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Wuxing : New Year : Social Engineering of the Unnatural

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Jan 1st and it's time to break out the sneaker for a 10km to begin the year with vigour.   Or is it ?


My reading of things is that Jan 1st is the beginning of Winter, the nourishing cycle, when bears hibernate to be nourished by the spring of life for 3 months, and only after that will the energy be accrued to spring into the beginning of the active season.


But it's not good for business.   Business dictates no rest periods and ferocious new buying and selling from Jan 1st.


My take on things is that Western Society is constructed to funnel all the money into the pockets of a few thousand people at the top, and all our activities direction education and habits are socially engineered to facilitate this.  Of course a few middle men organise it all.


I was once invited to a fancy dinner party in a mansion in Hampstead a fancy part of London, where a Singaporean banker was giving a meal ... a friend of a friend.   He was making a packet in a bank in the City of London.   He told us that he had just had a strange meeting with some gentlemen from Switzerland who offered him a Universal Concierge Service which would not only help you avoid tax on your earnings, but "help out" with any troublesome ex-wives or girlfriends, and also a black credit card with no marks on it.   So you see how people queue up to facilitate you when you are rich.


We are also told that rich people are great .... when often it seems they are not, few are really self made , many are fools with a string of silly ex-wives.


The Social Engineering of our "values" meets with opposition on all sides, and to force what is unnatural down the throats of people, laws are even made to prevent their complaints.   


So, I think I'll have in a lie-in on New Years Day.




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