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Combined Kunlun 1 and sungazing

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This afternoon I went outside for about two hours and combined Kunlun 1 with sungazing, so I had my feet right on the ground and an additional energy input from the eyes. After a while I could stare at the evening sun with completely opened eyes. No pain, not even discomfort.

My tailbone was buzzing, my spine, my feet and the equivalent of roughly 100 Volts were buzzing in my hands - interestingly mostly in the lower area around the ring finger and the pinky. This was the strongest sensation of energy flow so far.

I had to do closedown to bring the energy down for so long that I became impatient.

Does the sunlight entering through the eyes result in yang chi or something, or is is simply a biochemical input?

I experienced some visual phenomena and I think it's purely physical due to the sungazing, but maybe you know them. I won't go into color alteration in the center, because that's simply an unbalanced use of R-G-B in the eye. But I had color or brightness shifts at the clouds near the sun. Bright became dark and the other way around, quickly changing. And sometimes, and also when looking at clouds, there were a kind of half-circular irregular dark thin wavefronts moving from outside towards the center of my view in a halo-like pattern, the whole phenomenon limited to the inner third of my view.

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Kunlun didn't turn out well for me so I don't recommend it.


Sungazing is sort of the opposite situation: lots of yang which is nice but can very easily be harsh and damaging to the subtle energenic structure as well as to the eyes. Imo, doing both at the same time is like sungazing with sunglasses on... can open you to more of the sun's energy more comfortably so you don't feel that you are getting fried and doing serious damage.




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The first time I did sungazing in the I-Jong posture. I definitely noticed the 'internal alchemy' of Kunlun there, because before the meditation I would not have been able to do this. Of course I need a few minutes of squinting to get used to the sun's intensity, but I feel it's more the meditative state that then enables me to sungaze. It feels good to notice how my visual apparatus is able to quickly channel the incoming energy into the body.

And the sun gives me an incentive for doing it outside, where I have a much better grounding than indoors on the first floor.

By the way... I got moderately bouncing legs again. Something I haven't got from pure K1 lately. And the left leg was more intense, which might have happened in order to compensate for the additional yang input from the sun.


And the gag in all of it ... It was a 'successful' Kunlun meditation in extemely brightly lit environment with noises and things happening around and with eyes wide open. B) The kind of meditative state where you concentrate on a single thing. You could say, I meditated on the sun. :D My only thought during that time was that the sun is an electromagnetic plasma phenomenon where the atmosphere is millions of K hot and the surface a mere 6000 K. :rolleyes:



Have you got the eyeballs for sungazing? :blink:


Power to the pupil! :lol:

Edited by Hardyg

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