
Secret of Sexual Energy

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Wow... a Witch/Drew Hempel dialogue!! The things they didn't teach me in college... :lol:





I wonder how the full lotus differs from siddhasana sitting?

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OK well I would highly recommend qigong master Effie P. Chow. She was the first qigong master I was exposed to and she is the real thing! She states that a muscle man twice her size has no chance because she can just sense where his consciousness is focused in his body and then add his energy to her own. She shoots electromagnetic fields at people as they walk towards her and at the end of her talk the security guard came into the room -- a big white lady. Everyone was pretty much gone -- the security guard says: "Just seeing what's going on in here because the fuse got blown for the lights in the room next door." haha.


Anyway Effie P. Chow teaches the full-lotus (unlike Manta Chia). She's the real thing and she's not afraid to say that FEMALE qigong masters in China get ostracized and sometimes even chased out of the country. Traditionally a male master will pick who will receive his energy to be trained as the next MALE master, and so on.


All of this stuff comes from the Bushmen culture btw. I was just reading a quote from Nisa -- a !kung women healer. I wrote this down:


"God watches the sick person, the healer trances her."


I like how trance was turned into a verb - but that's really how it works -- the third eye creates an electromagnetic field which then shoots love into the other person -- as directed by your eyes.


Still Nisa stopped healing because IT WAS TOO PAINFUL. Trancing in the Bushmen language is !Xia while the word for the healing pain is also the same as the blissful heat -- N/um.


The N/um works it way through the body and the stronger it gets the more painful it is. Nisa states that traditionally men can not handle the pain of child birth while women can not handle the pain of becoming a healer. I guess that's a joke. haha.

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Intuitively I know that woman are inherently more in tune with the Tao. As humans, Love is the medium by which we know the Tao most clearly. Women are heart centered beings, it just makes sense that they would be. Experience bears this out too.


But traditional Taoist internal alchemical means are so male oriented...and so I'm perplexed. How do women experience the Tao in the non-inherent ways, i.e. the satori-like, profound ways that don't happen inherently if not through the seemingly impossible avenue for them of internal alchemy? But then I smile when I realize how silly it is of me to want to know about 'how' women experience the Tao. Typical man...how? mechanism? Typical woman...mysterious. I'm sure it's supposed to be this way.


I'm very hopeful that this dialog continues.


Peace Friends.

Edited by xenolith

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Essentially if a man doesn't have energy to give to a female then it's just not going to happen. Unfortunately because of patriarchy a lot of females (and males) get suckered into being attached to males who are controlled by their sex energy as a subconscious power, along with anger, fear, sadness, worry, etc. This is a left-brain separation from the rest of the emotions creating unhealthy imbalance -- a physical domination system relying on violence.


Females amazingly and intuitively can sense the healing love energy just as fast as direct eye contact and the connection just builds from there through body language and the electromagnetic transmission. Again the most effective means for a male to shoot out this bliss-light is while sitting in full-lotus, which, because of "tantric technology" (the new yuppie yoga trend) is now socially acceptable. The communication through bliss-light is very subtle yet very effective and the females learn very quickly how to soak up this energy. This energy is not limited by visual communication -- walls do not stop it.


Males will usually be oblivious or will choose to ignore this bliss-light "O at a D" happening -- or they might get jealous, frustrated, angry, scared, etc. because they are totally clueless as to how to have vagus nerve internal female climaxes. If the latter lower emotion reactions happen a healer can just shoot the yang electromagnetic love-light into the males to harmonize their lower emotions. Again this ability to shoot out the yang electromagnetic love-light is only enabled after the electrochemical yin energy is sublimated and ionized -- it takes about 100 days to achieve the foundation - where the electromagnetic fields are strong enough to open the third eye. So females are better connected to receive this right-brain cerebrum electromagnetic resonance of the left-brain cerebellum (pineal gland) but it depends -- the more left-brain the female, the more disconnected they are, and it's rare for a female to create a strong enough intensity of energy so that the bliss-love is ionized into strong enough electromagnetic fields for transmitting to others. Females are the foundation in biology and the job of males is to feed the yang electromagnetic energy to the females.


