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FU for cataracts

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I have a 16-year old dog that is in awesome shape other than she is nearly blind from cataracts. Seriously, we just had bloodwork done on her and she is in great shape. She loves to run, until she runs into something. We spent $250 on a 20 minute eye exam to find out what we expected was right but that surgery would run around $2k an eye.


I was originally thinking about a FU, but maybe someone knows of other possible cures AND prevention.


It also begs some questions about FUs in general (I only heard about them weeks ago from this site). Could you use it on something that doesn't know it is being treated? Could you use one effectively on someone in a coma? Could you use one on someone sleeping? (Like do you have one to create nymphomania that I could use on my wife while she is sleeping? Haha, just kidding, don't need any help there)

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You could give Can-C drops a try. They are supposed to dissolve cataracts. Life Extension Foundation has a similar product for half the price at (Brite Eyes III).

I used them on my dog, and it definitely helped. I got off schedule when he got kicked by a horse, and need to get back on track with it.

Good luck!

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I've sworn off giving online healing advice to humans (this can gobble up one's life if not kept in check), but dog cataracts is a different story.


Here's a few things you could do:


flaxseed drops in the eyes at bedtime (and nap time too); make sure it's fresh and kept refrigerated at all times;

if he'll let you, blow powdered sugar in his eyes once or twice daily (don't buy prepackaged stuff because it always contains cornstarch, you need pure refined white sugar, grind it finely in a coffee grinder);

L-carnosine eye drops;

raw meat and raw liver diet;

glutathione orally.


Good luck!

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Thanks a lot for the ideas. I ordered the bright eyes, and have been using the flaxseed oil. I haven't tried the powdered sugar yet (I've been too lazy to pulverize the sugar) , what does that do? I am really surprised about the flaxseed oil, in just two days she is navigating better. I hope it doesn't contraindicate the bright eyes.

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