I have done kum nye and some Tibetan lung practices and seen trul khor and Tummo and I think they are working on different aspects of energy than the descent of energy from above the head, what some Christians call the descent of the dove, that current is quite specific and isn't forced in any way rather it is just a matter of becoming aware of it and available to it.   I don't think many Taoist practices are working in this way either as most of the ones I have found anyway like the Water Method which try work with the descent of energy do it in a forced way like it is the responsibility of the practitioner to make it happen and make the opening, whereas in reality is is an existing current already in place you just have to become aware of whats already going on, and you are more likely to become available to it through surrender than anything you try make happen through force, which is why I expect most of the Taoist practices around these days have probably been corrupted by ego.   My perspective on all of this has changed a lot recently mostly due to my experiences while on retreat with Adyashanti in the summer, as the first part of the retreat involved more Zen and Vedanta type work which revolved around meditation and resting in the stillness and inquiring into the sense of "I", all of which are pretty classic Eastern ways of penetrating to the ground of being, which aim to help the person awaken or wake up, which in energetic terms means the energy moving up and out so it is no longer limited by the human form. But surprising to me was one day involved an energetic transmission and meditation on the descent of energy, the decent of grace from above the head down into your humanity to redeem it, which was a Christian based transmission.   That descent meditation was probably one of the most shockingly powerful movements and meditations I have ever done in terms of its capacity to touch the heart and feel like my human life was being affirmed, a good proportion of the hall of 300 people were in tears by the end of it with barely a word being said. Nothing at all was forced, it was just about becoming aware of and sensitive to what was already occurring. As well as the movement to wake up out of and away from humanity there is a simultaneous pouring in of spirit directly in to your humanness which redeems and liberates everything it touches, like the dna helix there are two opposite yet not opposing currents occurring simultaneously. I expect Taoists knew about and used both currents at one point, some probably still do but I haven't found any myself who really teach and transmit anything around this any more.   Adyashanti actually spoke about Antony De Mello before the transmission, basically the Jesuits have a method they call the Spiritual exercises of St Ignatius which use forms of imaginative prayer and the Bible is used to put yourself in the position of the various characters in the book, the purpose of which is to discover that entire spectrum of humanity lives within you, which makes you far more open and forgiving to your entire being which also brings more of you together and available for the descent of love or Christ into your human form. Antony De Mello taught awakening but he also continued to do retreats on the spiritual exercises.
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