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RUSH and electronic drums...

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Here is a guy playing "subdivisions" on drums. I also have an electronic kit that I never set up. I stopped playing years ago, and gave my custom kit away. Sometimes I miss playing, and I fantasize about practicing again. I could get really good now if I began practicing again, but it is just such a low priority. Maybe one day I will go back to it...


Anyway, listening to this made me feel very old. I think about my feelings when I was listening to Rush in like 1990, which was almost 20 years ago, and the song is like almost 30 years old!


What were my thoughts then? I discovered Taoism and began training in 1991, and 1990 was like utter blackness. I remember going to the NYU Bobst library in the winter, all alone, and studying and my insides were so fucked up. So lonely. No future, no way to connect to the flow of life. I dropped out of NYU the next year.


Most people will deny they ever listened to Rush, because Rush spoke the truth about what was waiting for most of us in the adult world. But Rush also kept many of us alive in a way, and it sucks that nobody owns up to liking them. It isn't because former Rush fans are now cool, but rather because they failed.


Check it out!

Edited by SheepishLord

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*remembers a few good conversations with great company at a little place with Aventinus & steamed oysters by the bowl*

Told ya they were good, man !!


Glad to see interest in playing some of their stuff, esp. 'subdivisions'

I'd also recommend 'nobody's hero', 'as far as the eye can see', & 'finding my way'


Of course, I could recommend all day until my lips fall off, there's so much material from them that is just incredible ... listening to them brings a flood of very fond memories through, washing away some of the bad taste in my mouth that I get from just saying the names of some of the new artists that abound the radiowaves now, lol :lol:


There. I've owned up. :P


Anyway, don't put too much worry into feeling old, dear friend. Just consider yourself a very fine wine.

Perhaps soon you shall become anxious of the many wonderful things that are to come.

(and no cracks on how I just think this way because of my youthful age) :)


Kind regards,


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Rush is fucking awesome! Perhaps the best band ever, definitely one of the most influential in rock music (still). Check out the bands Mastodon and Umphrey's McGee two modern rock bands definitely influenced by them. A couple of greats from over the years are Metallica and Primus.


Dunno what Rush fans failed at...


Here is one guy with some interesting opinions about Rush and some other things.

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Perhaps he means that they'd failed at seeing the 'truths' that their music was trying to convey ??

Although, for me ... I don't see how that would be possible, unless you are just bopping your head to the beat of the music and pay no mind to the message/s.

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You are today's Tom Sawyer!


I was recently thinking of a high school classmate that would air guitar Rush, etc all the time. I thought he was being too goofy at the time, but now I value that level of teenage playfulness. He was an excellent guitarist and I wonder if he kept playing.


I love Rush too, but I'll even own up to loving the Bee Gees. Maybe that means I'm egoless?



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"well you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man, no time to talk, music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around since I was born, I said it's alright, it's ok, you can look the other way"



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When I say they failed, I meant that those lamenting about the subdivisions ae now living in them. :lol:



Sure many have failed and "lost their race to rats" or have been "caught in ticking traps" and seek the comfort of the familiar suburbs. But not everyone has. Then there are those that work in the system but live without it. That seems to be a better approach. Keep a low profile, own everything you've got, don't exceed your means, and you can live a life in the suburbs as long as you have to, then escape to the dreams of your restless youth.


Then there are those with enough talent or drive or circumstances that get away with not having to participate in the "system", never have to put their dreams on hold and never have to return to "lighted streets on quiet nights". It takes a certain drive, motivation, or instinct to be like this and some of these folks are fueled by things outside the norm, as I find Rush to be. Maybe they would not disclaim them.


And then there are those who have found the lyrics to be true yet have failed...they "sold their dreams for small desires", or otherwise fulfilled the warnings mentioned in Subdivisions and are reaping the consequences. I wouldn't blame them for not liking the messenger, or the reminder, even if they once hailed them as a kick as band with awesome lyrics.

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Only Rush I won't admit to is Limbaugh. Rush rules.


Just right for the New World Men



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