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A Basic Theory of Tao Philosophy

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In this paper, we show that the intrinsic structure of Tao philosophy may be expressed in two levels of state or reality: the classical states and the actual states. The classical states refer to our experiences with the world of appearances and the actual states to realities in a transcendental domain. The classical and actual states are related, mathematically or symbolically, to form a Principle of Oneness 太一定律。 This principle is clearly exemplified in the relationship between Wu 無 and Yu 有, and it is a fundamental characteristic of Tao philosophy. Our Basic Theory of Tao Philosophy is built on this principle.

Following this principle, we discuss a Process of Actualization 實現程序 as a way to seek harmony in Tao in various domains and states. We show that Tao philosophy shares a common pattern of truth with many other ancient and modern philosophies. Our analysis is based on the Tao Te Ching, but the result is general and may serve as a possible step in developing a systematic framework for a Contemporary Tao Philosophy 當代新道家。


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