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using the idea of impermanence

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I experienced a very great healing recently when I was in Myrtle Beach.


I went to a restaurant I always go to when I'm there, and ordered the southwestern tacos.


They come with jalepenos, and I really like jalepenos.


Well, the waitress forgot to bring the jalepenos.


So I was waiting for her to come back to the table so I could ask her for them.


Then I thought to myself, after I finish eating here, my dining experience will be in the PAST, and in a sense, it won't matter if I got to enjoy the jalepenos.


It was really amazing how much better I felt. It may seem like a petty thing to be so frustrated about, not getting to have a certain food, but I was pretty bummed out sitting there waiting for her to come back to the table until I thought about the impermanence.


I didn't end up asking her for them, because I finished my tacos before she came back.


After I thought about the impermanence, I felt 100% better and felt no need at all for the jalepenos.

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its a pretty small start, but you gotta start somewhere


there is an old story about a king who wanted a gift that would make him sad when he was happy, and happy when he was sad... he was given a ring engraved with the phrase:  "this too shall pass"

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