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Morality, ethics, perfected mind

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The more one advances on this path (and lifetimes cultivating and perfecting the mind) the less is one likely to lie, steal, brag, swear, cheat, be rude, selfish, egotistic, proud and so forth.


We all have spiritual experiences done siginificant others less so but above all one realises that you are the architect of your own destiny. Mind creates reality. Many lifetimes, many forms, many locations. 


Maha Moggallana



Strive for perfection! :)


Edited by Gerard
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Thank you.


In many ways the spiritual path is the path of empathy. One learns, and learns to appreciate, that one is not the center of all things, and that one's actions impact others, and vice-versa. It is humbling to say the least.

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You are most welcome. :)


A peaceful and content mind will bring all the goodies. But this is not a Cinderella story, we ought to work ‘damn’ hard to get to that  level. 

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