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What's this sensation/energy exactly ?

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Hey Tao Bums,


How are you doing ?


I have a question for you about one thing that's happening to me lately :


I am lying on bed (I haven't done chi kung or anything special before lying) I focus on my abductors for a few seconds, then visualize them melting. Disolving. Like a pleasant dissolution. I can feel my mind trying to disolve and the body resisting. But when my abductors surrender, then ... BAM! I instantly feel a stream of "energy" that goes up my spine and it makes my spine very straight. The whole "procedure" doesn't take more than a few seconds.


I don't feel anything else besides that. Not more physical energy, clear mind or anything. It's just fun and the sensation of having the spine straightened is pleasant, but I am wondering what is this ???


Does someone have an idea ? Or it's just my imagination ? But I can really feel how my spine gets straight and my chest gets pulled out. It's like uncontrolable.


I am not an expert on MCO but whenever I do it I try to put my tongue to the palate just in case it helps bringing the "energy?" down again.


All the best,


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