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Quick question regarding sexual energy

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Sorry if this question has been covered before.


For more than 6 months now it feels as if all my sexual energy is localized in my genitals. Throughout the day I can feel a slight pulsating sensation in my perenium and as a result I am reaching orgasm/ejaculation very quickly during intercourse etc.

I exercise at the gym 3-4 times a day and eat fairly healthy. I also tend to be very aware of my breathing all throughout the day, being sure to keep my breaths as relaxed and full as possible, as I hear that having energy stangnating in the head or genitals is a reult of not doing this.

For a while now I have tried to circulate the energy up my spine but doing this has seemed to make the pulsating feeling in my perenium more intense. And the information I have read on this is difficult to follow as some sources say to move the energy up the spine during inhalation and others say to do it during exhalation. Also I had been doing lots of kegels but have now stopped as this too seems to be making my sexual energy stronger.


My question is what do I need to start doing in order to move this energy out of my genitals so that my urge to ejaculate is not always present?


My Sacral Chakra has always been over-active as long as I can remember. It's also likely that I have low serotonin levels as I sometimes suffer from depression and I hear that this can cause the body's addiction to ejaculation.

Currently I am abstaining from ejaculation and I have also cut out spicy food from my diet as I think that this can possibly contribute to my sexual energy being intensified or localised?



Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and again I'm sorry if this has been convered in detail elsewhere in the forums.


Many thanks!!

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What is your knowledge of energy work, and do you do some energy work regularly like qigong or yoga?


What do you mean by taking up the energy for the spine. Do you mean sexual energy or qi. Where from have you learned to take up the energy for the spine.


Notice that any exercise with sexual energy might be dangerous if not accomplished in the right way. It might also be wery beneficial if done in the right way.


So to be able to answer your question, I and we on the forum have to know a litle bit more of what you know about energy work and what you practise.


If you not practise then you should work directly on the sexual energy at all!




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"Sounds like" you might have a lower blockage above your sacral chakra that may be preventing the rising of your energy past it up your spine - like an elevator stuck on the ground floors. So, nowhere to go but down and out...


I'd specifically work on clearing any blockages more than circulating the energy first.

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