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"As Above, So Below"

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Go on..make your move.


What do you think this means.


*craves chocalate*

Edited by Cameron

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Go on..make your move.


What do you think this means.


*craves chocalate*


Which definition do you want?

In the Catholic sense it means the rule of dogmatic law, What is declared by the pope here on earth is in turn obeyed by heaven.

To most other Christians it normally means that the laws of God should also be the laws of man.

To occultists it means that the macrocosm and the microcosm influence each other. In other words a human [microcosm] can influence the whole universe [macrocosm] and in turn the universe holds influence over each human.

These are the concepts I know connected to this term.

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To me it means Frans Bardon


also enjoy

Do what thou will shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.

Edited by Mal

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Actually I think originally long ago it was a gravestone inscription--to remind us where we all end up! :lol:


I know it's a big deal with ceremonial magicians and alchemists, but for the regular witch it simply refers to astrology, particularly the movements of the Moon.

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Personally I feel its about diet.


But Joseph Needham think Hermes and his Emerald Tablet had Chinese origins:


Hypothetical Chinese Original




1) True, true, with no room for doubt, certain, worthy of all trust.

2) See, the highest comes from the lowest, and the lowest from the highest; indeed a marvelous work of the tao.

3) See how all things originated from It by a single process.

4) The father of it (the elixir) is the sun (Yang), its mother the moon (Yin).

5) The wind bore it in its belly, and the earth nourished it.

6 )This is the father of wondrous works (changes and transformations), the guardian of mysteries,

6a) perfect in its powers, the animator of lights.

7) This fire will be poured upon the earth...

7a) So separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, acting prudently and with art.

8) It ascends from the earth to the heavens (and orders the lights above), then descends again to the earth; and in it is the power of the highest and the lowest.

9) Thus when you have the light of lights darkness will flee away from you.

10) With this power of powers (the elixir) you shall be able to get the mastery of every subtle thing, and be able to penetrate everything that is gross.

11a) In this way was the great world itself formed.

12) Hence thus and thus marvellous operations will be acheived.

[slightly altered from Needham 1980: 371.]


Seen from this perspecive, pure sitting and alchemical meditation is two sides of the same coin.



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