After that foundation is achieved where the electromagnetic energy can be transmitted out the third eye, then the yang energy can be easily sucked up -- even just by females staring at a male sitting in full-lotus. If a female does this then it will activate my right-side vagus nerve, starting it pulsating, as the female pulls in my yang electromagnetic energy, even though I may have not been consciously aware of her presence. The body language communication is of course contextual but amazingly sophisticated. People are normally controlled by their emotions but the female formless awareness enables a healer to "trance" (electromagnetic energy) the "sick" person so that their lower emotions are harmonized through the bliss-light. The sick person gets filled with bliss-light and then the lower body vacuum in the healer sucks up the sick person's release of their lower emotions -- lust, fear, sadness, anger, worry. That energy is then pulled up in the body of the healer by the full-lotus and this is what the mutual climax is about -- and it's the secret of how a healer actually heals himself while healing others. His own lower emotions, sucked in from others or from food, are transduced while in full-lotus, ionized into electromagnetic third eye love-light -- and shot into "sick" people which then releases their "extra" lower body electrochemical energy which is sucked back into the healer and then transduced again.... as this process continues the energy just gets more intense creating stronger electromagnetic fields so that a group healing synergy occurs.


A great example of the female being more connected to the "4th eye" (camille paglia) or the female formless awareness (beyond emotion) is the concept of the "femme fatale" in the West. As Paglia pinpoints the first femme fatale was Nefertiti, the Egyptian Queen, who was the foundation of the West. Essentially civilization -- marriage -- is a caste system whereby the male, to get ready sex access, has to pay taxes to the military-state and also to join the military. A great example of the spread of this system is a book called "Moon, Sun and Witches" on the Pre-Inca culture which was matrilineal. The Incas actually established as "Nefertiti" type system where there was an upper caste of females joined with the elite of the military-state and the pre-Inca females were relegated to basically being reproductive fodder. This same patriarchial system spread from Egypt to the rest of Africa -- AFTER the Hittites invaded Egypt around 1800 BCE, bringing the alchemical, chariot-iron plow system. So the femme fatale is that cold calculating female -- using cunning -- to use up the sex energy of males after she marries into money for military-state power, etc. Such a female has a conscious connection with the female formless awareness but, like a "don juan" womanizer, is using it for lower emotional control -- harnassing patriachry. The only anthropologist who has figured this femme fatalte use of patriarchial marriage is a women -- her name escapes me at the moment, but obviously she's been dismissed as type-casting gender into biological determinism. It's Ellen somebody -- I'll look her up....


OK it's Dr. Sherry Ortner. Here's a HUGE amount of research I did on "sex energy"




So some speculate that alchemy is really more of a patriarchial system because it's based on the blacksmith which is the only caste that requires complete separation from females and the blacksmiths are considered the most powerful shamans with total shape-shifting ability.


In fact Taoism and alchemy originates from Ethiopia and the earlier Bushmen culture going back to 80,000 BCE which worshipped the snake as the symbol leading to the female formless awareness. Under the Bushmen culture it's the women who control the land because in Nature it's the sex that sits on the nest which takes care of the land -- a vested interest that makes sense.


So the patriarchial system happened with bull-based (God) iron plow farming yet in China there has continued a horticulture based farming -- hand-planting the rice. A good book on this transistion in Africa is called "Women of the Hoe."


In the Bushmen culture the women control the healing process -- so if a men goes into deeper trance (samadhi) which enables spirit travel (shen) -- instead of electromagnetic healing (chi) -- the women literally throw water on the male to bring him out of the deeper trance.


