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J. Krishnamurti - the ultimate Taoist?

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I've been reading his books since I was 21 (1980), took most of those books and tapes with me to the Philippines while stationed at Clark Air Base (1982), and saw him in San Francisco the year before he died (in 1985). He was, hands down, the single greatest influence in my life. In a way he validated what I already felt about religion and life in general, so I took to his teachings like a duck to water.


One of the reasons I consider Krishnamurti a Taoist is his repudiation of all organized religion as well as his belief that we should question everything, at least concerning the big issues in life: religion, love, relationship, violence, belief. And perhaps most important of all, to learn from one's own experience.


After leaving the Air Force in 1984 I found some talks he gave on video with Dr. Allan W. Anderson. These were in a series of 24 1-hour conversations, and are absolutely fantastic. I paid quite a few bucks for 5 or 6 of those talks, which I still have to this day. However I recently found a site that has them for download in mp3 format (for free), as well as part of the same conversations on video (also for free).


Right now they only have 5 dialogues for download but add new dialogues every two weeks. I'll be happy when they offer the complete series of 24.;nid=740226.1

Edited by Wanderer

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Right now they only have 5 dialogues for download but add new dialogues every two weeks. I'll be happy when they offer the complete series of 24.;nid=740226.1

I'll definately check this out..funny, I bought an MP3 player a couple weeks ago and was going to post on this site asking for MP3 talks I can listen to..and now you and Sean are posting stuff..very cool..



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