
What is wrong with me?

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What does genocide in Iraq have to do with me?


Or child slave labor?





That's hilarious that somehow


I'm looking for personal attention because the U.S. has a genocidal culture.


I got that same claim against me when on my own I did protests and they happened to get covered in the newspapers.


Suddenly I wasn't a lonely person -- I was someone just "looking for attention" and "self centered."






This isn't about me.


This is about objective reality.

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Chocolate - The dark side of Chocolate - Documentary


why did you just post that link, drew?

Drew this topic is not the place for this. Start a new one in the Off Topic section. In the meantime I've Reported your last posts. Your hearts in the right place but your mind is trying to start a flame war. You're going to get a suspension, ironically by spamming a person's topic about your causes.


P.S this is just my opinion. I am in no way a moderator, just a person up late wondering why the hell you're showing poor net manners.

Edited by thelerner

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Drew this topic is not the place for this. Start a new one in the Off Topic section. In the meantime I've Reported your last posts. Your hearts in the right place but your mind is trying to start a flame war. You're going to get a suspension, ironically by spamming a person's topic about your causes.


P.S this is just my opinion. I am in no way a moderator, just a person up late wondering why the hell you're showing poor net manners.


hah. Child slavery, genocide --


yep now I'm the lonely person


pushing "my" propaganda and agenda.




That's what's wrong with Western culture -- it's completely mind-controlled.


Who cares if you're a moderator or not?


Didn't you see the doc I posted.


Land of Fear.


As Aung San Suu Kyi published her book:


Freedom From Fear


So trying to threaten me won't work! haha.



Depleted Uranium -


nuclear war in action.

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Nobody as far as I know in my family suffers has suffered from depression. My dad is not around and my siblings are all much older. I'm not worried about my family anymore because there isn't much of a family to be worried out about anymore. I have too much negative energy to even consider dating, I need friendship more than anything. I've tried to introduce myself to people and get to know them but have had no luck. I don't think I have rejected anyone's company. Basically im crushed and I think seeing a councilor and doing some CBT this summer is my last chance to get out of this pit. Pit describes this too well, im scared and pessimistic.

Good that you seeking some CBT and that takes great courage on your part! This can really help having a therapist who understands you, mirrors you, and provides that missing human social connection and can help be the example and model for healthy relationships that are mutually nurturing, just be sure to choose one with whom you feel some affinity and who you like, commit to you and follow through. I am with you there in that pit and it is not just words in a web forum, you have my full support and I would like to say our full support.

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let me give you an analogy. people are pieces of cloth.


the first type of cloth accepts whatever color paint is given to them. the world paints them whatever. these people are the ones bound to the wishes of society. hit from side to side...completely under the mercy of everyone and everything.

the second type of cloth chooses their own paint color. this is matter of general society. people choose their social circle, their religion, their favorite food, their favorite actors, and their hobbies. then they identify. i am buddhist. i am taoist. i like chocolate. i like to sing. and they have formed their identity.

the third type of cloth stays white. these people are hermits who go to the mountains and hide. they are loners who are afraid to engage in society. they do not want to be contaminated by anything. they believe this is spiritual.

the fourth type of cloth, too, enjoys any color it wants. one day the person may be kneeling to pagan gods, the next day at an evangelical church even though he doesn't identify with christianity, the next day walking in pure nature. the person may be playing video games on his ps3 one minute, and then do some indian ceremonial dancing the next. this person does not call himself taoist, buddhist, american, basketball player, lover, father, or anything. but he can enjoy all the activities and performs them well.


why can the fourth cloth do this? this cloth has seen his true nature. he is not his color. he can painted any color -- but he is still a cloth. as a human, find your true nature. when you realize your nature is good, all your baggage will be removed. you'll realize everything else--even the acceptance of others--is a matter of preference, condition. in the meantime, while you discover your nature, try everything! do what you like! find the colors you like. people of the same color flock together. but realize...none of these colors are or will ever be the real you. and even more importantly, all the colors that you see other people not them either.

thanks for your analogy, ideas such as finding my 'true nature' seem very distant from where I am, I am trying to just keep my head at this point. The process you describe in the last paragraph is something that maybe makes sense for someone with a degree of efficiency and self assurance in the world.

