
Why we have such a difficult time grasping the Ultimate Reality looking through both of our physical eyes.

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Yes, there is an Ultimate Reality beyond our personal perspectives. We have many individuals on this planet claiming that there is none. But clearly the more deeper you go, the more you understand about our interconnectedness, the more you will understand this on your path.


But once you have finished reading this, forget it again. Since I do not want to cloud your mind with what I have come across. I do not want you to mimic me and think you have understood something, but clearly you have not. You have simply adopted wisdom an individual has gained, intellectually. But you lack experierence. And one can stand in front of you and listen to your words but feel that you are just repeating it and that it is not engraved into your very being through self-experience.


And we have a lot of these individuals around, including myself before I realized this. That I have apparently so much wisdom gained, but all of this wasnt mine. It just sounded right or felt right. But in the end, I didnt come up with it in the first place. I didnt have this experience, so in total: I was missing many many puzzle pieces to fully understand what the story-teller I had listen to wanted me to understand.




When you look through both of your physical eyes. You see the past. Maybe you have come across this in the form of a saying. But here I mean it literal. Our both physical eyes work in a way of transporting images, pictures to our brain. See it like frames/images/pictures per second (like you know from your computer screen, games.. etc) getting send to the processing unit in your body. And since this happens really fast, many pictures are getting fired to the section in our brain responsible for processing this, it all looks like a movie. Like a film. We have perfectly recreated this.


You might have already grasped this in the beginning stages as what we know as afterglow or afterimage. When you look at some object with a rather tired or relaxed gaze and then move your eyes without blinking, you see that the object you have looked at gets somewhat dragged across the next location you want to look at. You drag the image with you, so to say.


Until? Until you blink. Yes, our magical blinking eyelids! Making the illusion of the movie pefect :)


Now what do our eyelids do? They remove the past image and in a very very fast pace layer new images ontop. So you have very little chance to actually see this during your busy lifes. But all of this you can discover and perceive for yourself. Nothing indivdual. Just as this section of our body works.


Every image, is the past. So whatever we look at with our physical eyes, is the past. Now you have an easier time understanding this saying, grasp more of its deeper meaning.


And how do we perceive the reality fully around us?


Yes, that is what I am about to discover more and more myself. Is has to do with developing a gaze with our physical eyes and seeing like a little baby does. A little baby can not see sharp corners of an object. The object (parents at first) fade with what is around the object. It concerns itself more with what is around the object, than the object itself. Yes, with this seeing you then can also perceive auras for the first time again since your body was that of a small baby.


It has to do with much less to possibly no blinking of the physical eyes ever again. Personally I practice this with sun-gazing. You train yourself to blink less each time you gaze into the sun. And ultimatelly our seeing senses will then merge with what we know as the Third Eye and all the other visual organs related to it, most are unconscious of that they even exist.


Will this then make us unable to see with our physical eyes anymore? Will we go what we call "blind"? No, not at all. It will work out like a switching on and off of different senses. Something new is then added to how you already know of how to perceive this reality. An extra tool. Like said, most likely merging of senses.


I am excited!

Edited by 4bsolute

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Do not gaze directly at the sun. You will go blind or damage your eyesight severely.


Even in thogal, the epitome of Dzogchen practice, you do not gaze directly at the sun.


The eye contains a lens. When you focus the lens directly at the sun, it burns. It starts fires. Have you never fried ants with a magnifrying glass?

Edited by Tibetan_Ice
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Until? Until you blink. Yes, our magical blinking eyelids! Making the illusion of the movie pefect :)


This is quite a thought. The blinking eyelids being as the old frames of a movie - making the illusion of the movie perfect. Wow. Funny - I was staring at my new kitten the other day and realized that her eyes didn't blink. It had never occurred to me that cats don't have the same type of eyelids that we do.


So maybe the blinking eyelid thing does have something to do with linear time, as your post seems to infer. I always assumed that the blinking eyelids were for the purpose of just keeping the eyes moisturized - but maybe there's more to it than that...that it has something to do with the illusive time-bubble we're in.


although Owls blink their eyes, don't they?

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...And how do we perceive the reality fully around us?...It has to do with much less to possibly no blinking of the physical eyes ever again...

The way the human mind and body is constructed means that all stimuli are processed a fraction of a second after they happen. This is to make up for the limited speed of nerve signals, so there isn't a lag between, for example, seeing something touch our feet and feeling it.


If you never blink, you will still be seeing an image fractionally in the past. But that has nothing to do with cultivation. If you recall an event from 10 years ago, that experience of remembering is still a present moment eexperience although its referent is in the past. You can still recognise the reality of the ever-fresh suchness of the moment.


You think recognising Truth is about blinking less?


Instead of trying to blink less, try to recognise the true nature of your experience: constantly shifting moments, a constantly flickering Now that the mind cannot grasp.

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