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Do Qigong Masters Have Healthier Babies?

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They say a person's lifeforce and longevity is determined by the amount of their prenatal qi...


Well, is your prenatal qi basically the amount of your dad's qi/jing that was shot into your mom's egg at your conception (in addition to your mom's jing in her egg, I suppose)?


If so, then someone who has cultivated more qi/jing...or perhaps had kids when younger with more of both...should create more prenatal qi in their child, correct? Not to mention, I've also heard that meridian blockages can be passed down as well, so someone with clearer meridians should create kids with clearer meridians, too.


End result being that the offspring of qigong masters should have greater health and longer longevity, right?


Has anyone noticed if this is true or not? I've only known of a few kids like this...but they were indeed very healthy and/or seemed very large (taller than average) and virile at least.

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They say a person's lifeforce and longevity is determined by the amount of their prenatal qi...


Well, is your prenatal qi basically the amount of your dad's qi/jing that was shot into your mom's egg at your conception (in addition to your mom's jing in her egg, I suppose)?


If so, then someone who has cultivated more qi/jing...or perhaps had kids when younger with more of both...should create more prenatal qi in their child, correct? Not to mention, I've also heard that meridian blockages can be passed down as well, so someone with clearer meridians should create kids with clearer meridians, too.


End result being that the offspring of qigong masters should have greater health and longer longevity, right?


Has anyone noticed if this is true or not? I've only known of a few kids like this...but they were indeed very healthy and/or seemed very large (taller than average) and virile at least.

I think this kind of jing is not augmentable by exercises or diet. It's sort of like that adage that we only use 10% of our brain capacity. Qigong masters, imo, just know how to use what they've got. This jing is impossible to really describe, but we know it when we see it.


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I think this kind of jing is not augmentable by exercises or diet. It's sort of like that adage that we only use 10% of our brain capacity. Qigong masters, imo, just know how to use what they've got. This jing is impossible to really describe, but we know it when we see it.


So, what determines the amount of prenatal qi you get born with, then?


If it is not based upon the amount of qi or jing your parents have - then what?


Or if it is based upon their jing - but they can't really augment it - then that same amount of prenatal qi stays constant down through every generation?


And this question has probably been answered here many times - but what exactly is the difference between jing & qi, then? I have also heard that jing transmutes to qi transmutes to shen - which would imply that jing can't be augmented since it's a base energy?

Edited by vortex

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So, what determines the amount of prenatal qi you get born with, then?


If it is not based upon the amount of qi or jing your parents have - then what?


Or if it is based upon their jing - but they can't really augment it - then that same amount of prenatal qi stays constant down through every generation?


And this question has probably been answered here many times - but what exactly is the difference between jing & qi, then? I have also heard that jing transmutes to qi transmutes to shen - which would imply that jing can't be augmented since it's a base energy?

This is all theoretical, but what i'm saying is if you use the old candle metaphor, the jing is the wax, the chi is the flame (or wick, can't remember exactly) and the light is your spirit or shen. The wax is genetic/inherited/predetermined. This idea is in alot of cultures, btw, not just chinese daoism. I think a qigong expert can do alot with what they have, augmented by diet/herbs/exercise and intent. But basically, you get what you get and some people naturally have more 'personal power' ,if you will, than others. But I still think that we use so little of our potential that even someone with very little power can do great things, even greater than someone born with alot of it. Some cultures believe the circumstances you are conceived in have something to do with it, for example how much love/passion the parents had or if you were conceived during a thunderstorm or some other adverse condition, etc.


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Some cultures believe the circumstances you are conceived in have something to do with it, for example how much love/passion the parents had or if you were conceived during a thunderstorm or some other adverse condition, etc.


Right, that thought crossed my mind too...


What their mood, emotions and strength of orgasm was at time of conception. Or perhaps weather or time of day, too? Perhaps these could all influence the child's qi?


I guess ideally you might want 2 people deeply in "love" having really passionate sex and within a feng shui-correct time/place, lol. Hmm, I wonder... :blink:

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but what exactly is the difference between jing & qi, then? I have also heard that jing transmutes to qi transmutes to shen - which would imply that jing can't be augmented since it's a base energy?