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Good that you seeking some CBT and that takes great courage on your part! This can really help having a therapist who understands you, mirrors you, and provides that missing human social connection and can help be the example and model for healthy relationships that are mutually nurturing, just be sure to choose one with whom you feel some affinity and who you like, commit to you and follow through. I am with you there in that pit and it is not just words in a web forum, you have my full support and I would like to say our full support.

Thank you.

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It is very difficult to extricate yourself from your predicament - but the difficulty does not lie in huge mountains that you must scale.


It appears that you may have a chemical imbalance and if so - then definitely learn all about it and seek guidance.

We all habituate ourselves to inner tapes that play over and over - they gather a considerable voice inside us.

For some - such as our constant off topic poster here who is posting all of his agendas here in this forum - we see an inner tape that tells him how important his judgements are and we see tremendous self importance intermixed with shallowness - (addressing a topic in which the person is speaking about his treatment as an insignificant and then having a poster who is treating the entire post with personal agenda and completely ignoring the persons post).


All inner tapes are justified - you have your justifications - our "off topic" case here has his - yours is "lifelong rejection and irrelevance" - his is self inflation.

In all cases they become habituations and create a frequency that we become more of as time goes on - at least until that cycle ends - sometimes it is broken - sometimes we are finally done with it.


Mechanical means for breaking off our relationship with inner tapes that are leadening and destructive - are plentiful.

Fasting is one of them.

Qi gong is another.

Going to movies that do not share a similar vibration are another.

Meditation is another

Electronic dating is a good one - you get to go on a date - even if its just practice - you are out and meeting someone.


Look up ways to foster "Correct Thinking", Correct Action and so forth.


You are spotless - nothing has stained you - you are not broken - that that is you is unchanged.



Choose to sit back and view this leaden energy that speaks for you - it is not you.


Perhaps it is time to understand that you are now an expert in something - loneliness - you would be surprised at just how close that is to stillness if you can take your "I" off the ball for a moment.


Fasting may help you find your natural vibration - and it may be naturally quite grounded - if this is the case - simply not trying to raise your energy to some aspiration that is not you may be an emancipation.

Fasting - please see Fasting right here in these forums.


Qi Gong - it is absolutely astonishing how quickly this brings vitality to areas we have abandon - a great way to break out of vibrational habituations.


Regarding electronic dating - be honest - but try not to display all of your dirty clothes - we all have some - just go out on a date, and then do it again.


Booze is a depressant - stay away from it.


Treating yourself like a turd is also not the best thing - so smoking - drinking - eating poorly - these all support inner tapes which are not helpful. For some these things are nothing - for some they are really damaging.


Get a massage on a regular basis - being touched is helpful - and again - it helps break up energy habits.

(If you are near a college - then you are near a massage school where they probably offer student massages at a very good discount rate)


It is interesting to note - a great many sages speak of thinking about taking their lives prior to their enlightenment.

If you understand the full implications of suicide you understand that it is actually not possible and even the illusion offers no grounding in reality.


I hope you have a great message and a fine date after loosing all that weight during your fast and going to all those Qi Gong classes !

Edited by Spotless
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It is very difficult to extricate yourself from your predicament - but the difficulty does not lie in huge mountains that you must scale.


For some - such as our "nutcase" who is posting all of his agendas here in this forum - we see an inner tape that tells him how important his judgements are and we see tremendous self importance intermixed with a shallowness that is thinner than an atom.


All inner tapes are justified - you have your justifications - our nut case here has his - yours is "lifelong rejection and irrelevance" - his is self inflation.



Why people in the West want to ignore a world of mass starvation, genocide and blame it on a "nut case."


By the way etymologically "nut case" comes from Nuit -- the Egyptian Cosmic Goddess of Nothingness.


