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'allo, here is my introduction

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It has been a long and winding path to the way.


That statement is as much true as it is a lie.


It took twenty two years before my path lead me to open the Tao Te Ching in a book store. After reading one poem at random I burst into laughter as if the punchline of the universe had been revealed to me. This got me a lot of strange looks to say the least, but I could not help it. The entire concept of the book is brilliance, processed and refined to a point of actually usable material. It fit so well with the ideas I had been cultivating on my own and was the perfect thing to fullfill my spiritual needs.


I still have a long way to go before I feel I can actualy call myself a Taoist, but I am fallowing my path with patience and enjoyment.

I am currently looking for taoist stories that have been translated to englist, if you have any sugestions I would greatly appreciate it.

I look forward to discussing and talking with all of you.

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Hi Alchemybot.


I don't know exactly what you meant by Taoist stories, so here is everything I know of that could fall under that label. I hope it helps.


First, here are some books that are translations of several-century-old Chinese documents:

Alchemists, Mediums, and Magicians by Thomas Cleary: brief sketches of several famous Taoists

Seven Taoist Masters by Eva Wong: a novel chronicling the patriarchs and matriarch of the Northern Complete Reality school.


Second, Eva Wong has recorded many stories about Taoists from oral tradition in Tales of the Dancing Dragon and Tales of the Taoist Immortals.


Third, there are stories about the life and training modern adepts: Opening the Dragon Gate (trr. Thomas Cleary) and Deng Mind-Dao's Chronicles of the Tao. On a similar note, The Magus of Java is about the author's meeting with a high level Taoist adept and his abilities and teachings.


Finally, there is a teaching novel by a modern Taoist that has Lao Tzu as a character and incorporates the text of the Tao Te Ching into the dialogue: Waysun Liao's Nine Nights with the Taoist Master.


The only two that I have read in there entirety are Seven Taoist Masters and Nine Nights with the Taoist Master. I highly recommend both of them. I've perused Wong's other books and Opening the Dragon Gate and they both seem like they have good material if you are attracted to their respective premises.


Happy reading,


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