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The end of all things

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It´s been 5 years since my last confession. With our without an enlightened perspective, reality as we know it is changing very fast. Even here in Norway, you do not have to be an epidemologist or climate researcher to realize that things are ending. Living in one of the richest countries in the world, with a solid 1000 billion emergency fund, and socialized medicine, things will dry up very fast. Even if we get out of the pandemic, climate change and economic meltdown will have irreversible, profound effect on the world.  I can only imagine the devastation that will unfold in the rest of the world. Modernity as we know it is getting fundamentally reorganized. Its actually fascinating to realize that I was alive when it happened. Saddening and devastating to know I have a son who will live a life looking back towards his childhood as happy times.

In such times, just as when a loved one is facing death or serious illness, I feel compelled to contemplate what is real and true. The forest, the mountains, the sound of birds, the breathing of my son when he sleeps. 


After the devastation, there must be grief for acceptance to grow, 

However, something miraculous occurs when you tune into the cosmic Energy. The more I listen to it, the more it reveals. Just as serious illness, this crisis is a form of initiation into a mystery. The price for such initiation is loss.

Maybe its 5 year until next time; just my 2 kroner

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10 hours ago, hagar said:

It´s been 5 years since my last confession. With our without an enlightened perspective, reality as we know it is changing very fast. Even here in Norway, you do not have to be an epidemologist or climate researcher to realize that things are ending. Living in one of the richest countries in the world, with a solid 1000 billion emergency fund, and socialized medicine, things will dry up very fast. Even if we get out of the pandemic, climate change and economic meltdown will have irreversible, profound effect on the world.  I can only imagine the devastation that will unfold in the rest of the world. .....


One never knows what this 'crazy old' world will come up with .


Consider the last major, much worse pandemic - 'Spanish Flu'  ended around 1920   - then look what happened !







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Indeed. You never know. 

However; past data does not predict future implications. What if this scenario is a true novelty? Although past events of a similar nature indicate that things will turn to the better, we have never encountered the scenario we have now.

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Everybody loses apart from those that exist fully outside of the physical world, with all their faculties. 

Those who die with the most stuff (inside) win.

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