Nice "enlightenment" claim btw! haha. Oh yeah and your use of "our" is called a "misplaced pronoun modifier" and it's a very common power trip -- "we" and "our" is a means of aligning yourself with a hierarchical power structure to reject someone else.


Who are you to define the group? haha. Ojibwe language is more sophisticated since it has different words for "we" or "our" depending on the use - and so the "misplaced pronoun modifier" scam can not be pulled on people. Nice try though - you made a grammatical error in an attempt to put me down. haha.




O.K. also why is everyone pushing a "chemical imbalance" as if it's some Western drug solution? That's super creepy.



The use of antidepressant drugs—medicine's answer for depression—doubled in just one decade, from 13.3 million in 1996 to 27 million in 2005.

If these drugs are so extensively prescribed, then why are so many people feeling so low?

Because they don't work at addressing the cause.

Unfortunately, research has confirmed that antidepressant drugs are no more effective than sugar pills. Some studies have even found that sugar pills may produce BETTER results than antidepressants! Personally, I believe the reason for this astounding finding is that both pills work via the placebo effect, but the sugar pills produce far fewer adverse effects.

Many people forget that antidepressants come with a slew of side effects, some of which are deadly. Approximately 750,000 people attempt suicide each year in the US, and about 30,000 of those succeed. Taking a drug that is unlikely to relieve your symptoms and may actually increase your risk of killing yourself certainly does not seem like a good choice.


Chemical imbalance is caused by the dopamine addiction of Western society -- dopamine and then cortisol.


Meditation increases serotonin and then oxytocin --- the love heart energy!


Karma Yoga teaches that a person should focus on helping others in order to relieve their own suffering!


That's all I am advocating - it's really not rocket science people!


It's a big world out there - anyone living in the modern West is part of a system based on destroying the planet.


There's plenty of "groups" to join -- but it's not some "cause" or "agenda" - it is the objective reality.


So a person feels bad?


Do they have shoes to wear?


Well then they're way better off than most!



40 percent of the world's population that don't have access to shoes.


It's not enough just to "know other people suffer" -- get out there and help people and guess what -- you'll feel better!


That's the best way to feel better - by helping out others.

Sep 21, 2012 – If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. .... It will not only make you feel better, but it will raise the collective vibration. ... So…to help celebrate yoga and add our vibration of peace to the world Katrina and ...



I know in the West it's attacked as being "holier than thou" -- or some sort of reverse psychology as being "self centered" or strange other concepts like that....


But really -- compassion is the secret to being happy.


You know going without shoes is not just to raise awareness -- but being barefoot will flood your body with electrons from the Earth and this ionizes the free radicals in your body and you will feel much better!


Earthing: Go Barefoot for Better Health? | Fox News Magazine
Aug 17, 2012 – The great thing about Earthing (or Grounding, as it's also known) is that it can ... including arthritis, stress, sleeping disorders and depression.

'Earthing' Advocates Claim Walking Barefoot Outside ... - The Inquisitr

Mar 14, 2013 – Proponents of earthing say the earth is covered with electrical fields, and bringing our feet into contact with the ground makes us healthier and helps depression. ... Tags : barefoot walking, depression, earthing, health benefits, ...

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus
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A little known fact in the West is that smoking and lung damage causes depression.


This is of course standard TCM knowledge.


I can read these energy blockages though.


I had a coworker come into the room where I was sitting in full lotus.


He had no particular expression on his face and did not say a word but I was overwhelmed by his sadness.


I blurted out - "Why are you so sad?"


He looked at me shocked and in silence.


I then said: "You know smoking causes depression."


Soon after that he quit smoking and his depression went away.


I've read this same blockage in other people who smoke and then when I burn wood getting smoke in my lungs then I notice the sadness emotion and I have to clear it out. But when it happens to me I clearly see the cause and effect -- oh I got smoke in my lungs and now I am sad. It's not because of something that happened to me.


Of course if someone attacks someone else that can cause the person to get sad -- but the lungs switch from sadness to courage based on the deep diaphgram breathing then increasing the electromagnetic chi energy of the heart.


