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Interval Timers for Practice

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Anyone can recommend a good interval timer for practice, for instance 3 min periods of ZZ postures.
I saw one GymBoss about £20, is best ???   Better than switching on laptop every time.


Only Enso Pearl £90 seems to have natural sounds .... don't know if anyone wants to manufacture a new one ???   Any skills here ???
But this item is expensive and looks not rugged.


Any other ideas ?   I have no phone apps.


Would be good to have timer with USB and custom sounds, like bird chirrup.


This is Gymboss, seems rugged but smells of steroids and lycra :


Edited by rideforever

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I have no idea about this, But I always use an alarm clock on my smartphone - for me this has always been enough.

By the way, I found for myself that in ZZ it is better to not think about time at all. 

Edited by Pavel Karavaev

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The one I use is an app unfortunately but it works great and is very customizable. It is called "insight timer". It also offers guided meditations and community also. Worth the 5 bucks I think it was. also sells a nice one but believe its like $108 (which is crazy, I hope it makes a cup of coffee too...).

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I like Insight Timer too.  Course having a smart speaker like Amazon Echo Dot or Google one, both around $35ish, mean you can set timers by voice.


Speaking of ZZ, I like standing to Rawn Clarks Archaeous series, and the lessons are about 15 minutes long, so they act as a natural timer. I wonder if you could find 3 minute music segments, even better if they somehow relate the posture and string them together in a playlist.  Might make for a pleasant experience. 


I suppose even the same 3 minute piece repeated a few times would act as a timer

Edited by thelerner

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On 07/01/2019 at 11:18 AM, rideforever said:

Anyone can recommend a good interval timer for practice, for instance 3 min periods of ZZ postures.
I saw one GymBoss about £20, is best ???   Better than switching on laptop every time.


Only Enso Pearl £90 seems to have natural sounds .... don't know if anyone wants to manufacture a new one ???   Any skills here ???
But this item is expensive and looks not rugged.


Any other ideas ?   I have no phone apps.


Would be good to have timer with USB and custom sounds, like bird chirrup.


This is Gymboss, seems rugged but smells of steroids and lycra :




I've got that enso pearl and I love it.

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