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Colloidal Gold (studies show 20% boost in IQ)

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Gotu Kola, raw Chocolate (coco powder), Green tea extract, fish oil, among others are all very powerful supplements. Nothing yet that I have found can compare with colloidal Gold however. I would sincerely be interested in the experiences of others who are taking this substance.


There is a study which shows that it boosted IQ in participants up to 20%, I have also found interesting information that it removes mercury from the body and brain (mercury absorbs gold) helping many with autism.




I started to experiment with colloidal Gold about 2 months ago, I have been noticing some very profound effects. I hope I can continue to afford it :)



First I would like to say be careful when and if you decide to buy colloidal gold, Most companies sell gold salts which are highly toxic.



This is the brand I have been using, (I don't work for them or get a kickback) They offer 10mg of gold (particles under 20nm) this is an unheard of amount when you realize liquid gold supplements (mesogold comes to mind) offer only 10 parts per million, you would have to drink hundreds of gallons of mesogold or other types to obtain the same amount.



I have been cutting the pills into thirds, and crushing them into a powder then mixing the powder into fresh spring water. I take 1/3 pill daily after fasting ( I only 1 meal a day at breakfast ) so I take this about 1pm at least 4 hours after my last meal.


I have sincerely noticed an amazing change. I wanted to let everyone here know. If you decide to try it please post your experiences.

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Have to check out the brand. Mesogold is excellent:


I did the math of on mesogold at 10ppm, and it seems one pill of aurasol has more gold than a gallon of mesogold. *_*



I am not sure where to peg this stuff, it feels like a mellow high... with enhanced cognition... the feeling is almost like drug induced euphoria.


Hope they don't outlaw this stuff.



What are your thoughts on mesogold, how does it make you feel?

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hmm... i wonder if they sell that stuff in the stores (i can buy in person but not online, no cc). looks pretty interesting.

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Do you take this in conjunction with anything other supplements? Just curious if anything aids or depletes absorption, similar to Iron. Iron and Calcium taken together essentially cancel each other out but Vitamin C aids in Iron absorption.


Have you experienced effects other than cognitive?

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Do you take this in conjunction with anything other supplements? Just curious if anything aids or depletes absorption, similar to Iron. Iron and Calcium taken together essentially cancel each other out but Vitamin C aids in Iron absorption.


Have you experienced effects other than cognitive?


Yes I can most certainly say this substance is very active energetically. It seems to be very active like a stimulant like caffeine, but also very calming like Valerian, Chamomile etc. It seems to be to be balanced in both yin and yang aspects.


I am currently crushing the pills up and mixing with water, while fasting. I take 1/3rd a pill a day. I am trying to get the most out of it when I take it, it is very expensive and I am on a tight budget :)


I also take fresh blue spruce needle tea, I listened to my body when I craved it on a nature hike. Also I gather foods I find in the wilderness, like acorns, nuts, berries etc. They give me energy which seems to be lacking from foods at the supermarket.

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Sounds like a replacement for the sweet fragrance of the golden flower.


It's inside you. Not saying don't try it, just to learn from and let go as a way.



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