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Is the earth hollow?

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PLEASE NOTE! My experiences in these forums over the last few years has shown me that, while the majority of the folks here are loving, open-minded people who actually questions things and think for themselves, there are a few that, for a variety of reasons, have little or nothing to contribute in a conversation. If you are someone that enjoys coming in to argue, belittle, berate, debate, debase, demean, mock, scoff, etc., I would rather you not even post in this thread. I don't go into your thread and kick things around like an older brother knocking down his younger's brother's Lego statues, and I would appreciate that, at the very least you showed me the same courtesy. Thank you.


Now for those of you who like adventure, who like to explore new ideas, expand their horizons, open their minds or, at the very least, can be loving in their response even if you disagree, I am looking forward to what you have to say. We shall start with an hour long video:


Another one here:


Please watch at least the first video before you proceed, unless you are already well-studied in the Hollow Earth Theory.


Good, now that you know about the Hollow Earth Theory, I would like you to take a few moments to think about whatever you can remember from grade school. The model we were all given, that actually is now considered false, of a burning core with magma surrounding it. I think both theories are equally valid. I say this because there is no way to prove that the earth is hollow or solid until someone either goes down there or sends down equipment which will shoot back information.


That is my stance, and I have opened myself to the possibility of this theory due to something I read, before I ever looked into this. I will now quote from Ramtha, The White Book, "Those who believed firmly that the world was flat never ventured to the edge to find out differently, for they were sure it was flat. Those who believed it was round sailed around and around and around. And they were convinced that it was round. But they did not know that it is not round. It is rather squashed. It is bursting at its seams, flat- headed and flat-bottomed, and it is hollow. But those who firmly believe it is solid will never know otherwise, for they will never contemplate going inward to find out differently. That is because they are of a limited understanding, which nonetheless is still true."


It was a little odd, coming into this chapter. You can read more at my blog:


My spiritual path has been a little... Strange... But various teachings from channeled entities have come into my life, and I find a number of things that feel right to me. They resonate with me. However the book which constantly presents me, in almost every chapter, with something I had always known but never knew I knew, or wasn't aware, is The White Book. This whole chapter entitled, "Nothing but Truth" essentially sums up the things I have come to believe, from sources too numerous to name. I have been, in a sense, putting together my own spirituality. In any case that is why I have decided to accept the Hollow Earth theory as equally as valid as any other, because everything else I have read in this book so far clicks with me so deeply. Until I read that, I never even really thought about it. But I think my favorite two words are, "What if?"


What would this mean to you, if the earth were not a perfect sphere as NASA images show you? If in fact it were squashed at the poles a little, oblong shaped, and hollow. Even beyond that, how do you feel about an entire civilization or race, or perhaps civilizations and races, living right under your feet?


There is some evidence to support this theory, though the evidence itself would have to be proven. First of all what if Hitler never committed suicide and died in some bunker? What if instead he escaped underground, and lived out the rest of his life there? The Nazi's had stolen vast numbers of artwork, even something called the Amber Room, and none of these materials have ever been found. Sure they could be stashed in a cave in Europe somewhere. But what if that cave is a little larger, and a little deeper underground, than anyone has yet discovered? Maybe Hitler created a sort of palace for himself and a few others, rebuilding the amber room in it and hanging up all these paintings. Is this really too far fetched a notion to consider? It is generally considered the Nazis were looking into the Hollow Earth theory.


I guess, for me, it would mean that, should I ever have the funds and be physically able, I would love to start an expedition. Maybe rent a satellite to take images all over one or both of the poles, outside of government influence. Then invest in LIDAR, find a way to maybe launch a low-orbit satellite or satellite network that could quickly and thoroughly scan everything. That should reveal any holes or hidden entrances - especially with the ocean level dropping. At the same time I would try to get this Nazi map of passages verified, and updated with modern technology. Find these passages, map things out. Use the old maps as a reference - a starting point. I think that's what I would do.


What about you? Does this make you wonder, even for a moment, how many other things you have been taught since you were little were scientific fact, indisputable, and now you see that these things, which you may have regurgitated unthinkingly on others, are false. Einstein was wrong about the speed of light. It is not constant. The earth does not have a molten core surrounded by magma. Christoper Columbus did not discover America. How many other things have you been told are true that are not? How long will you continue blindly accepting what others have told you? When will you start to question things? Will you start to question things? How many other of your beliefs have you held on to and never tested? Never investigated or looked into?


Maybe there is a whole lot more to reality than what you, what all of us, have been conditioned to think.


Maybe the idea that the earth is hollow and inhabited is a good place to start.

Edited by DreamBliss
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the theory about the earth's molten core isnt just a guess,


and while there's hollow spaces o'plenty in the earth's crust, there is absolutely zero scientific evidence that gives any credence whatsoever to the hollow earth conjecture.


