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Today I read something interesting about Kundalini being an "inflammatory" nervous/neural response. One could ask 'response to what?' "Damage", as would be the case for other forms of inflammation I guess?


I don't mean this as an offense to the Consciousness aspect of it. My understanding in that respect is better explained to myself in other terms I like better :-) But I have noticed online quite a tendency to explain K in neural/nervous system/bio-energy terms most recently.


Anyway, given that from what I've gathered through doing qi-gong: bringing attention to places brings qi and blood to that same area, I'm thinking in some cases, you really don't want/need any more qi and blood to go to certain places. And if it does go there, does it de-whack the rest? Perhaps per the 5E cycle? And would that be one of the "whys" qi-gong is a good 'antidote' to K-issues?


This idea kind of suggests that qi in people is circulating inside the closed system of the individual. But as I've figured, qi is not just local. It gets transferred from people to people, from the environment to people. In fact, it really doesn't have any boundaries, although it does seem to have preferred patterns.


I dunno, I'm in musing/questioning mode again. Any ideas?

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I have a developing hunch or hypothesis that inflammation/rashes in detoxing is usually anger leaving the body?

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I don't associate kundalini sensations with inflammation. However, those sensations are of different kinds. Mine feel like heat, while I've heard other people feel them as water or electricity or something else. What I do notice is that if I allow the heat to remain in one place too long, that place can get sick and in particular the sickness will be related to drying out and heat. So a typical example, fire in the eyes will result in a dry eye. Fire in the skin can result in flaky skin. Fire in the tendons can result in tendons getting worn out faster. But fire is not automatically bad. Fire can also be healing. I notice that fire has moods. Angry fire is different from soothing fire. But generally I tend to think that I don't want any of these sensations in my body and for the most part I don't experience them. If they start showing up I intend to return to stasis and the sensation disappear. If I get angry, I sometimes allow myself to feel heat in various parts of my body, but if I do that too much I pay for it later. I've also sometimes done water visualizations to counteract the fire effects.

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1. Today I read something interesting about Kundalini being an "inflammatory" nervous/neural response. One could ask 'response to what?' "Damage", as would be the case for other forms of inflammation I guess?


2. I don't mean this as an offense to the Consciousness aspect of it. My understanding in that respect is better explained to myself in other terms I like better :-) But I have noticed online quite a tendency to explain K in neural/nervous system/bio-energy terms most recently.


3. Anyway, given that from what I've gathered through doing qi-gong: bringing attention to places brings qi and blood to that same area, I'm thinking in some cases, you really don't want/need any more qi and blood to go to certain places. And if it does go there, does it de-whack the rest? Perhaps per the 5E cycle? And would that be one of the "whys" qi-gong is a good 'antidote' to K-issues?


4. This idea kind of suggests that qi in people is circulating inside the closed system of the individual. But as I've figured, qi is not just local. It gets transferred from people to people, from the environment to people. In fact, it really doesn't have any boundaries, although it does seem to have preferred patterns.


I dunno, I'm in musing/questioning mode again. Any ideas?


2. Yes, K, you are right. When I am in doubt, I always go to other sources for answers. Besides rely on or paying too much attention to the Consciousness aspect of it, I would like to compare notes with modern science and see what was missing from the past without any modern technology for verification.


1. An "inflammatory" nervous/neural response. One could ask 'response to what?' "Damage" is correct. Inflammatory was due to the damaged body tissues cause the cell fluids, matrix, to leak outside the cell walls. This fluids are flowing in between the walls of the cells causing swelling in the infected area.


3. What Chi Kung does was to increase the amount of oxygen in the body to speed up the metabolism rate in the production of ATP for the healing process. The more ATP was generated, the missing number red and white blood cells will be generated to speed up the healing process for the infected area. Hence, that was why you have heard some of the members here testified that they heal much faster from a small cut.


4. My only concern is the Chi flow inside me rather than flow from people to people. It was because it is beyond my comprehension. I would like to consider the kind of Chi that is flowing in my body is the oxygen molecule. My justification for that is I only know the kind of Chi I am breathing into my respiratory system is in a form of oxygen. Others may think of it as Chi or interpret as something else. Perhaps, I can think that I can breathing as much Chi into my body without the oxygen attached, I would be a dead duck in few minutes.

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