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least toxic paint remover?

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I was a house painter for many summers while in high school and beyond...There was little available then but now some soy-based products have been developed.


I have heard of a product called: Contractor's Sollution or something similar ?--but I've not been able to find it anywhere as yet!!! I hear that it is green and citrus based... and it works - but nothing else to offer -


I always painted my brushes fairly dry & steel-brushed them from the base down to the bristle tips a few times and then wrapped them in air-tight plastic for the over-nights between each day's work, so as not to use turp every day...The smaller brushes paid for themselves on the job and unless I found an exceptional one I'd rather toss them out then use turpentine in any quantity... Still, The $15.00 brushes did get cleaned and kept after a job!

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If you're still thinking of the paint on your floor. Maybe instead of getting it off you could put down a base coat, and paint again ? :blink:



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