(it cannot be called a theory as it does not meet the rigor required for the word to apply.  unfortunately, the same applies to the word Hypothesis, leaving us to use the word Conjecture for this idea.)


hitler is not evidence for hollow earth.  there simply are no first principles that give rise to things like flat or hollow earths.  mass clumps together into spheres as it orbits a center of mass - that's all one needs to know about the question of whether the earth could possibly be flat or hollow.

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I am all for believing this theory ... if there is any evidence or any good ideas; but I can't see any.

The nucleus of an atom is mater all clumped together.

When I make a snowball, it's not hollow in the middle ... at least mine aren't don't know about you !!!!
When the Earth formed from the accretion disk of the sun, it was a messy business that took a long time, lots of dust and asteroids gradually smashing into each other and coalescing, but they have to be sort of crunched down again and again to make a planet that will last the test of time.

So ... are we supposed to think that after that a hollow would arise in the centre of the planet and gradually expand or something because the planet is spinning ?   I an not sure.   As you get further into the centre there is mass of the core beneath you and mass of the crust above you, so at some point you should be weightless.   I suppose if there was no core it would be hard to get down there because ... you would be fighting against the crust's mass pulling you back up, not such a great place to live.   Well I suppose you could live on the inside surface.

But then how would you get there, you would have no sun ?  No Amazon Prime, how could you survive ?

And it would be hot and smelly.

When metorites burn in the sky, the seem to be solid don't they ?   Without hollow middle bits ?


Perhaps the conspiracy theory thing has gone on a bit too long, and people should be anarchistic and dare to be sane.

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I enjoy topics that rub the nose of assumption, for me it's good training to explore things counter to one's given notions of things.  I particularly enjoy discussing interesting concepts that don't require me to believe or disbelieve, but simply provide a bone to chew, ponder and explore.  It's similar to reading news, from sources that don't agree with one's usual political leanings.  I find it very beneficial to openly explore things that run counter to my comfortable expectations.


No Hollow Earth conversation is complete until mentioning the supposed journal accounts of Rear Admiral Byrd, in which he describes his encounters in the hollow earth while tasked with taking a fleet to dismantle German military camps and sites in Antarctica after the close of WW2 around 1947.  He explored Antarctica several times on his own, before WW2, making a solo flyover of the SP in the 20's which was probably the reason for his being given the fleet in 47.


Of course after he returned from Antarctica (his mission being terminated a somewhat surprising six months early), he never spoke publically of his experiences after meeting with Eisenhower.  His journal published in the sixties, is of course disregarded by the establishment, but it's fascinating stuff to me whether fact or fiction.


Here's a short video exploration of Byrd's mission High Jump, along with a brief intro by Linda Moutlon Howe describing her interview with members of a Navy crew whom, in 1995 in an effot to save a fellow member of their team during a  medical emergency flew over the 'no fly' zone to save time and while doing so witnessed UFO's and an opening in the earth that fit the descriptions of Byrd's journal decades before.


fun stuff!

Edited by silent thunder
spellin and fix link
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5 hours ago, joeblast said:

the theory about the earth's molten core isnt just a guess,


and while there's hollow spaces o'plenty in the earth's crust, there is absolutely zero scientific evidence that gives any credence whatsoever to the hollow earth conjecture.


(it cannot be called a theory as it does not meet the rigor required for the word to apply.  unfortunately, the same applies to the word Hypothesis, leaving us to use the word Conjecture for this idea.)


hitler is not evidence for hollow earth.  there simply are no first principles that give rise to things like flat or hollow earths.  mass clumps together into spheres as it orbits a center of mass - that's all one needs to know about the question of whether the earth could possibly be flat or hollow.


Yes, the earth's core being as scientist's currently describe is a guess, because they have never seen it. They have never been there. They have no idea what it is, and their evidence is based on instruments designed to prove their hypothesis.


There is zero evidence either way, whether the earth is hollow or solid or liquid or whatever. And all we have that there is any "evidence" for this area is what other's tell us, instruments and measurements they tell us about. None of us have actually ever seen these instruments or done any of these measurements with them.


In other words, all you have is hearsay about the earth's core, hence all theories are equally valid.


Also why are you posting when all you can do is argue and contribute nothing to open-minded discussion? You are simply regurgitating out the same crap that you have been fed all your life. When will you stop doing that and begin to question things, begin to think for yourself?

Edited by DreamBliss

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4 hours ago, Starjumper said:

Nature abhors a vacuum:


Another regurgitation, but credits for the video. What I want to address is this phrase, "Nature abhors a vacuum." Really? How do you know this? Have you seen the actual proof of this yourself? Run the tests, done measurements? Aristotle (who said this by the way) lived a very, very long time ago. As brilliant as the man was, his understanding was limited to what was known and understood at the time. Also this is a POSTULATION of his, meaning it is an unproven theory. Finally even if nature did abhor a vacuum, that doesn't mean vacuums could not exist. 

Edited by DreamBliss

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4 hours ago, rideforever said:

I am all for believing this theory ... if there is any evidence or any good ideas; but I can't see any.

The nucleus of an atom is mater all clumped together.

