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Taoist nursing

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Hi there everyone! I'm new here and thought I should introduce myself. I'm currently studying nursing in Australia, and am finding my studies of Taoism are helping a great deal. Mostly it's useful in my dealings with other nurses who can be extremely difficult to work with (coming from the perspective of a student who is treated with zero respect). I'm sure at least some of you out there have had to deal with difficult co-workers, who show little respect - how does your belief in Tao and your practice help to deal with these kinds of people?




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Welcome kathrynwhyles! I'm new here myself, but I thought it'd be good to start greeting new folks. Welcome guests make good guests.


As to your question, I've noticed in my own work in mental health that the stress of helping others can leak out toward co-workers quite frequently. I just try to remind myself why I'm doing what I do (helping people is a great motivator), and simultaneously I cultivate a sense of detachment toward other's misbehavior. Usually people lash out at others when they aren't paying attention to what they're thinking and feeling. Our emotional mind takes control if our wisdom mind is asleep at the wheel. Emotional mind is powerful, but it lacks good judgement.


Misbehavior is rarely personal, rather a lack of mindfulness. So, be mindful. If you're into meditation, those skills you develop in letting go of errant thoughts can easily be transfered into letting go of other's errant thoughts (when they manifest as behavior).



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