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Training with Oleg Tcherne in Chicago area (January)

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Thanks, I'm a Chicagoan. I'll look into it. Do you study with Oleg? What can you tell me about him?


I'm a basics kind of guy, I did Tao basics with Chia (in Chicago) and Winn (tao mountain). I've used there materials plus Minke's and Glenn Morris's book and audio tape to get a better feeling for the orbit.



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Hi Michael,


o.k. I share with you my knowledge about Oleg if you give me the skill of Supermemory for free... o.k.? :D


No really. Yes. At this point in time I study with him and he is a very very knowledgeable man. The practices he teaches are great and quite different to the Chia-style... I think one can get a good feeling about what he teaches from reading through the webpage... much written there... not everything easy to digest...


His focus is on Alchemy and I feel he has lots and lots to offer... Next week I am in Bulgaria as I was a few month ago to train with him... and there have been 40 students there... this time there might be up to 80... but I don't know yet for sure...


Oleg is not about making fuss too much.... he is pretty serious regarding the whole thing while keeping a good bit of Russian fun...


Go check him out. One will never be able to grasp "someone" from a descritpion... and mine sure does not do him justice. I am a pretty young student of his...


with Smiles



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Thanks for the description. :)


I'll have to look at my schedule and see if I can go.



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