
Hi fellow forum members!

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I've been reading the posts on this forum for a while and decided to register. There seems to be quite a lot of very nice, humble and wise seekers around. Reading their posts has been a delight!


My spiritual background is in protestant (Lutheran) Christianity. Although I've stopped believing intellectually in its teachings years ago it remains a part of me.


I've practiced Ashtanga yoga a couple of years. It significantly affected my sexual capability and that combined with some of my earlier insights + Google led me to Mantak Chia's books. Which led me to having a Kundalini experience some 6 months ago. It felt strange, hilarious and a bit scary; very positive over all.


I have no spiritual teacher although I think I'd like to have one. Maybe I'll come across someone when I'm ready. In the meantime I try to use my own experience as a yardstick along the way – as opposed to something I read from a book.


I recently discovered/became somewhat aware that I have a huge ego which hides itself very carefully in a guise of humbleness.


Looking forward to participate in the community! :)



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I recently discovered/became somewhat aware that I have a huge ego which hides itself very carefully in a guise of humbleness.


Which leads to a very arrogant holier-than-thou behaviour, yes? Sometimes I let my ego get the best of me and act like that at times, It's an awful realization to see you have been behaving in a way you disaproove of. It's the proverbial stick up the rear end.


But fear not, realizing it is the first and utmost step in letting go of it. Good luck brother.

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Welcome Wilbur,

agreed there are are a lot of nice, humble & wise seekers on here...


Some very self-opionated types too, just like in the real World. ^_^



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