
Too much Qi at my workplace!

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Ive been experiencing qi for a little over a year now. That is to say, ive become aware of it and have been actively manipulating it and using it. When I first discovered that it is possible to "feel the body from the inside", I would go around all day in all places in a state of constant connection with the inner body.


This connected state usually caused Qi to (seemingly) spill out from me into whatever place I was at. Reality would become "thick" and people could "read each others minds" easily. Its like "vibing" but on steroids. You just feel what the other person is feeling, and they feel what you feel. When the Qi is weak, you have to actively focus on it to get it, but when it is THICK, even relatively insensitive people cannot help but notice it.


However, at my workplace its become INTENSE. I work at a restaurant. I used to raise energy while working and it seems to have accumulated there. For example, I will be driving to work from my home and I will be in a relatively normal state of consciousness. As I get closer to the restaurant I will notice the increase in energy and "thickening" of reality. Even as far off as a couple miles its noticeable. When I step in the door, it literally forcibly changes my state of consciousness. Whatever thoughts/emotions/energized beliefs I had before I got to work effectively vanish, and the predominate thought system-energized beliefs-consciousness state of the restaurant replaces my previous state. It can be really shocking


Usually, this is OK, because the people that work there are relatively stable, solid, not easily affected by fear. Sometimes, the vibe can get noticeably darker and people can get quite scared. At the restaurant your perception of time becomes much less. The present moment is so REAL so alive that its the only thing of importance. There is so much attention and energy in everything. Every interaction, every moment is so vibrant and full of life. So much power. You go all day without feeling tired. Even at peak capacity there is no straining, just a torrent of activity flowing fluidly.


My question is: How do i shut it off?

Its great for learning how consciousness works and for navigating emotional-states. But sometimes, I just want to take a breath and return to normal reality. How do you get Qi OUT of a place where it seems to be lingering?


Ive had good recent success by sending it into other places, up into the sky, deep into earth, into the city. Does anyone have any good ideas, intentional-tools? I realize that ultimately its all just intention and that ideas are just tools for developing and focusing intent.



Anyone else experiencing really intense experiences like these? Maybe this is just me, maybe this is 2012. I dont know.

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Your sensing has raised, the place has not really had significant changes but synchronize with you.

There is nothing special from that place only your relationship with that place.

I consider the place is low energy but it has build a special relationship with you.

Seem to be rare to find a place that syncronize with you.

Else tell the place to use the energy to clear the darkness when you see it and adjust energy for the individuals that are there also for yourself. Stay calm and ask the guardian of this place after calling it. When your sense raise at this place you will see guardian appear.

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You're lucky, pretty easy for most people to feel low energy at work. But if too intense, easy to set your self up for a crash that won't really be harmful to yourself or others too. A few hours before you go in do some vigorous exercise, then eat something and rehydrate. About an hour before you go in, couple cups of coffee, make it black as night, sweet as sin. Things will be even more intense when you start your shift, but coast on down and by the end your ass should be dragging like the typical worker. Then you can see a different association with the place and just temper things til you feel a little more calm and balanced.

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Thanks for the replies.



What about shutting down my personal energy? How do you "calm down" your own energy body? Is it possible to consciously loose connection with your energy body?


I feel like the connection has something to do with the pituitary gland. It seems like qi is flowing inward in that area, and if I push it out, it seems to drastically affect my awareness of both my internal qi and external qi as well. But it uses a lot of willpower.

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I am curious as why you think that it is "you" raising the energy in the first place? What do you base that on other than your own subjective experience?

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