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"Meditation is a bit

like gardening.


You plant some carrot seeds

and then every day

you water it,

you pull the weeds,

you nourish

the carrot plant

in every way you can.


You don't expect

a carrot instantly.


But out of love

for gardening

you do the work

without expecting

anything in return.


And then one day

to your surprise,

there is the carrot,

beautiful, orange

and delicious.


Same with meditation.


You commit yourself

to meditation

without expecting anything

in return.


You give yourself to

this moment

out of the love of giving.


Because some days

it will be challenging.


Some days awareness

will be blissful

and some days


will be a challenging

surrender to the intensity

that is here.


But simply by


and by nourishing

your awareness

in every way you can,


one day

without even focusing on it,


you could be reading a book

or walking in the woods

and suddenly there

is an opening,

suddenly bliss is radiating

freely from your heart.


Without you thinking about it.

Without you do anything

on your part.


It arises on its own,

at its own time,

yet it arises also

because you planted

the seed and helped it grow.








Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music-

Meditation CDs Proven To Awaken You

into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss

For Free Samples Visit The Enlightened Spirituality CD Website



For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness

Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website

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"Meditation is a bit

like gardening.


You plant some carrot seeds

and then every day

you water it,

you pull the weeds,

you nourish

the carrot plant

in every way you can.


You don't expect

a carrot instantly.


But out of love

for gardening

you do the work

without expecting

anything in return.


And then one day

to your surprise,

there is the carrot,

beautiful, orange

and delicious.


Same with meditation.


You commit yourself

to meditation

without expecting anything

in return.


You give yourself to

this moment

out of the love of giving.


Because some days

it will be challenging.


Some days awareness

will be blissful

and some days


will be a challenging

surrender to the intensity

that is here.


But simply by


and by nourishing

your awareness

in every way you can,


one day

without even focusing on it,


you could be reading a book

or walking in the woods

and suddenly there

is an opening,

suddenly bliss is radiating

freely from your heart.


Without you thinking about it.

Without you do anything

on your part.


It arises on its own,

at its own time,

yet it arises also

because you planted

the seed and helped it grow.








Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music-

Meditation CDs Proven To Awaken You

into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss

For Free Samples Visit The Enlightened Spirituality CD Website



For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness

Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website


Excellent poem, very encouraging to read ^_^

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Well put. Spirituality isn't mere "self-help" psychology. It goes beyond all that - beyond name and form.


We ultimately help ourselves most by dissolving our imaginary individual selves in the true Universal Self, or whatever we might want to call it. Tao works for me, or from a more modern perspective, "the numinous" (as Carl Sagan called it).



Not bad, but we are the universe nothing we have to do. If its something we have to do or say its ego related not true Zen or Tao. Cloud

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is not your natural state.


You are not separate from

everything and trying

to get to oneness.


You are doing separation.


You are actively

separating yourself

from this moment.


And I am not saying

not to have definitions,

not to call a chair a chair.


All of this happens.

This duality happens

in nonduality.


It is not one or the other,

it the same.


But because you latch

on to the definitions

you do not see the essence

of what is here.


It is not wrong to do this,

but if you want to be free

of stress, of anxiety

and conflict,

it is important

to realize you are

doing stress,

you are doing anxiety

you are doing conflict.


Because the mind

is so active,

it appears that

this is just occurring

and you are simply

a victim of suffering.


But once the thoughts

begin to slow down

and things become

more in balance,

you begin to recognize

this action of separation,

this action of creating yourself

to be a something

against everything else.


Something that needs

to be protected

that needs to control

everything else

in order to survive.


And when you clearly see this,

you can learn to stop doing it,

you learn to let it go when it arises.


Whatever arises,

instead of taking a position in it,

instead of grabbing hold of it,

you simply allow it to arise

and disappear

in the same way

bubbles rise up

in club soda.


They arise in water

and disappear in water.



You feel the bubbles arising

you experience the bubbles arising

but not as something separate.


You allow the bubbles

and remain as water.


You stop

fixating on definitions

and remain

in and as the unknowing.








Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music-

Enlightenment CDs Proven To Awaken You

into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss

For Free Samples Visit The Enlightened Spirituality CD Website



For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness

Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website

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"In meditation

everything gets

stripped down to its essence.


All of these seemingly

different things,

the body, the mind

thoughts, emotions,


outer objects,

are revealed to be

one thing.


And it is not a thing,

but rather,

it is energy,

fluid, moving, conscious energy.


And with awareness

you begin to recognize

this flow of energy.


You begin to taste

the peace and the bliss

that is a result of this flow.


So another way to look

at meditation

or whatever spiritual process

you practice

is that you are fully awakening

and allowing this energy to flow,



You learn to awaken the energy

and then get out of your own way

so this Shakti can move

through you and as you,

so that this dense

separate mass of contraction

can relax into bliss,

can come back to its true nature.


And this happens

even on the physical level.


The pathways in the body

are opened up

so that the energy can flow freely

and your awareness can expand

far beyond the body

into infinity.









Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music-

Meditation Music Proven To Awaken You

into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss

For Free Samples Visit The Enlightened Meditation Music Website



For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness

Visit The The Spiritual Enlightenment Website

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"We want to get you

out of your mind,

out of the controlled idea

that you are an intelligent

and together person


and into what is here

in this moment

beyond such ideas.


The mind is always

trying to put things in order.

But once the mind

puts things in order,

you are out of touch

with what is here.



the mind has an image

of how a perfect person should be

and the mind tries to emulate that.


Not on a conscious level,

you are not intentionally doing it.

But once you do it,

then consciousness

cannot touch you.


Life cannot touch you.


So the first step in surrender

is to be aware of this.

Be aware of how the mind

tries to put everything

into neat little piles

of understandings

and justifications.



is to allow yourself

to become undone.


Allow yourself

to be naked and raw

in this moment.



with pure honesty

what is here

in this moment

without holding on to

any ideas

of what that might be.


It is this honest awareness

that is the key.


We refer to ourselves

as someone in time.

Someone with past experiences

and memories.


But I want you to go beyond

that thought construct

and truly experience

what is here.


Because what is here

is only here now

and then it is gone.


There is such freedom

just in that realization.


You can only feel this moment.

You can't do it with the mind,

you have to feel it.


Beyond emotion,

beyond the intellect.



to what is here completely.

Give up being together

and simply fall apart

in this moment

and experience what is left.



you will truly experience



You will truly experience



You will realize that silence

that is underneath everything.


That silence that only

fully reveals itself

when you have come undone.








Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music-

Meditation Music With a Unique Sound Technology

Proven To Awaken You into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss

For Free Samples Visit The Enlightened Meditation Music Website



For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness

Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website

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"That which you

assume yourself to be

is not actually a thing,

but an action.


It is the action

holding on.


In every moment,

you are unconsciously

holding on to an idea

of who you are.


And although

this idea of who you are

is constantly changing

moment to moment,

the action of holding

on remains the same,


giving you the feeling

that there is a 'you'

moving in time,

changing and transforming,

learning and growing.


But if you become aware

of this action of holding on

and even for this moment

let go of this action of holding,


then you fall into this moment

and see very clearly,

beyond the intellect

that everything is arising

by itself,


forever fresh and new

out of this moment.


You move beyond the idea

of this you moving linear in time

and experience

conscious radiance,

not as a person

but as conscious radiance itself.


You realize

your natural state of peace

where there is no such thing

as stress.











Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music-

Meditation CDs Proven To Awaken You

into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss

For Free Samples Visit The Shakti Meditation Music Website



For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness

Visit The Teachings on Enlightenment Website

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Hi Kip,


Nice, even though I both agree and disagree with what you have presented.


Holding to something that is in constant flux is impossible.

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"It makes no difference

what technique or method

you practice,

it is that you give yourself completely

to that practice

that matters.


It can be as simple

as watching your breath.


If you really give

your full attention

to watching your breath

then you will move

beyond yourself,

you will find freedom.


If you are willing to

let go of the idea that

you know better

and really plunge yourself

wholeheartedly into

a spiritual practice

without looking

for something in return,


then somewhere along the line

something will happen,


the floor will fall out

from beneath you

and you will disappear

into a place that has no

words, no teachings,

no attainments,


just the complete


to be silence

or to love God

or however else

it may be for you.









Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music-

Meditation CDs Proven To Awaken You

into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss

For Free Samples Visit The Spiritual Awakening CD Website



For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness

Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website

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Nice Kip.


Thanks for sharing.


That is consistent with the Taoist concept of attaining the state of 'wu', I think.

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"It makes no difference

what technique or method

you practice,

it is that you give yourself completely

to that practice

that matters.

Hi , it's only may be a funny song. But there is nothing about " How a Spiritual Practice Can Lead to Enlightenment"

Errors are begining in the first words: "It makes no difference

what technique or method you practice"


-There is very great difference what methods you practice!


Some methods bring you nothing, only lost time, even if you give yourself completely to that practice


Some methods can bring you big damage to health, and about any Enlightenment can not be even speech , and if you give yourself completely to them, they can lead to a death!


Only methods received from Teachers and true schools can leads to results.


Best Regards

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"In meditation

you are not moving

in a linear line

going from one

place to another.


Rather you are moving

deeper into this moment.


So the most important part

of meditation,

if you are practicing the path

of awareness

is to allow yourself

to rest in this moment.


To allow everything

to be exactly as it is

and relax into it

and sink right through it.


This sounds quite easy,

but when you are constantly

looking forward,

trying to attain something

trying to get somewhere,

then when you actually

try and rest in this moment,

you are confronted with something

that you want to escape.


It's like the closer you are

to no separation

you really feel

that sense of separation

the strongest.


When you are busy

looking forward in time

or backwards in time

then you have successfully

escaped fully feeling separation.


But the moment you give

up this linear movement

you are confronted

with what is here.


And then there is the need

for complete surrender,

to fully allow yourself

to sink into feeling

what is here.


To fully immerse yourself

into what is here

beyond the thoughts,

the emotions,

and the physical sensations.


There cannot be

any looking for it to be

a certain way.


You cannot look for there

to be a payout.


But the moment you give up

this constant urge to move

forward towards something,

and sink into this moment,


you are immersed in peace.


And then the practice

is to relax more and more

into the depth of consciousness

which exists outside of time.


To sink deeper and deeper

into the eternal stillness

of this moment

that lies beneath

all movement.









Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music-

Meditation CDs Proven To Awaken You

into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss

For Free Samples Visit The Spiritual Awakening CD Website



For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness

Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website

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"If you observe

your experience

in this moment,

then you are not controlling

this moment in any way,

you are not involved with it

in any way.


From witnessing,

there is the flow

of energy that

is happening,

that is arising by itself,


that is creating

the movement of all

phenomena in this moment.


The thoughts arise

in this flow of energy,

the sensations arise

and change in this flow

of energy,


it is all the flow of one energy,

arising out of consciousness

and dissolving back

into consciousness.


The energy takes

the shape of certain thoughts

and then the thoughts

dissolve back into energy

and then the energy

forms into other thoughts,

or other emotions

before dissolving back

into energy.


So you see in this

there is nothing to change.


Whether you experience


or joy,

it is all the flow

of the same energy.


From the witness

it is all a flow

of the same bliss.


It is complete

and perfectly


within itself.


It is simply a matter

of letting go of this

need to control, change

or distract yourself

from this moment.


You let go of that

actual contraction

of identifying with this moment,

of being involved with thinking

and rest as the witness,

and then there is just

this beautiful flow

of energy,


the nature of which

is bliss.









Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music-

Meditation CDs Proven To Awaken You

into Deep States of Meditation & Bliss

For Free Samples Visit The Spiritual Awakening CD Website



For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness

Visit The Spiritual Enlightenment Website

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Excuse me BM, but by posting this here in the Contributed Articles you have officially become spam.


Just a thought.

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Excuse me BM, but by posting this here in the Contributed Articles you have officially become spam.


Just a thought.

I am not sure how posting my articles in the articles section is spam.

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Thanks for the report Stig (you know it takes us ages to discuss stuff :lol: )but Kip's posts actually don't smell like spam to us.


but we are working to "tidy up" the contributed articles section.




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