Even so it was recognized that the strongest male healers could "talk to God" -- i.e. travel into outerspace -- and could also shapeshift into lions, etc. These healers, like the later blacksmith alchemists, spent most of their time in solitude and were feared even by the other male healers. Otherwise the Bushmen culture, the dominant culture on earth from 10,000 BCE to 80,000 BCE, was appropriately called "the Harmless People" because the lower emotions were quickly harmonized into a laser-type love-light, preventing violence.


The powers in the system are always changing and even out of balance -- the only true harmony is "Harmonia" -- the female formless awareness as pure consciousness, whereby nature can regenerate itself, just like a snake does.

Edited by drew hempel

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and it's rare for a female to create a strong enough intensity of energy so that the bliss-love is ionized into strong enough electromagnetic fields for transmitting to others. Females are the foundation in biology and the job of males is to feed the yang electromagnetic energy to the females.


Hmphth! I bet I could knock you down with the energy I can shoot out of my chest. Weaker sex my Aunt Fanny. I think women are more like funnels, they just give right back to the male any energy given, except in a higher, more concentrated form (although the semen itself gives a sustenance to keep from being utterly drained after a heart chakra outpouring).


But even without a man giving me energy I am self-sustaining--I just need a man to pour out to. I have endless easy energy. It's just on my own I need a little recuperation time after a heart chakra orgasm, to regenerate from vaginal orgasms.

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Interesting. Bit of an impasse. I'll try to help.


Depending on many things that affect your perceptions you may find this to be on or off topic:


For me, the most sexually stimulating woman is one who is hermaphroditic-like in terms of being endowed both cerebrally...in the dispassionately analytical sense...as well as deeply emotional...in the recklessly passionate sense. The union of opposites...the Tao.


Hypatia was this way. There are others.


For either gender, harnessing the dominant expression of one's nature can open the door to the recessive expression of one's nature. Once the latter is known it may be joined with the former and share expression. In a Life more fully realized in the Tao.


Wisdom and Compassion Friends.

Edited by xenolith

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My butt energy? haha. Hey it is funny because I just discovered this amazing Tantra blog post by Bill Bodri -- a recent one -- and he mentioned how the true goal of tantra was to release the tail bone from the rest of the backbone so that the crap of the body would shoot out the back of the skull (not the top of the skull). Strange stuff and there's a lot more in here that's new to me..... enjoy!



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i won't even say your name. you. intuitively. know a woman.

:D Yes. This is true. Yet she remains mysterious.


Like that actually. A lot.


Thank you rain.




Forgive us foolish men. We engineer our satori...you live it.

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Actually I had another PM which got me thinking. Basically modern males are left-brain dominant and we're taught that "true" spirituality can not be visualized -- it's just "empty awareness" or "pure consciousness" etc.


That's why I use the term "female formless awareness" because, as the Taoists emphasize, to resonate with it there has to be a balance of body and mind -- and this is why the Tai-Chi symbol is also the Kundalini -- or sacred snake proven to be worshipped back in 80,000 BCE.


Merlin Stone's book "When God was a Woman" is really good on this. "God" keeps the tree of life (the sex energy) separate from the tree of knowledge (the mind) -- through left-brain axiomatic logic. Normally the two are harmonized through the kundalini or sacred sex energy.


So mind yoga says ignore the body and also relies on a caste system that is repressive of females, as Merlin Stone details -- this got put into patriarchal property law. We're taught that kundalini is dirty, etc.


Originally the snake goddess is based on the female body form as well -- and the women also guided the men in spirituality, just as the Bushmen females threw water on the males to keep them from doing spirit travel (in contrast to tantric healing).

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Well basically as Gurdjieff writes, the West is fixated on duality whereas Taoism and paranormal energy is created through what he calls: The Law of Three. In Taoism and Ch'an Buddhism that's: Yin (electrochemical energy), Yang (electromagnetic energy) and "emptiness" or what I call female formless awareness.


So the alchemical agent stored in the belly of the male healer is a combination of the above three -- it's called the "diamond gem" in alchemy -- a combination of crystallized blood-semen. It's crystallized because it's been "ionized" by the electromagnetic energy.


