
Epiphanies on power

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Expecting others to adhere to the suggestion I proceed to subjectively do that in an objective form :-) and voila emotions flair up... Why can't some allow and consider all considerations as subjective? Oh and I forgive people for what they choose to do its just that they do not forgive me for what I choose to do :-) Oh and please do realize that this seeks to get us somewhere forward in the dialogue and generate productive insights not just going in circles. Here is the crux of the matter to me... are all opinions and considerations valid and welcomed ? I am for all valid opinions and considerations to be presented though I am a bit hesitant of those who seek to derail the dialogue to keep us from reaching the conclusions and realizations required. I have little issue with different alternatives being presented what I have a problem with is with inconsistencies... Why should the tolerant tolerate the intolerance of the intolerant rather than the other way around (the intolerant being made to tolerate the tolerant)?


'Expecting others to adhere to the suggestion I proceed to subjectively do that in an objective form :-)'

- That's what you're getting wrong:-)

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And here I thought we had left the notion of being right and wrong behind.... To say it as sinansencer did (^I hope you chnage your posts to one of a less passive agressive preachy "I am right and you are wrong" energetic vampire tone)...


to use your words "Allow all considerations as subjective. Forgive people if they do not adhere to the subjective suggestion, assume they're doing it anyway". :-)


Anyway hope this does not distract us from moving forward and exploring the issue of how to jointly resolve situations when 'dissenters' insists on 'dissenting'...


Interesting. Almost has an 'AI' feel to it:-) Sorry for the foray in the 'you're wrong' territory. I was trying something:-)

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Probably my emotional detachment form the foray ... and insistent focus on the issues here...

I am curious what where you trying out?

And as far as I know I am not some AI ... you would have to trust me on that :-) who knows if you or others are :-) I would have to trust you on that :-)


Actually sprung to mind spontaneously so I went with it. Trying stuff that I was annoyed by 'back at ya' as is (apparently) said in some places:-) And the response was to use someone else's post. I found that interesting. Wonder how the other poster feels about it. Yep, definitely very little emotional anything there - except a bit of a spike of irritation at the 'you're wrong' remark.

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it is a relief. i wish the truth be truth thread had not been tucked away in a pp log tho. i feel truth should be played to a larger audience.

annie confirms?

grandmaster p , i dont know if you are aware of it or no, but some brooklyn grandmaster p is going around rapping and using your name. no, not that one. this one


hmm bronx brooklyn there is a diiference?

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Nope. Not a Jesuit. His daughter confirms.

That is a relief.


You two should get a room et and K

Such flirting.




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How cool is that!

A rapper called GrandmasterP.

Bet he earns a lot more money than I do.

We did wonder about this a few years ago when some UK DJs started going by Grandmaster but decided that we were far too uncool for any possible confusion to arise. In our particular neck of the woods Masters teach and Grandmasters teach teachers. It's more of a job description than a honorific title. Everybody at our centre just calls me Pete. Apart from Mrs GrandmasterP who calls me all sorts of names sometimes.

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How cool is that!

A rapper called GrandmasterP.

Bet he earns a lot more money than I do.

We did wonder about this a few years ago when some UK DJs started going by Grandmaster but decided that we were far too uncool for any possible confusion to arise. In our particular neck of the woods Masters teach and Grandmasters teach teachers. It's more of a job description than a honorific title. Everybody at our centre just calls me Pete. Apart from Mrs GrandmasterP who calls me all sorts of names sometimes.

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Think I will start reading books like Machievelli, Art of War, Ghenghis Khan, and going over the I ching, Tao teh ching more...There is some harmony and wisdom in these things

i learned harmony through studying law..natural law. all things should be balanced this is the very essence of life. too extreme and you have no life. we are no different. our civilization is no different. as a species we are out of balance!! to find the balance we only have to review our goals as a species!! good luck all..lmao!!

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well it seems to me that you be irritated at the stuff you created :-)

please consider changing what you do that gets you to be irritated by the stuff you choose to do

Some say that coping is the best form of flattery...

Besides from the perspective that we are all one, well I merely copied something I myself said thought someone else :-)


Oh no. Not this 'we're all one' stuff.

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Nope. Not a Jesuit. His daughter confirms.

That is a relief.


You two should get a room et and K

Such flirting.



'Flirting'? Seriously? Oh yeah, you're the 'Hon' guy:-) Makes sense.

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Power is energy in it's yang state. Sometimes power flows through you; it's not a bad thing to enjoy it as long as you don't abuse it, just know that when it's leaving you don't be attached to it and harmonize with the cycles of nature. Blockages happen when you hold on to things too long.

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That is a cool icon / avatar against your name Merceless one. What does the pictogram in the flames 'say' .


We spend a lot of time in the garden and vegetable plots around now 'enriching' the soil.

The horse makes a huge and much valued contribution to this activity.

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"well it seems to me that you be irritated at the stuff you created :-)

please consider changing what you do that gets you to be irritated by the stuff you choose to do"


Let it be very clear that I am presently irritated by you:-)

The above is exactly the type of BS that parades as 'spiritual' when it is closer to gaslighting.

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