to learn MCO what would it be ?   Iam interested in self-study so books, video, web articles are prefered. Please be specific about the title. Author and title of the book or dvd, etc.   I know aboout Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming - Qigong Meditation but for me this book is too encyclopedic/academic (430 pages) and he also keeps mentioning in this book you should read his previous book before you start (Embryonic Breathing - another 400 pages) - i dont want to read 800 pages to start practice
Also Mantak Chia is mentioned a lot but he already has like 60 books and 50 DVDs - if you learned from Mantak Chia which title would you recommend most from his catalogue about Microcosmic Orbit
Also Jerry Alan Johnson is mentioned, but i dont know his work at all, i dont know which of his books describe MCO.   Could you guys post if you self-learned MCO... where did you learn MCO from ? What titles would you recommend ?   Please dont post "i heard this and this should be good"... iam trying to gather tried and tested sources that really worked for people in the field, so i prefer recommendations that really worked FOR YOU... THANKS A LOT