Ch'an Buddhism teaches that there's "different levels of emptiness" -- this is a really obscure concept but basically the electromagnetic energy is guided by our subconscious desires -- the electrochemical energy -- but, since it uses complementary harmonics, it resonates back to female formless awareness, so the electromagnetic energy can bend spacetime. So the goal is to convert all the electrochemical energy into electromagnetic energy which means it can be projected into a "higher" level of emptiness -- i.e. the solar system or farther, thereby enabling the spirit of the healer to have a longer immortality.


Even still at some cosmic catastrophe such an "angel" will have their spirit return back to the female formless awareness.


What left-brain mind yoga teaches is that such experiences of electromagnetic spirit are just projections of the ego and any experience of emptiness is therefore only temporary and also an illusion since the ego will be reborn in another physical form, based on the cosmic karma cycles.


In contrast to pursuing spirit projection the left-brain mind yoga seeks to completely destroy the ego by literally killing the mind, after the heart stops for 10 minutes, then having only pure consciousness restart the body, so that no karma can accumulate afterwards. With each thought the mind will "empty out" to beyond the heart, thereby creating a "jnana" of eternal liberation.


It's argued that only when meditation is focused on the root of the ego -- the source of the I-thought -- will the mind be completely destroyed, otherwise any spirit projections will still just be temporary projections of the ego -- even into outerspace.


For example if the mind is stopped and the body put into suspension -- for a hundred years say -- when the mind starts up again it will return to the very same thought it had a hundred years before.


Because of this experience of female formless awareness as only a temporary stillness it is considered to be just a product of logical inference -- realized AFTER the fact (i.e. you come out of the stillness and then go back into the same ego-based delusion).


So ONLY by using left-brain pursuit of the source of all thoughts -- based on the I-thought -- can a permanent return to the truth of reality be achieved -- that yin and yang are illusions and only pure consciousness is real.


But what this process ignores is that the mind yoga relies on complete separation from females and the creation of a military-state to protect the mind yoga practitioners (who have let the bodies' wither). This is what became the traditional Brahmin priest caste society and then later the Buddhist empire and the Greek empire, etc.


What's more accurate is that humans of all cultures use music for creating paranormal energy -- with the basic ratios of harmonics being the same as yin-yang-emptiness.


So in Pythagorean harmonics the number 2 is female matter (yin electrochemical) as the reflection or resonance of formless awareness -- the number 2 coincidentally like the kundalini snake goddess. So we can see that the snake goddess is INHERENT to the spiritual energy -- as part of the Law of Three -- the alchemical agent -- in an eternal process of creation and destruction, etc.

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Well as for "spiritual guys" stealing female energy -- there's a LOT of "fake" spiritual guys (new age snag types) out there.


For example a couple days ago after doing the full-lotus routine in a usual spot I went into this cafe to take a leak -- there was a new white dude trying to copy me - sitting in full-lotus.


Well his ankles were not even up on his thighs, so as I go into the cafe I'm thinking maybe I should show him the difference...when I get out -- he's already out of full-lotus.


So the question is how can I sit in full-lotus "for hours on end" as another nearby cafe owner Mustapha told me he's seen me do.


The answer -- the guy MUST be able to shoot light (shen) and chi (electromagnetic) YANG energy out of the pineal gland. This energy is focused by visual sight but is not limited to visual sight -- it can be shot out of the back of the head (say if a female sits down behind me while I'm in a booth so our backs are lined up) ... or through walls and floors, etc. Also it's not just the sex energy that is taken in (and not just females) but also all the other lower emotions besides lust -- fear, anger, sadness, worry. That creates a mutual climax at a distance.


Now to bring this back to the Bushmen -- a true healer is one, in Bushmen culture, who can STARE without losing focus. This is detailed in Dr. Richard Katz' excellent overview of Bushmen healing -- in the book "Therapeutic Aspects of Altered States of Consciousness." This is also described as based on the STAYING POWER of the male -- again internal climaxes.


