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Mental Clarity and QIGONG

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Does anyone know of good techniques for achieving mental clarity? Im feeling like I have stagnant chi in my head and im trying to clear it out. Dull Dull dull


It seems weird, the times when i had extreme* clarity were when my head was empty of chi.. it was all in my lower body.


Then again, when you get a strong flow of chi to the head some seriously amazing things can happen.


Whats going on here! Whats the answer!? Give me the qigong movement for ultimate clarity!

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14 Movements by Circlebeauty This is a nice teaching of how to do the 14 movements.


You should feel much better after you do this but before starting these movements I suggest doing the breathing exercise.


Do all of the 14 movements and even after that, you can proceed to do the breathing exercise as well as other movements in Qigong. (She puts a focus on the physical healing that these movements do but the exercise itself and doing it should help relieve your head and if not, then you should proceed to do more specific chakra cleansing exercises. Google is your friend my dear.)


This has actually inspired me to do the same today so thank you and good luck!

Edited by iamtheare

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Here are a few cents I like:-) Go outside and exercise. Breath in the fine clear air. Rest in the sunshine. Sleep well. Drink clean water.

Don't strain your thinking. Don't overload on crap programming. Check out your diet for brain-fogging foods (mostly refined carbs). Check out the breathing threads:-)

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