When I make a snowball, it's not hollow in the middle ... at least mine aren't don't know about you !!!!
When the Earth formed from the accretion disk of the sun, it was a messy business that took a long time, lots of dust and asteroids gradually smashing into each other and coalescing, but they have to be sort of crunched down again and again to make a planet that will last the test of time.

So ... are we supposed to think that after that a hollow would arise in the centre of the planet and gradually expand or something because the planet is spinning ?   I an not sure.   As you get further into the centre there is mass of the core beneath you and mass of the crust above you, so at some point you should be weightless.   I suppose if there was no core it would be hard to get down there because ... you would be fighting against the crust's mass pulling you back up, not such a great place to live.   Well I suppose you could live on the inside surface.

But then how would you get there, you would have no sun ?  No Amazon Prime, how could you survive ?

And it would be hot and smelly.

When metorites burn in the sky, the seem to be solid don't they ?   Without hollow middle bits ?


Perhaps the conspiracy theory thing has gone on a bit too long, and people should be anarchistic and dare to be sane.


I appreciate your openness to this given proof, but you have no proof of any other form of the interior of the earth either.


The rest is more regurgitation... Have you ever looked at more than a picture of an atom? Yes, like everyone else. You never got to look down the barrel of whatever microscope they used to make this claim. So you have no more real idea of what an atom looks like than you do the center of the earth.


Also when was the last time you sat back and watched a planet, much less the earth, forming from an accretion disk around the sun? How old are you anyway? No, you have never seen this. You were taught it at school, it is in your textbook. Why do you assume that the things in your textbook are scientific fact? What makes you so confident in the veracity things you were shown at school, the things you later read in textbooks and studied?


As far as the rest of your post... I have no idea how anyone could live in the center of the earth, or how it could even be hollow. I have yet to read anyone postulating how this could work. I am still waiting.

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So, from what I have read so far, there are a few models of the Hollow Earth. There is the Hollow Earth model where everything is inverted - space existing in the middle an the land on the inverse side of a sphere. Apparently there was a friendly cult in Florida that believed this, whose leader did measurements.


There is also the model of multiple interior shells, with a hole going down through each. I think this model also has some sort of sun in the middle - an interior sun if you will.


I think the model Ramtha is referring to, the one that makes the most sense to me, is the one where the crust is some certain thickness, and below that everything is empty, at least to the core or cores. I guess the folks living in there, if they do not have some interior sun, must have some other form of light or maybe a brighter than normal bioluminence? In the Myst series written by Rand and Robyn Miller, the D'ni lived by a vast lake that had creatures in it which lit up the lake and so provided the day/night cycles.


If the earth is hollow and folks are living down there, they would be living on the inverted walls of a sphere. I wonder if it seems any different to them than to us living on the outside of the sphere? Or does the human eye/mind somehow translate things differently if you lived in a (concave? convex?) environment? Or maybe it is so large it appears similar to what we have on the other side?


When I think of this I envision an interior ocean, a large ball of water. I can actually see it in my mind's eye. This would provide light somehow, and atmosphere. If the earth is oblate, meaning squished at the poles, that makes more of a horizon effect with this interior water and the clouds coming off it. They would likely experience something like weather, including rain and times when there were little to no clouds. But would there be any wind?


This is what I postulate.

Edited by DreamBliss

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Toroidal Sphere seems a foundational form among a multitude of phenomenon in the universe. 


Applicable to stars, the earth's magnetic fields, gaseous fields, accretion disks dispersal patterns, the measurable magnetic field of the human heart, the potentiality field of electrons within atoms.


As above, so below.  As within, without.

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3 hours ago, DreamBliss said:


Another regurgitation, but credits for the video. What I want to address is this phrase, "Nature abhors a vacuum." Really? How do you know this? Have you seen the actual proof of this yourself? Run the tests, done measurements? Aristotle (who said this by the way) lived a very, very long time ago. As brilliant as the man was, his understanding was limited to what was known and understood at the time. Also this is a POSTULATION of his, meaning it is an unproven theory. Finally even if nature did abhor a vacuum, that doesn't mean vacuums could not exist. 


Since you appear to be truly interested in the truth I suggest that you learn about how planets are formed and get a feeling for the physics of it.  If you learned how these things work then you could not possibly think the Earth is hollow.  I was studying the theory of relativity when I was eleven, I got a 99+ percentile (better than one in a hundred, off the chart) in a college physics aptitude test, and a whole bunch of other things.  One was the National Bausch & Lomb Award for excellence in physics.  Due to what I have learned, I assure you, that you can bet your life on the fact that there is not a single natural hollow planet in the entire universe!




Edited by Starjumper
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Accretion disk : I have seen meteorites and comets with my own eyes

Volcanos : I have seen them too, swum in them 

Snowballs : I have made them


I once made a papier mache scultpure that was hollow, but it had a wire lattice to support it, and inner frame.   Why anyone else would wish to do such a thing and live inside a planet, seems beyond me.   Frankly this world is very unstable and it's better to go with the flow and live on the surface.   It's dark and smelly down there, in caves there are occasional tiny creatures, but it's not much fun.   If I was a high tech alien species I would much prefer living in .... St Tropez.   The girls are hotter and you can swim in the Med.