So in the typical Western culture staring is considered bad -- and it is bad when done by the typical modern male. The reason is that the typical modern male has their consciousness still subconsciously focused in their lower emotions. The typical modern male IS stealing the sex energy of females. You'll see this commonly when the male is sitting their bouncing his legs -- and YES the male bouncing his legs who hang with me are also stealing MY sex energy as well, hoping to pull down my jing, converting my jing back into sex fluid -- while at the same time increasing THEIR sex fluid. They're doing this because they do not know any better. My roommate -- this old pervert - is the same way. So when he is near me my belly gets hot because he's converting my jing back into sex fluid, simply because his consciousness (shen) is still subconsciously focused in his sex chakra.


The Bushmen culture was completely based on gender as natural resonance -- even the clouds were either male or female. The same is found in the village-based Mayan culture (read Martin Pretchel's Secret of the Talking Jaguar) -- in contrast to the current FAKE new age spiritual obsession with the priest-solar pyramid Mayans.


Again what I'm talking about is very radical. A person can tell if you are GIVING them energy and will respond appropriately. Even still if this person is in an environment were such processes are completely the opposite of the mainstream culture then they will be forced to modify their behavior. For females when you give them energy this is used to feed their brain, as has been noted here -- but for MALES, the typical male, the energy is used for them just to or have better sex, etc. What needs to be realized here is that Nature is FEMALE -- that males are just here for variety. Most of Nature reproduces as females -- without needing males.


The healing energy works through SHEN while, in contrast, the male martial arts focus of much of what's on this website is focused on CHI. To increase the SHEN you need to increase the CHI -- so that's o.k. BUT the big difference is that you can increase your JING without necessarily dealing with the CHI or SHEN -- and this is what the typical male does, subconsciously, when he sits there bouncing his legs or staring trying to suck up a females' sex energy.


In contrast in the Bushmen culture the females DEMAND that the males learn how to become healers (trance staring) because only by opening up the pineal gland so that SHEN can shoot out of the males' skull (and hands) can a male actually properly give energy back to a female -- without both female and male being stuck in the lower emotions.


I see most modern Western females overstressed because the modern male can not open up the heart chakra to give energy back -- and also properly receive female energy. There should be an open cycling and this only occurs by working through SHEN -- it's NOT based on building up CHI energy. There should be no fear of losing MALE chi-shen energy. Instead the goal is for a harmonization of the energy or as qigong master Chunyi Lin states:


By healing others we heal ourselves. And: Sickness is just EXTRA energy in the body (that is not harmonized).


I see a lot of modern Western females actually subconsciously GETTING MALES ANGRY -- because that's the ONLY way for a female to collect a males' jing energy, if the female is incapable of from the male. So it's a sadomasochistic dynamic -- get the male angry and then get off on his anger and then the fear is the overactivated anger now as the reversed sex or kidney energy. So the female makes the male afraid and vice versa. I see A LOT of females and males stuck in this endless cycle -- anger, fear, anger, fear -- fed by lots of booze, usually.


Most of the healing that took place in the Bushmen culture was the healing of SEXUAL JEALOUSY. But if you read Richard Katz and Megan Beisle's latest book on the Bushmen healing (which I've noted already online) it's emphasized that the SAME Bushmen trance dances are now being held for tourists, only WITHOUT the healing energy.


So it's just like full-lotus -- you can sit in full-lotus but you won't be able to do so with the ankles on the thighs -- or for a very long time -- unless the pineal gland is open and there is a free cycling of light-electromagnetic energy INTO females while the male "collects the N/um (jing) of young maidens" in return.

The Small Universe practice is the way to open up the pineal gland and works in conjunction with standing exercises and mind yoga, etc. Then after the pineal gland is open you can freely cycle the energy.

Edited by drew hempel

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So basically, we just have to get into a lotus posture when the urge arises, is that it? Sounds too simple. :( What then?

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