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The doer of a deed is not the deed done. The deed is an entity all in itself wich envoked is in a relationship with the envoker.

Being in the present means one does no-thing but is only the moment it is in, so one can not exist and do something.

if a person isnt existing as a person who is doing, then the condition for what is happening would have no condition sustaining its being/existence-the person who was not doing would also have no conditions sustaining it as doing something.So niether would exist.

If there was no condition, the thing happening and the doer of what is happening could not be observed.

If events did not transpire, it would be impossiblle to distinguish what was real from illusion because niether would exist. If niether truth nor illusion existed, there would be no Nirvana or salvation, and nolife or Illusion.

If there was no Nirvana, being would be futile.

If a person exists but does not do what is happening,, and isn't a part of what is happening, then they arent existing and have no conditions supporting their existence. Since a person can not exist and not notexist at once what kind of situation could support this manner of existence?

A doer can not do something where there is no conditions supporting its existing and transpiring. Also, a person who is not a doer can not be apart of what is happening if they are not a condition of its happening.

A doer does not exist as a condition of what isn't happening or as something that exists without supportive conditions,nor as a condition of what is, or is not happening because what happens transpire conditions arise and cease.

What a doer does depends on what is happening, and what happens is dependent on conditions, the condition of the doer depends on conditions causeing happenings

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Pratityasamutpada is a Sanskrit term that has been translated into English in a variety of ways. The most common translations are dependent origination or dependent arising. But the term is also translated as interdependent co-arising, conditioned arising, conditioned genesis, etc. The term could be translated somewhat more literally as arising in dependence upon conditions.

Pratitya samutpada is sometimes called the teaching of cause and effect, but that can be misleading, because we usually think of cause and effect as separate entities, with cause always preceding effect, and one cause leading to one effect. According to the teaching of Interdependent Co-Arising, cause and effect co-arise (samutpada) and everything is a result of multiple causes and conditions... In the sutras, this image is given: "Three cut reeds can stand only by leaning on one another. If you take one away, the other two will fall." For a table to exist, we need wood, a carpenter, time, skillfulness, and many other causes. And each of these causes needs other causes to be. The wood needs the forest, the sunshine, the rain, and so on. The carpenter needs his parents, breakfast, fresh air, and so on. And each of those things, in turn, has to be brought about by other causes and conditions. If we continue to look in this way, we'll see that nothing has been left out. Everything in the cosmos has come together to bring us this table. Looking deeply at the sunshine, the leaves of the tree, and the clouds, we can see the table. The one can be seen in the all, and the all can be seen in the one. One cause is never enough to bring about an effect. A cause must, at the same time, be an effect, and every effect must also be the cause of something else. Cause and effect inter-are. The idea of first and only cause, something that does not itself need a cause, cannot be applied.


- Thich Nhat Hanh

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No cause exists indipendent of other conditions and cause itself is a condition as is the effect.

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