Perhaps if there was something that we all did in our everyday lives that would correspond to a hollow Earth ?   I can't think of anything.

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17 hours ago, DreamBliss said:


Yes, the earth's core being as scientist's currently describe is a guess, because they have never seen it. They have never been there. They have no idea what it is, and their evidence is based on instruments designed to prove their hypothesis.


There is zero evidence either way, whether the earth is hollow or solid or liquid or whatever. And all we have that there is any "evidence" for this area is what other's tell us, instruments and measurements they tell us about. None of us have actually ever seen these instruments or done any of these measurements with them.


In other words, all you have is hearsay about the earth's core, hence all theories are equally valid.


Also why are you posting when all you can do is argue and contribute nothing to open-minded discussion? You are simply regurgitating out the same crap that you have been fed all your life. When will you stop doing that and begin to question things, begin to think for yourself?

Its not a guess, and that you are trying to fashion it as a guess either means you are naive on these matters and cant tell the difference, or you are ignorant on these matters and cant tell the difference.   I cant tell the difference which it is.  I dont mean to be offensive by saying that, its just straight up - some people get offended when they're told plain truthful things in a straightforward unveneered fashion, because they have some attachment to their wild notions in their minds.


My simple statement, if understood, was plenty enough to dispel the conjecture.


And perhaps you've heard of the field of seismology, etc...its just like sorry man, you're just coming off as not having done any basic research whatsoever and starting right in with wild conjecture and placing it on par with theories that have evolved and been refined over quite a long time.  But time's not the key for a theory, the key is data backed by experiment, made into a coherent and PREDICTABLE model (in other words, has met the requirements to operate in a purely theoretical framework and be reasonably expected to make accurate predictions as time progresses - outliers are always tricky)


Let's just be thankful academia isnt perverted with this type of garbage thinking (yet, lol) its bad enough they are propagandizing kids to believe in fantasies about carbon dioxide, or muh any moment now runaway global warming......or climate not doing what our models say it should, ok we have to revise our catastrophe back yet again, but reinforce that there's catastrophe right around the corner still anyway....but at least they have models that loosely resemble reality, unlike flat or hollow earth models that dont even go as far as loosely resembling reality, they dont resemble reality at all and are nothing but pure unbacked conjecture.  There's not even any way you can surmise that they would naturally form and would require some omnipotent being to somehow fashion them via some ostensibly manual process, which is patently absurd.  That's what I mean by first principles - mass clumps into spheres as it orbits a larger center of mass.


I'd be willing to be that if the banksters had won the game, they would have been able to regress humanity back to believing caveman shit like flat or hollow earth, just like the aliens did in the movie Stargate.  But thankfully, it doesnt look like they are winning that game, so flat earth and hollow earth can go back on the shelf of pure quackery - soon to be followed by the co2 catastrophe conjecture, once the data runneth over the frauster's ability to hide it via statistical manipulations and other assorted 'corrections.'

Edited by joeblast
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I enjoyed reading about Pellucidar as much as anyone. It's great fun to imagine a hollow Earth, warmed by a floating molten core and populated by dinosaurs and sexy, naked cave-women with spears...


... but that's just a book. The real world doesn't work that way.

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3 minutes ago, Aetherous said:



Just popping in to admire and express appreciation of the pithiness.. 

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It is interesting to see it in a historical context. 



In the 1864 science fiction classic, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Professor Otto Lidenbrock deciphers a message that reads: "Descend, bold traveller, into the crater of the jökull of Snæfell, which the shadow of Scartaris touches before the Kalends of July, and you will attain the centre of the earth. I did it." And so starts an imaginative and lively adventure

Today, Jules Verne’s subterranean adventure seems quaint in comparison to fictional space expeditions. However, at the time it was published, many wondered what lay deep beneath the Earth’s surface. A few people truly though planet was hollow.  Decades before, a real-life journey to the Earth’s center nearly happened thanks to a notoriously passionate proponent of the Hollow Earth theory and an American president, writes Esther Inglis-Arkell for

It was the 1820's. John Cleves Symmes, Jr., an American army officer was traveling around the country on the lecture circuit, proclaiming his theory of a Hollow Earth, one that envisioned the planet as several solid concentric spheres, according to a circular he published, featured by Rebecca Onion at Slate’s history blog "The Vault." Symmes was asking for "one hundred brave companions, well equipped, to start from Siberia in the fall season, with Reindeer and slays, on the ice of the frozen sea…" with plans to slip between those concentric spheres, which he believed were open at the poles "12 or 16 degrees."

