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Granthis and Dan Tiens

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In yoga one talks about three granthis and these are placed at the same places as the Dan Tiens by many altough some place the granthis differently. These are seen to be knots that lie at the points were the nadis interesect and that block the flow of energy and so must be untied. One accumulates prana through for example pranayama and brings it to the granthis to clear them. Could this be the way yogis see the process of filling the three Dan Tiens? Clearing and filling sounds different but it might in reality be the same if the main question is accumulating chi there.

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In yoga one talks about three granthis and these are placed at the same places as the Dan Tiens by many altough some place the granthis differently. These are seen to be knots that lie at the points were the nadis interesect and that block the flow of energy and so must be untied. One accumulates prana through for example pranayama and brings it to the granthis to clear them. Could this be the way yogis see the process of filling the three Dan Tiens? Clearing and filling sounds different but it might in reality be the same if the main question is accumulating chi there.


Could be a mistranslation anyway, and thus virtually be the same.

That is a serious possibility in my opinion, the 'mistranslation' thing.


Just my 2 cents (or maybe 2 million, who knows) ;):P

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Also the Kanda which some texts describe as being the size of an egg and place in the same position as the lwr dan tien.




Any idea which text describes Kanda in the region of lower Dan tien or below the navel? Kanda, or Mula-Kanda as it is correctly known, is the root of the Muladhara lotus from which the three Nadis - Ida, Sushumna and Pingala (and also the other eleven primary nadis) originate. In fact Mula means the "origin" and kanda "root", the root of the First lotus, Muladhara.


In yoga one talks about three granthis and these are placed at the same places as the Dan Tiens by many altough some place the granthis differently. These are seen to be knots that lie at the points were the nadis interesect and that block the flow of energy and so must be untied. One accumulates prana through for example pranayama and brings it to the granthis to clear them. Could this be the way yogis see the process of filling the three Dan Tiens? Clearing and filling sounds different but it might in reality be the same if the main question is accumulating chi there.


Actually it is a generalization that there are three Granthis, for in fact there are three pairs. Each pair is said to exist above and below Svadhishthana, Manipuraka and Anahata chakras. Thus, the tantras speak of actually entering and leaving a granthi as the process of "dissolving" them. Is there is a concept of pairs in the case of Dan Tiens as well?

Edited by SiliconValley

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