
Pure Land Buddhism

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I have a question about Pure Land Buddhism.


They say the "Pure Lands" were created by Buddha. So Buddha created the place where practitioners can go to and escape reincarnation?

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Reancarnation is the wisdom of enlightenment. No need to escape it.

Unless you don't recognise it.

Edited by Anderson

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I have a question about Pure Land Buddhism.


They say the "Pure Lands" were created by Buddha. So Buddha created the place where practitioners can go to and escape reincarnation?


In the case of Amita Buddha's Blissful Realm (Sukhavati), yes in many cases.  But if one has vowed to be a bodhisattva who helps all beings to become bodhisattvas and finally buddhas, then one only stays in the Pure Land until one decides to go to some lower realm and help out beings.  But the rebirth of such a bodhisattva is under his control, no more being caught on the  karmic wheel of cyclic existence.

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Reancarnation is the wisdom of enlightenment. No need to escape it.

Unless you don't recognise it.


I see it as a conscious attainment, something more than an idea. 

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If one can see the pure land while they are alive, then one can go to the pure land at the moment of death. Otherwise, their karma will just entangle them during the time of death. 

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Hello this is Adia,

I commented earlier that i was having trouble with things. This has been resolved.

No need for worry or prayer. I have something to add about Pure Land Buddhism.

First you have to realize that there is life after life. Some call this reincarnation. But

this is not true. You are the same individual nothing changes except form. Habbits and personality remain the same. We can go anywhere. Not just earth or terra firma or this third planet from the sun. We can actually go to any planet in the solar system or moon, asteroid, etcetera. When this happens you can go to a pure land. There are many pure lands. Were everything lives a fine and full life with much friendly converstation. These lands are important to us people with interesting experiences here. Amitabha which means man of life is important for this reason. Who Amitabha is is unknown. The compassion of Amitabha is the best way for man to live life. All people both great and small feel pain in our land of the earth. This pain is hard to deal with. With compassion all things can be remedied and all people can heal this planet. Everything is alive. All have a vast history with you involved. They express pain because they do! If you love and hurt anything there is great pain involved. To be Amitabha is to be love of life and everything is alive. If you eat be kind to your meal. Be kind to rocks and plastics. Nothing is without life and the pain of life will lessen. When one changes to your next form you may go to one of these pure lands and live for a while. I have been to all of them for my life is infinite in the past. You have to be nice to get there they are nice people. Be on your best behavior and you too may go to a pure land and be happy.


So I say to you Amitabha



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