For, Inglis-Arkell writes that Symmes lobbied Congress for funding for the epic journey. They said no. However:

John Quincy Adams said yes. Adams was president as the result of a decision of the House of Representatives, after an election in 1824 that gave no single candidate a needed majority. Although Andrew Jackson had more votes, he was too devisive. The House went for Adams, but soon repented of it. The trip to the center of the Earth wasn’t the main factor in that – Adams was a proponent of a more powerful federal government and so clashed with the representatives of the states – but it certainly didn’t help. Even at the time, the theory was considered laughable by most. Adams still backed it, but his unpopularity led to a single term in office, and the conquering Jackson killed any momentum for the idea.

It’s possible that Adams was more intrigued by the journey to the Arctic pole than the potential to find a way to the center of the Earth. His support for the idea might have stemmed from his ardent interest in the natural world.  Nina Burleigh pulls from Adams’ diary in her book The Stranger and the Statesman, excerpted here at

I saw the sun rise and set, clear, from Charles' house on the hill. The pleasure that I take in witnessing these magnificent phenomena of physical nature never tires; it is a part of my own nature, unintelligible to others…. The sensations which affect me at the rising and setting sun are first, adoration to the power and goodness of the Creator…mingled in the morning with thanksgiving…and in the evening with sadness…and with humble supplication for forgiveness of my own errors and infirmities.

Adams’ passion drove him to pursue the founding of a national observatory, a quest that opened him to ridicule from his political enemies, Burleigh writes*. However, he was ultimately successful with the Navel-Observatory in Washington, D.C. and helped ensure that the money from James Smithson’s estate go toward the founding of the Smithsonian Institution. So though the journey to the center of the Earth never happened, Adams did find a more useful way to advance knowledge of the natural world. 




John Quincy Adams, America’s sixth president and the son of its second (John Adams), grew up with every educational opportunity and took full advantage of all of them.

He was educated by private tutors, traveled the world at his father’s side as a boy, read and wrote voraciously, graduated from Harvard where he earned several degrees with honors and honed his fluency in many languages, opened a successful law practice, taught at an Ivy League university, and finally rose to the top of American government with his presidential election in 1824.

And, as president, he approved a mission to send explorers to the center of the Earth.

John Quincy Adams

Wikimedia CommonsJohn Quincy Adams

The expedition, never carried out of course, arose out of a theory that our planet was actually hollow and that there might be entire worlds, populated with flora and fauna, below the surface. That theory crossed John Quincy Adams’ desk thanks to an Army officer with political connections named John Cleves Symmes, Jr.


Starting in 1818, Symmes had been re-popularizing the hoary notion that the Earth was hollow. What Symmes brought to the age-old Hollow Earth theory was the contention that there were openings thousands of miles wide at the Earth’s poles through which one could venture inside our planet.


Symmes offered this idea in a number of published papers and via his lecture tours around the country, then finally sought to put together an expedition that would prove him right once and for all.


So, in the early 1820s, Symmes and some followers and associates lobbied Congress, Smithsonian writes, time and again to fund their mission below the Earth’s crust. Congress, however, wouldn’t give them what they wanted.

President John Quincy Adams, on the other hand, approved Symmes’ mission. But by the time it began to materialize, Andrew Jackson was now president and the expedition was shot down.


Its proponents, however, kept trying and one man, Jeremiah Reynolds, successfully lobbied Congress for funding in 1936. By then, Reynolds and company had either shifted their beliefs, or at least pretended to, by pitching the South Pole-bound mission not as a Hollow Earth theory crusade but one focused on trade, whaling, and nationalistic pride.


That mission, of course, never uncovered any evidence to support the Hollow Earth theory, which fell out of whatever favor it had at around that same time.

Illustration Of Symmes's Theories

Wikimedia CommonsAn illustration about Symmes’ theories, originally published in Harper’s in 1882.

But why did Adams ever sign off on a mission at least in part informed by such a theory? There seems to be no definitive evidence that Adams actually believed in the Hollow Earth theory.


But it’s possible, Smithsonian writes, that Adams, a keen naturalist, was simply inspired by the fact that such a mission might uncover new mysteries in a little-explored corner of our planet.


Adams was the man, after all, who helped create a national observatory (the oldest, still-operating scientific institution in America) and secure funding for the Smithsonian Institution. But perhaps Adams’ greatest scientific passion project was the one that he never quite managed to get off, or rather into, the ground.


<<me>> So, what's old is what's new.  While I fall in with the fat Earthers on this issue.  It'd be nice to find some massive liveable bubbles within the earth.  The truth is we haven't dug very deep.  We've been excavating an oceans worth of oil, you'd think we'd be making some big hollow spots somewhere.  Hopefully there are still some mysteries left. 


<<addon>> as far as drilling leaving massive bubbles in the earth.  Nope (

"..He points out that if you look at the rock that an oil well is drilling into, the porosity of that rock, in other words, the proportion of holes, is about 13%. So in other words, if you take the cross-sectional area that's holes as a whole proportion of the cross-sectional area of the piece of rock, about 13% is just empty space in the rock; and that empty space is filled with the oil. Now, he also says that that is about the same open porosity as concrete.


