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Any alchemists know anything about sulfur?


My yoga operation is getting off the ground and I've a ways to go before I'll win the gold medal in this event. Always looking for the secret weapon, I'm taking Glucosamine with MSM (sulfur) for tendon and joint health. I have no idea if it is working, but friends and gurus like Steve Maxwell swear by it.


According to the bottle, sulfur is 'vital in the formation of collagen, connective tissue, and healthy joint cartilage.'


Sulfur is a big player in alchemy, but that's all I know.



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Any alchemists know anything about sulfur?



Sulfur is a big player in alchemy, but that's all I know.





in western alchemy, at least. but i believe the use is highly symbolic or metaphorical and i haven't decoded all that shit yet. it might symbolize the semen, because we burn sulfur in order to transmute lead into gold, the lead being ego and the gold consciousness. like i said, i'm not sure. that book seanb has on hermetics might ahve something.


interestingly, sulfur is one fo the chief constituents of cinnibar, which is central to chinese alchemy and the pill of immortality. the other chief constituent of cinnibar is mercury, which is also central to western alchemy.

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In western alchemy sulfur is considered the masculine to the feminine of mercury...kind of. The sexual interplay crosses back and forth (kind of like yin and yang, where they each have a dot of the other in them). I think mercury is a little more androgynous, but sulfur is pretty much always masculine. In my limited understanding, mercury is kind of the etheric behind everything while sulfur is the pattern (the will) that molds the etheric of the thing into the shape it is. While the idea of salt (a later inclusion) is sort of like the primordial matter that everything is made of. The famous formula of "Solve et Coagula" means to take it apart and put it back together again, the idea being that you pull the matter (or yourself) apart into it's constituent pieces, purify them, then put them back together.


Of course, that probably doesn't have too much to do with taking msm (which seemed to help my sore knee once). For the best western alchemy website ever (IMHO), go here:

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i think the solve coagulae also refers to the work on the ego. that is what fragments us. if we were pure consciousness we'd be, well, pure consciousness.

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