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Hello fellow Taoists!

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Hello there! I am sort of new to Tasoism but have been seeking a spiritual path for quite some time now. I was considering follwing Buddhism but found that I coudn't agree with a lot of the material and found most of it a bit depressing.

Then one day while researching Asian religions I found a site about the great Tao. Suddenly it all sort of clicked for me.

Its nice to meet you all and I am glad I stumbled upon this wonderful site!

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Welcome, Moriko. Nice to see more and more Tao bum-esses joining us lately, it was looking like a real frat party here for awhile. :D Looking forward to hearing more about your spiritual path.

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I'm wondering if a lot of men are Taoists merely because of the martial arts aspect?

I myself lack the cordination to participate in such activites.

My spiritual path is just unfolding itself. I am working on my discipline and its hard because I have been a bit depressed lately and have taken to sleeping in instead of getting up early to meditate, practice chi qung and my yoga. I'm in a bit of a rut but I'm hoping I can climb out of it soon.

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