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Sensations in throat?

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Very often when i do my LDT meditation, i will start experiencing sensations in my throat.

It's sharp and dull at the same time, constricting and expanding in long pulsations.


Normally after this, i feel an airy string about 0.3/0.4 cm in diameter flow up to my third eye, but i do not experience any discomfort there.


I'm curious about that. If i can go from my LDT to my third eye with discomfort only at Vishuddha, then it's possible i may have some sort of a major blockage there. This happens almost every time now as of recent during breath work, the moment my mind sharpens and my thoughts come to a rest. It goes there like it's on duty, and for all i know, it probably is.


To the Yoga adepts here, what significance does that have and is there anyway to translate this into something more practical, so i can help the process by practicing certain virtues, deeds or even exercises?



Edited by effilang

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I don't know what 'sharp' feelings are a sign of. Pain itself draws attention. My interpretation is that it does this so you will pay attention and do something (which might include not doing, or stopping).


Any visuals/emotions/ideas come with it?

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I thought the same thing. That perhaps it wants me to move my mind to the throat, because even when it occurs, i keep my attention on the LDT.


Yesterday though, i moved my attention to the throat once it kicked in, and the sensations began to change, almost like it now had the juice to evolve or move to another level.


I don't know what to make of it, i try not to pay attention to sensations and keep my mind on the center, but i don't know if i should help facilitate this with concentration.


I can't see any colors per say, just flashes of streaky, wave like lights every now and then.


I know that i am person who too often holds his tongue in consideration of others feelings and their benefit, so i wouldn't be surprised if i have a blockage there, since this chakra is associated with communication and speaking, among other things.


Sometimes though it feels like it's charging up and it's gonna explode soon, don't know if that is good or bad. But i am subscribing to the logic that if these sensations manifest out of LDT meditation, that i should hold my attention to the LDT regardless, instead of branching out to a product of the former.

Edited by effilang

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Alrighty, I'll share what little I have understood of awareness, chi, light, blockages and whatnot.


"Light" is a code-term for 'consciousness'. In circumstances that require it (even misunderstandingly) consciousness can withdraw itself from the affected 'area' as a survival reflex.


Because the bodymind is somewhat holographic and self-referentiel, this can play out in lots of ways, symbolic or not, physical or not. Anyway, the point I want to make is it does this for a reason/due to circumstance. We can argue what basis in reality some other time.


Post-initial circumstances (i.e.once the threat, injury is over), consciousness 'wants' to 'return'. But because this is like thawing the numb place, well, it hurts quite some, so we avoid a second time, or we can displace symbolically.

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Hmm... Interesting thoughts indeed K.

They have sparked a new perspective in my mind.


Meditate on this, i will. sleep.gif



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If it happens only when you are meditating, then it is indeed a blockage getting cleared out. Everyone has them. If it is in the throat then, like you said, you have some repressed emotions there from not expressing yourself. You are only feeling it in the throat because that is where the largest blockage is right now, and once that is cleared enough for it to flow through the spine some then you may feel it in other areas afterwards. There are also a lot of glands in the throat which store toxins, and it could be the toxins being released from the throat. You may notice your breath smells bad after meditating. Don't focus on it, just keep doing your meditation. You start feeling it being dissolved when you are doing your normal meditation, which means your meditation is working, so don't change your routine as soon as the sensation arises.

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If it happens only when you are meditating, then it is indeed a blockage getting cleared out. Everyone has them. If it is in the throat then, like you said, you have some repressed emotions there from not expressing yourself. You are only feeling it in the throat because that is where the largest blockage is right now, and once that is cleared enough for it to flow through the spine some then you may feel it in other areas afterwards. There are also a lot of glands in the throat which store toxins, and it could be the toxins being released from the throat. You may notice your breath smells bad after meditating. Don't focus on it, just keep doing your meditation. You start feeling it being dissolved when you are doing your normal meditation, which means your meditation is working, so don't change your routine as soon as the sensation arises.

I tend to agree with Phosphor,it seems like a blockage.sometimes I have some blockage in the "heart chakra",mainly when I am meditating without clear before any bad my case the blockage is in the heart area but I am aware of a friend that had a similar blockage in the throat area same cause.

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Very often when i do my LDT meditation, i will start experiencing sensations in my throat.

It's sharp and dull at the same time, constricting and expanding in long pulsations.

If your feeling starts below sternum and then at the throat that could be GERD. I have had this condition for some time. What happens is the sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus can get weak. That may result in some feedback from the stomach to the throat. This not necessarily results in the acid reflux and may be just nerve signalling. For me the sensation has been so strong that I haven't been able to do either deep abdominal breathing or reverse breathing.

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