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Salute her bravery for attempting to tackle such a massive subject.


She says everything arise from no thing, and then she also says there is only just this moment. If there is only just this moment, where is the arising, where is the ceasing in to 'no thingness'? What arises and what ceases? Where is the gap, or the cut off/cut in point?

Edited by C T
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Salute her bravery for attempting to tackle such a massive subject.


She says everything arise from no thing, and then she also says there is only just this moment. If there is only just this moment, where is the arising, where is the ceasing in to 'no thingness'? What arises and what ceases? Where is the gap, or the cut off/cut in point?



<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< . >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


I hope that helps.



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