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I don't know why I would put it up here but maybe someone is interested...



Bumgrasshopper and others have shared experiences with Brainwave Entrainment but this one is a little .. hmmm ...


Here's what some doses claim:




MultipleO / Sexual (VERY Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / An orgasm is one thing: after your body is spent and you lay there in complete pleasure, feeling wave after wave of sensations. Multiple Orgasms are when you do it all over again. They are intense, your body is thrown into complete chaos doing over and over what makes it feel good, as the glow of sexual pleasure gets more intense with every time you explode in pure sexual glory. Start with our orgasm dose; it is more than enough for almost anyone. If ritual intense pleasure is what you seek, then it's time to feel an orgasm over and over: MultipleO!





Bufo)Toad / Recreational (Strongest) / 35 Minutes / There are several species of toads which produce venom that has psychoactive properties. The venom of one species (Bufo alvarius) contains both 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenin, while several others contain only bufotenin. The psychoactivity of 5-MeO-DMT is clearly established and more data is coming to light which suggests that bufotenin is equally psychoactive (both smoked and oral) although somewhat less potent. While dried toad skins are sold by some vendors, there is little benefit to this method as toad venom can be collected without harming the toad 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine or N,N-dimethylserotonin. Bufo)Toad has proven to be one of your strongest doses, so it is highly advised that beginners start with another dose.




Chakra / Stimulant (VERY Strong) / 30 Minutes / A chakra is thought to be a nexus of metaphysical and/or biophysical energy residing in the human body and there are several basic chakras: Sahasrara is said to be the chakra of consciousness, Ajna is the chakra of time and awareness and of light, Vishuddha is said to be related to communication and growth, Anahata is related to the transition from base to higher energy, Swadhisthana is related to sexuality and creativity, and Muladhara is related to instinct. The Chakra dose is a journey though all the major chakras in 30 minutes, so be aware this can be a strain on the body and soul. Be prepared for this jouney as we have reports of outer level consciousness, increased awareness, a great understanding, supreme instinct and a hint of sexuality. The effects of this dose are soul-wide, and not recommended for beginners.


Out of Body


Out of Body / Stimulant (Strong) / 30 Minutes / This dose is to help assist you in experiencing an out of body experience: defined as an experience in which a person seems to perceive the world from a location outside the physical body. The consciousness separates from the body and is free to roam the earth plane. Phenomena associated with the out of body experience are things like remote viewing or other such seeing of places and people as they exist in this time and place. "I floated up out of the house into the sky and became aware of everything around me. Then suddenly, I could perceive all time and in particular the whole of my life. I could see clearly that everything that seemed real and solid was just an illusion of mind. Time and space did not exist." 75% of out of body experiences happen while the user is laying down or sitting and relaxed, so put on the headphones and go into a deep state. You just may have an out of body experience.


Anyone who has actually used any of the doses? While the claims do sound outrageous, the forum seems to be filled with success stories! There is one dose named Hand of God, that seems to be the most discussed among the lot!

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I've tried the peyote one. Hardly noticeable, only slightly more visual than if I were to meditate on any other sound for a half hour. Nothing close to peyote. Other doses might be good though, or maybe I wasn't at a sensitive enough place, or attentive enough.

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I looked into it this morning. You can download Hand of God as a torrent and not pay the 200 bucks. I will probably try it some time soon...even though I'm not into binaural stuff, and especially binaural drug stuff, haha.


There are people out there who say this is a big scam.

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Okay! I tried this one last night, after downloading the application from torrents. I tried the Chakra one and really did not feel anything. Jeffrey Thompson's Gamma meditation seemed to induce a much deeper state for me than this one.

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