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Avast me hearties

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I stumbled upon this site as you do I was chasing someone's posts across sites if truth be told. Got to Tao Bums and am stopping to rest awhile, I think I like it here! I'd probably still be lurking but am compelled to post to a thread so registered.


I am Sam from London, England. I practice some yang short form tai chi and basic qi-gung but have a long way to go. The more I stand correct, the less correct I realise I am. An interest in buddhism and meditation practice has led me to Taoism. Right now in my life I am particularly interested in Taoist principles and Qi in the creative process (music). Any nuggets appreciated!


I hope simply to learn something, maybe make a friend and if I can share my own knowledge on TaoBums.


Although I'll probably just lurk.


Fair winds and god speed




one love

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Dude... you won't believe this, but I totally knew you were going to sign up! Welcome to taobums!

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