So, in other words, when you take the oil away, you're left with something which is equivalently strong already to concrete. So you're not leaving a big space. You're just taking the oil out from between all these little holes which are, to a certain extent, in continuity.

But then the next point to bear in mind is that this oil and gas that's underground is under extremely high pressure and that means that as you take the oil or gas away, largely under its own pressure, then other things will move in to displace it. And therefore, some water will move in from the adjacent rock and will also take up some of the space that's been vacated.


In fact, when people call a well spent, in other words, they say that an oil well has become empty, actually, the amount of oil that's left behind can be as much as 90%, because the oil is very hard to get out..." 



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Its not a guess, and that you are trying to fashion it as a guess either means you are naive on these matters and cant tell the difference, or you are ignorant on these matters and cant tell the difference.   I cant tell the difference which it is.  I dont mean to be offensive by saying that, its just straight up - some people get offended when they're told plain truthful things in a straightforward unveneered fashion, because they have some attachment to their wild notions in their minds.


My simple statement, if understood, was plenty enough to dispel the conjecture.



joeblast, please do not post in this thread again - you are not welcome here. The purpose of this thread is to encourage conjecture, not dispel it. And apparently you have forgotten that wild conjecture, the "what if" question, is at the root of all your most valuable scientific achievements.


This is not the place for close-minded people who can not think for themselves, who refuse to question the things they are taught, and who continue to state the things they have read in books as scientific fact without any personal or direct experience.


It is not your place to preach what you consider to be reality at us. It is not your place to save us from our wild notions. It is not your place to ground us. You continue to unquestioningly regurgitate the same things you have been taught since you were a child. You are fanatical about what you consider to be the facts and the truth.


If Narnia were real, and a portal opened up, I would run through it, and enjoy my adventures on the other side. You would either never see the portal, or find yourself unable to enter it, or huddle on the ground moaning after I disappeared. I am disappointed in you, and I feel sorry for you.


I am not buying what you are selling. I absolutely refuse to subscribe to science's current definition of reality, which as I have pointed out to you has been proven wrong time and time again, and will be proven wrong more times to come. I embrace the wonder of an infinite Universe, and a reality I can define in any way I desire.


As for everyone else... A big THANK YOU to those of you who have posted in the intended spirit of this thread.

Edited by DreamBliss
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LOL....just so long as you realize you're operating purely in conjecture land and not in theory land, or even hypothesis land....have at it





That means that...

our whole solar system...

could be, like...

one tiny atom in the fingernail

of some other giant being.

This is too much!

That means...

-one tiny atom in my fingernail could be--

-Could be one little...

tiny universe.

Could l buy some pot from you?


Edited by joeblast

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3 hours ago, joeblast said:

LOL....just so long as you realize you're operating purely in conjecture land and not in theory land, or even hypothesis land....have at it.


Sir!  Yes Sir!

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Hi Dreambliss    :)


Its me again .



You probably  know what I am going to say .





So I wont say it . I will however note your 'tactic' of trying to shut down any opposing opinion right from the start. And also your requests that others give your  opinions (cause thats all tey are ) respect and validity .


Yet  when the shoe is on the other foot ,,, you accuse them of being brainwashed, regurgitating , etc etc .


In actual fast, you are getting worse and heading towards bigotry



noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
  1. intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.
    Thats a shame , as there was some potential originally .
    So,  going along with your request :  YES!  The earth is hollow , here is a schematic for you ;
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On 27/05/2019 at 8:17 AM, silent thunder said:

Toroidal Sphere seems a foundational form among a multitude of phenomenon in the universe. 


Applicable to stars, the earth's magnetic fields, gaseous fields, accretion disks dispersal patterns, the measurable magnetic field of the human heart, the potentiality field of electrons within atoms.


As above, so below.  As within, without.



( Dig the sound track too :)  )





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Hey Nungali


I appreciate the heads up, and I would say that I suspect what you would say. I am not psychic - yet. So there is no way of absolutely knowing. :P


Listen that reply was tame compared to what I was going to post. Compared to what I actually sent to joeblast via PM then deleted. I am not sure bigotry is the right word here. If you read through the thread, what I first posted, how joeblast responded, hopefully you'll see that what I am angry is not so much his opposing viewpoint, but more his, I guess, shutting down, of this Hollow earth idea.


Not sure how to put this... I am intolerant of anyone blindingly following something that they have read or which they were taught, without ever questioning it, AND THEN, forcing these things down my throat, or anyone else's. That is what I mean by regurgitating. They are FED this stuff, and then they BARF IT UP all over everyone else.


I am also intolerant of sheep-like, herd-like behavior in humans. I am dumbfounded how cops can be given an order, and they will go and follow it to the letter, even if it means killing innocent civilians. Soldiers are even worse, but this kind of behavior is literally drilled into them. I look back at how all these German soldiers never got together, asked themselves if they really wanted to follow Hitler, and then pulled off some sort of military coup. Shut the guy down before he opened the first concentration camp. I mean there were more German soldiers than Hitler and his closest followers. But instead they let one, presumably insane individual, control them.