So when the lung energy of courage combines with the heart love energy it creates compassion.


Or in reverse compassion will turn the lung sadness into courage.

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aren't the outside and inside connected, so outside fulfillment is reflected by internal fulfillment


I don't agree with this. There have been many people in dire circumstances much much worse than any of ours and they still managed to make the best out of it.


Example: look at some of the Auschwitz survivors or some of the Tibetan and Chinese people who were imprisoned by the communist regime. Of course it takes a great person to be able to deal with these circumstances but they had it a lot worse than we do.

Edited by Ish

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Thinking that there is something wrong with you, is just an idea in the mind that is conditioned. Moving beyond ideas, see the truth.

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As pythagoreanfulllotus says, there is stuff that can throw you off balance like smoke, but food items is also one of them. Your body might react strongly at wheat products, etc.


Also, one quick option is grounding yourself, try just rest at the roots of a tree in a forrest, 20 min for a few days. It might work, but I wont promise.


As for antidepressant drugs, don't do it. These stuff wrech human lives and have less efficency rate then placebo, while also causing the user to do horrible stuff when they let go off the drugs to quickly.

The scary thing is that really many people use antidepressants, and if something where to happen with the drug supply then we would have a rampage of murderers wrecking our nations all over the globe. Do not become one of these drug zombies.

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I agree this deeply ingrained view of chemical imbalance and that some man-made chemical that has only been studied for a very short periord of time is the solution is a bit twisted not just creepy, but that isn't to say it couldn't help for a short time,but the side effects are very often worrisome. I would suggest therapy, support groups, yoga class, nutrition is not to be overlooked, avoiding smoking, junk foods, french fries....while taking shilajjit, vitamin B6, Magnesium, samE, B complex, trimethylglycine, zinc......saffron are just some easily available tools largely without side effects, eating more protein, going to the gym, exercise is so important, just jogging or rebounding on a trampoline any kind of exercise and you will feel so much better. No the connection of inside to outside, is how you treat yourself from the inside to the outside, try treating yourself with more love and start taking little steps to take care of you more, and step by step you will feel better. If your mother told you its your own fault that you are depressed and blamed you for it, she sounds like a complete monster and someone unhealthy for you to be around at this time. That's a ten carat statement that caused a lot of pain though, I suggest writing that on a sticky note, "it's your own fault you are depressed and you are the only one to blame for it, dont come to me for help" or changing the words to "its my own fault I am depressed and I am the only one to blame for it"if those are the words and put that on the mirror, take a look at it everyday, and soon you will find yourself seeing it for the BS it is. You might even find yourself laughing at its ridiculousness. That would be the best thing, "the gates of hell themselves shatter in the face of the ridiculous"

In fact that was the only way I could get over my intolerable pit after being dumped by an ex-gf who was really unhealthy for me, I took the worst statement she ever said to me "You are a piece of shit and I own you" and put that on a sticky note on the mirror, I looked at it everyday, all of a sudden all the feelings of attachment and emotional turmoil began to unravel as I realised, that other side was always coming back, and that this was a relationship unworthy of me.


Cuddling is also really helpful if you can find someone that also just needs a good cuddle, you can go to contact dance for body contact, affection is an emotional nutrition most of us are really deficient in, and it is so healing...

Edited by Xienkula1
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The causes for your problems come from many different sources, "you" are not the cause, family systems therapy has shown that when one member of the family has psychological issues then it is usually an expression of the sickness of the entire family, but unfortunately the one who outwardly expresses it often gets scapegoated into taking the blame for the whole deal. In some parts of Finland if someone has a psychological issue the whole family is treated, and they have over 90% success rate! This is the law of interdependence.


If your mother blames you it is natural to take it to heart as your whole life you have taken her as an authority, but now you are an adult you can start to question all the bullshit conditioning you have been filled up with. There are many methods to do this, unfortunately it sounds unlikely that your family will recognize the need for wider healing so you will have to do it on your own, good luck.

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