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Chia's morning meditation practice

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I've been diggin Warrior Wellness bigtime!! It really is quite relaxing and allows chi to flow more freely. For this reason, I dug up my "Morning Chikung Practices" by Chia and tried it today. I didn't really get into it the first time when I originally bought it, but the movement portions are similar to Sonnon's so that gives me a good starting point to relate with it.


Then Chia does some bitchin vacuum breathing--stand in double shoulder width horse stance, exhale all the way, stick your tongue out, suck your stomach up by a vacuum breath and churn your guts. Then do a few sets of the same while tugging on your dick. On inhale, you stand up and relax and catch your breath.


It rocks.


A bunch of saliva swallowing, light teeth knocking, light kegel breathing, burping, embracing the tree breathing drills, turtle standing, laughing organs, breathing while squatting, etc. The usual Chia grabbag. It's a good program. I'll definitely add the vacuum dick breathing to my morning set.


If anyone is interested, I'm happy to loan out this program when I'm done reaquainting myself with the program, but I definitely want it back.



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Then Chia does some bitchin vacuum breathing--stand in double shoulder width horse stance, exhale all the way, stick your tongue out, suck your stomach up by a vacuum breath and churn your guts.  Then do a few sets of the same while tugging on your dick. On inhale, you stand up and relax and catch your breath.



I've seen him do that live but I still don't quite get what you're supposed to be doing. I'm wondering if the tape explains it well or if it's as scattered as his live lectures. For instance, after the exhale and the tounge out thing, do you lock your throat so that no air comes in and then try to breath? And how do you churn your belly like that?

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yep, the whole thing is just a variant of the standard yoga vacuum breathing drill. Total, complete exhale (put some exertion into the exhale), lean forward, (in the yoga drills the hands are on the knees) then close the throat and try to suck your balls into your head. It sends the energy up. It's also the #6 drill of the 5 Tibetans (but only works with some degree of sexual control, per 5T book)


Then Chia adds the tongue out while churning the stomach--you are on your own there. I can't do it either. Just move your guts around and stir them with your hands to assist the motion. Both latitudinal and longitutinal circling.


Then Chia adds the penis pull, while the tongue is still out, plus the above organ circulating.


I'm excited that I have a physically based morning routine in place--now I can mix and match cool elements. I need the cardio to set up a good groove for the day, then do the WW which is quicker and easier to complete than Chia's stretching drills (I am easily bored with stretching, so it's got to be fast paced). I'm going to incorporate this penis pull breathing it's a good one for sexual transmutation as well.

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Still playing with the morning routine moves. after the vacuum breathing, I'm liking the standing meditation where you breathe through your feet for a bit, then you breathe through the 8 Immortal holes of the sacrum or whatever he called it. It is a stimulating way to breathe, though. Have to try breathing like that in cultivation. That would go with Lin's anal breathing drills nicely too.


So breathe like that for however long you wish then sit in a squat to stretch things out in kwaville for several minutes. Hold the palms facing the center of the earth pulling in the goodies through the feet and hands. Hang out there then stand up pulling up the palms along the feet and legs as you arise and slide them over your sacred bone and charge up them holes and breathe through them again.


Then slide the palms over the kidneys and share the vibe with your little tigers.



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Hey, breathing through the holes of the sacrum is a good drill. It's basically the same thing as Lin's anal breathing, but less distasteful in its implications. Good as a general practice and as part of sexual practice too, also goes well with white skeleton meditation.


Breathing through the sacrum during sexual stimulation draws the energy away from the balls and perineum and helps wick the sperm up and out of mortal peril.



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