When I read the things someone like joeblast says, I honestly see no difference between him or a cop or a soldier blindly following orders. I see it as brainless, stupid, unintelligent behavior unworthy of a species that considers itself to the be the most intelligent on the planet. It really bugs me and I am not sure why it bugs me so much. I guess you could say joeblast really got under my skin with what he said and how he said it.


Does that clear anything up or create even a little understanding? I hope so. I don't think I ever want to be someone who is intolerant of opposing viewpoints. In fact I think I would like to be someone who embraces them. But the Hollow Earth idea IS THE OPPOSING VIEWPOINT. There is no need for the currently accepted scientific model to ever make an appearance here, except maybe by comparison. We don't need to be reminded of something we probably all learned in grade school, and which is the model that THEY, whoever THEY are, want us to subscribe to. The whole problem is that we just accept this model as reality, but all we have is what THEY have told us. Few if any of us have ever experienced anything we have been taught directly, for ourselves, and then drawn our own conclusions.


Am I making this clear enough? I hope so.


I struggled with this... Because I take things I have read from books and barf that up on others too. But the intention - the spirit is different. I am not trying to enforce some currently accepted model. I am usually proposing some alternate model - some other viewpoint or way of looking at something. I don't think I intend to force people believe anything I propose. But I do want to force them to think for themselves, to question and to wonder. But I can't force anyone to do anything. The best I can do is propose something else, barfing up something I have read or studied or whatever. Make the space for anyone who chooses for some other viewpoint. Lead the horse to water, as it were, but leave the horse to decide if it will drink or not.


Also I have to be loving. If I get angry, if I resist, if I strike out - well that will only drive folk away. That will only give power to whatever it is I am resisting. At least that is what I currently believe. So force and resistance are not the answer.


But at the same time when someone comes in and shuts me down like joeblast did, I want to go to war. I want to find the guy, toss him a sword, and start fighting until one of us is dead. Yeah I got this weird bloodlust/violence streak, even though I have never been in a fight and don't really want to hurt anyone.


So that is the place I was at when I posted what I did, and like I said, it was FAR, far less friendly before.

Edited by DreamBliss

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12 hours ago, DreamBliss said:

Hey Nungali


I appreciate the heads up, and I would say that I suspect what you would say. I am not psychic - yet. So there is no way of absolutely knowing. :P


Listen that reply was tame compared to what I was going to post. Compared to what I actually sent to joeblast via PM then deleted.


What ?    You actually  sent him a PM  ... then deleted it ?


Ummmm  ... is that even possible ?  If you actually sent it .... its sent . 


I agree with what  Joeblast wrote


< eagerly awaiting a rabid ranting  PM >



 am not sure bigotry is the right word here.




I am  :)





If you read through the thread, what I first posted, how joeblast responded, hopefully you'll see that what I am angry is not so much his opposing viewpoint, but more his, I guess, shutting down, of this Hollow earth idea.



Yeah, I read your post above and then I went back and  re read Joeblasts posts . Its a mystery to me ; your over reaction , how such comments could be considered to 'shutting you'( or anyone or the thread or the idea )  down ' .



Not sure how to put this... I am intolerant of anyone blindingly following something that they have read or which they were taught, without ever questioning it, AND THEN, forcing these things down my throat, or anyone else's. That is what I mean by regurgitating. They are FED this stuff, and then they BARF IT UP all over everyone else.



Now now .... I was going to  blast you for barfing up Ramtha stuff ... but I didnt   :)      I dont personally feel barfed on at all by Joeblast's post  . You are totally over reacting and exaggerating  here and trying to include everyone else as being  abused, the same way you  are feeling about it .  


There is soooo much you dont understand what is going on here , on many levels . One of the simpler , not psychological ones is about 'what we where taught without even questioning it ' . Well excuse me, but how the hell do know that ?  I and perhaps joeblast continually questioned what we where taught, even to the point of getting into trouble.  My views, and I dare say joeblast's where not formed in the crass  way you imagine.  As well as questioning, there are a whole range of knowledge and subjects and fields and when information is confirmed 'across the board' in different areas it can support theories and knowledge in other areas.   For example, it is  a common question by some ; " How can they know that ?" ( the  constitutional elements of a star billions of light years away, where  a person lived and roamed from their ancient fossil remains etc . )   As an  anthropologist I encounter it all the time . But without knowing any of that or being educated in any of the fields and  sprouting, frankly nonsense, and then  accusing those that HAVE learnt as  blindly following things  is actually a reflection of what you are doing with this string of new age stuff you have been touting here and getting upset and emotionally unstable. You are believing it  as it gives  (one part of ) you hope  against ( another part of you  that thinks )  the 'cruel hard world' .












I am also intolerant of sheep-like, herd-like behavior in humans. I am dumbfounded how cops can be given an order, and they will go and follow it to the letter, even if it means killing innocent civilians. Soldiers are even worse, but this kind of behavior is literally drilled into them.



