
new 1 from Finland

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Hi all!

New member from Finland reporting.

Taiji, qigong, yiquan and alexander technique are my interests.

By the way ,anyone have any suggestions for a qigong workshop in June somewhere in europe?


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I'm from Finland too (and have done alexander technique) so I think I gotta say terve here :)


I also do chi kung/kung fu in this school http://www.shaolin-wahnam.fi/

The beginner's course has lasted for two months now and I can say I've been happy with it. I'm also going to Sifu Wong's summer intensive in Brighton (that's in July, though so maybe not for you..) His teachings are supposed to be very good. Maybe I'll report on that when I get back..


But.. good luck with your search of chi kung. This place is a good resource for that definately!



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