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All-night meditation to draw sleep energies into the soul

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Hey all, thank you all for the advice on my previous threads. 


Last night, I made prayers to the Universe while lying awake in bed at night to relieve my insomnia problems and I managed to snatch a few periods of sleep with lucid dreaming.


I read somewhere that the deeper you sleep, the more lucid dreaming you have, the greater the sleep regeneration energies from the celestial dimensions will flow into your soul and body to regenerate your mind, body and soul.


Also, I have read in this forum and elsewhere that some practitioners have engaged in all-nighter deep meditation in lieu of sleep. So they meditate all night long, some people do it by staring at a candle flame, some people do closed-eye meditations, then they come out of the meditation feeling refreshed and don't feel sleepy or tired at all in the mornings.


Can any of you introduce me to some threads where practitioners meditate at night instead of sleeping?




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The state of a conscious state of restful, rejuvinating, state of allowing, is the greatest benefit one can possibly have in their life. To connect to the energy of who it is you truely are in a conscious way, what greater value is there in life.


If you meditate before you sleep, and then you wake up in that already rejuvinated state of restful state of allowing your own well-being and you continue the meditation from that now even extra amplified state of allowing. Now you have the potential to consciously perceive your world through the eyes of your Source. And the leverage of that, is endless.

You can co-create with the greatest of joys, in an ever state of ever rejuvination. And the benefits are endless. And you also have some extra time. So while everyone else is asleep, you can enjoy whatever you wish to do with your spare time. Isn't that great? Good for you ^_^

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