If you were to think of it in Western terms (something even most people in the "East" have been trained to do in the past century), the difference would be between "inherited genetic information" and "acquired life experience." You are born a mammal rather than an insect, a homo sapiens rather than a chimp, a male rather than a female, with blue eyes rather than brown, with siblings before you rather than being the first-born child, with a grandmother who was starving in a disastrous famine at the time she conceived your father, with blood type O positive that was interacting with your pregnant mother's B positive blood type (giving you, among other things, twice the odds to develop diabetes later in life compared to an O type child of an O type mother or a B type child of a B type mother), with white skin and a gene that makes it possible for you to transmit hemophilia to your male grandchild rather than black skin and a gene for possible sickle-sell anemia, and so on. All of it is jing, is written in the stars, is reality's memory (tao's memory is the way I think about it), and constitutes about 60 percent of the overall possibilities and impossibilities of your life which neither you, nor anyone else, can change. Now the remaining 40 percent is under control (from the start of your postnatal existence) by your parents, doctors, circumstances, and later (and contingent on what the former have already done for you or to you early in your development), your own. Taking "what they did for you or to you early on" as another 20 percent of the equasion, we arrive at the classic Chinese astrology's very realistic number: your own control extends to about 20 percent of everything that will ever happen to you. This 20% playing field of space-time events is your personal qi-shen territory.


So to answer the original question -- do qigong parents have healthier kids? -- I would say, they have a 20% chance to have kids about 10% healthier than average, but this isn't guaranteed.


By the way, childhood vaccinations is one thing that interferes with jing, since the antibodies artificially created in the parents have been found to be inheritable even in the third generation. So your child and your grandchild can both develop a "genetic disease" because of the shots you received.


All prenatal procedures common today -- ultrasonic diagnostics, epidurals, hormonal interventions during pregnancy and labor, etc. -- interfere with jing. A male child of a woman who has received a course of female hormones during pregnancy (something often done to prevent a spontaneous abortion) may fail to identify himself as distinctly male later in life, and will believe, e.g., that being gay is something natural for him, and indeed it will be, in the sense that the "choice" has been made prenatally... but because it came in fact from a pill bottle given to his pregnant mother, it's not, strictly speaking, quite as natural as if the pill bottle was absent from the picture. This is jing territory encroaching on one's future qi-shen territory. It happens a lot these days, and more with more mindless erratic man-made interventions into nature. I'd say our power over that 20% of space-time events we are theoretically capable of controlling and shaping is shrinking with every new and "improved" generation.

Edited by Taomeow

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All prenatal procedures common today -- ultrasonic diagnostics, epidurals, hormonal interventions during pregnancy and labor, etc. -- interfere with jing. A male child of a woman who has received a course of female hormones during pregnancy (something often done to prevent a spontaneous abortion) may fail to identify himself as distinctly male later in life, and will believe, e.g., that being gay is something natural for him, and indeed it will be, in the sense that the "choice" has been made prenatally... but because it came in fact from a pill bottle given to his pregnant mother, it's not, strictly speaking, quite as natural as if the pill bottle was absent from the picture. This is jing territory encroaching on one's future qi-shen territory. It happens a lot these days, and more with more mindless erratic man-made interventions into nature. I'd say our power over that 20% of space-time events we are theoretically capable of controlling and shaping is shrinking with every new and "improved" generation.
Also, millions of women are on the Pill and all that estrogen dumps back into our water supply - affecting all of us. Not to mention, some get pregnant while spottily taking the Pill, which would directly feminize a male fetus in the womb.


Anyhow, some GREAT points in there! And in related news...

Season of conception tied to school performance

Tue May 8, 2:19 PM ET


The time of year a woman conceives may influence the future academic performance of her child, according to research reported this week at the Pediatric Academic Societies' annual meeting.


When researchers linked standardized test scores of 1,667,391 Indiana students in grades 3 through 10 with the month in which each student had been conceived, they found that children conceived May through August scored significantly lower on math and language tests than children conceived during other months of the year.


The correlation between test scores and conception season held regardless of race, gender, and grade level.


Why might this be? According to Dr. Paul Winchester of Indiana University School of Medicine who led the study, says the evidence points to environmental pesticides, used most often in the summer months, as a possible player.


The lower test scores correlated with higher levels of pesticides and nitrates in the surface water (nearby streams and other bodies of water) during that same time period, he told Reuters Health.


"Exposure to pesticides and nitrates can alter the hormonal milieu of the pregnant mother and the developing fetal brain," Winchester explained in a statement. For example, past research has linked exposure to pesticides and nitrates to low thyroid hormone levels ("hypothyroidism") in pregnant women and hypothyroidism in pregnancy has been tied to lower intelligence test scores in offspring.


While the current findings do not prove that pesticides and nitrates contribute to lower test scores, "they strongly support such a hypothesis," Winchester said.


"A priori there should be no reasons particularly why the month of conception should change your (test) scores," he added in an interview, "and yet from our chain of evidence our hypothesis was that if pesticides do alter the friendly environment of the developing fetus than that might be reflected in lower scores. And unfortunately that's what we found."


"There is something going on" and it needs to be studied further, Winchester concluded.

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