Oh , I can help you with that one !   see the  *   below



I look back at how all these German soldiers never got together, asked themselves if they really wanted to follow Hitler, and then pulled off some sort of military coup. Shut the guy down before he opened the first concentration camp. I mean there were more German soldiers than Hitler and his closest followers. But instead they let one, presumably insane individual, control them.


Right , now let's bring Hitler and thr Nazis into it  :)   


You know, some of those soldiers didnt join up by choice !   Do what you are told or be sent to prison camp, or the Russian front , what would be your choice ? 


And why would they shut them down before the first concentration  camp was built ? Do you know WHY thse places where first built ? And  what they first used them for ?  



When I read the things someone like joeblast says, I honestly see no difference between him or a cop or a soldier blindly following orders. I see it as brainless, stupid, unintelligent behavior unworthy of a species that considers itself to the be the most intelligent on the planet. It really bugs me and I am not sure why it bugs me so much. I guess you could say joeblast really got under my skin with what he said and how he said it.



Oh yes, I can see how far under your skin he got !  In a roundabout way, you compared him to Hitler and soldiers and the establishment of concentration camps, cops killing innocent civilians  and then a lovely  escalation of rant up to directly saying he is brainless stupid and unintelligent .


Gosh !



Does that clear anything up or create even a little understanding?



Oh yes, it certainly did . 




I hope so. I don't think I ever want to be someone who is intolerant of opposing viewpoints.












In fact I think I would like to be someone who embraces them. But the Hollow Earth idea IS THE OPPOSING VIEWPOINT.





Nah . I was talking about YOU not handling opposing viewpoints, not some silly concept. There  ARE opposing viewpoints in science you know. Even about the interior of the earth - but hollow earth isnt one.


There is even  opposing view points about the earth in woo woo land  ; what about flat earth ? How that gonna be hollow ? Are you going to rat at flat earthers for claiming something different ?   The ones around my way would try to ram it down your throat and become rather nasty if you refuted their sacred belief .


I think THESE silly beliefs are the ones blindly adopted and swallowed without questioning . They are obviously emotively embedded  and psychologically attached .


There is no need for the currently accepted scientific model to ever make an appearance here, except maybe by comparison.



Hey  ....   I am feeling you are trying to 'shut it down '    !



We don't need to be reminded of something we probably all learned in grade school, and which is the model that THEY, whoever THEY are, want us to subscribe to. The whole problem is that we just accept this model as reality, but all we have is what THEY have told us. Few if any of us have ever experienced anything we have been taught directly, for ourselves, and then drawn our own conclusions.



Why did it take you so long to invoke  ' THEM ' ?    I would have thought 'they' would have been at the top of your list .   Am I one of them ? I used to be a teacher for a while, so probably .


( next it will be  {or I will be } the fault of the  ..... wait for it .






Am  I making this clear enough? I hope so.










I struggled with this... Because I take things I have read from books and barf that up on others too. But the intention - the spirit is different.




Yes, I saw the 'spirit '  of it with   the Nazi , barfing on, police murdering , brainless , stupid and unintelligent    comments 





I am not trying to enforce some currently accepted model. I am usually proposing some alternate model - some other viewpoint or way of looking at something. I don't think I intend to force people believe anything I propose. But I do want to force them to think for themselves, to question and to wonder. But I can't force anyone to do anything. The best I can do is propose something else, barfing up something I have read or studied or whatever. Make the space for anyone who chooses for some other viewpoint. Lead the horse to water, as it were, but leave the horse to decide if it will drink or not.


Also I have to be loving. If I get angry, if I resist, if I strike out - well that will only drive folk away. That will only give power to whatever it is I am resisting. At least that is what I currently believe. So force and resistance are not the answer.


But at the same time when someone comes in and shuts me down like joeblast did, ......




Here is that asterisk I refereed to above







I want to go to war. I want to find the guy, toss him a sword, and start fighting until one of us is dead.





There you go !   You wanted to know above in  your post how anyone could do this . At least soldiers have the excuse that it was drilled into them .  Not reacting with violence and want to kill or be killed because some silly sacred cow of yours had the paper mache puled of it .






Yeah I got this weird bloodlust/violence streak, even though I have never been in a fight and don't really want to hurt anyone.



Thats called 'temper' ... loosing your temper .


You naughty boy !  Now , go stand in the corner .




So that is the place I was at when I posted what I did, and like I said, it was FAR, far less friendly before.



Whats the place you where at when you posted that rant above  ? 


... and  ... where is the place you are at now .




Dude ... you hit a bargain today  ... free psychiatric help and     smarmy judgemental spiritual advice a la  Bhagwan  Rajneesh


all for free !

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On 5/28/2019 at 4:04 PM, Nungali said:



It looks kind of sexual to me ... but what doesn't?     It reminds me of one of the drawings in Moretalk's books.  Just think, you could make a cool sex toy with something like that  :)

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