
OMG! A Huge Raw Foods Bodybuilder!

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are you saying that these shaolin monks are different?



these vegan monks look pretty bulked and more importantly, strong to me


How many meat-eating bodybuilders can wrestle a cow into the ground?


I was mostly just questioning the validity of 80/10/10 RW style diet endorsed by the dogmatic 30bad crowd. I doubt that the diet of those shaolin monks is anything close to that. And I would say they actually are pretty different from your average western guy (and average TTB guy), due to the way they live.


But yea, probably you can do that on a 100% vegan diet too if you know what you're doing. But I wouldn't attribute the monks' strength to being vegan, I think that's a bit silly. In general I think a vegan diet is not optimal as it seems to me that the human body works better with some animal product input. But if you have strong ethical reasons for not eating anything animal then that's what you got to do..

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Hey Tactile, just had to comment on your info. We seem to have a lot in common musically...I played clarinet in school and currently play guitar.


Excellent choices, imho ;)




Thanks for advice, Astral. If I can get going on a diet I'll probably start a personal practice journal here so I can put all my experiences down.

Edited by Cat Pillar

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As for the cravings, most of it is parasite related if on the physical level. Get rid of the yeast/mold/fungus etc which feed on fermentation (starches, cheese, dairy), and you should be good. The only enemy from that point on is your mind. Obviously you still remember the "sensations" you got from those foods, you just need to reprogram your mind to recognize those feelings as illusory because if you were to eat those foods now (after you've detoxed a bit) they'll taste terrible and make you feel terrible. Then again if you eat enough fruit, the mind will get it's glucose and probably won't send any "I need energy" signals nor should it desire anything.


Cat if you consider doing a fruit diet and need some inspiration, look up doug graham and the 80/10/10 book. You can also check out sites like 30bananasaday.com . These guys are hard core fruit eaters and have plenty of good advice on how to make it work. Idk if you practice spontaneous qigong at all, but if you do you'll notice another little perk in regards to that while on a fruit diet ;)




What's wrong with taking starches, cheese and dairy?


There are plenty of vegetable starches which will help one, especially athletes with their energy needs.

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What's wrong with taking starches, cheese and dairy?


There are plenty of vegetable starches which will help one, especially athletes with their energy needs.


When did I say starches were "wrong". And why would you even use such a subjective word? For me they're wrong because of my beliefs and my goals. For someone who doesn't share those beliefs or goals perhaps they are "right", but these silly subjective terms don't belong in the context of objectivity.


Starches, cheese and dairy ferment, or have the tendency to ferment. Also starches take energy to break down, whereas simple sugars are absorbed immediately and effortlessly. You get more net energy because you're feeding the body the raw materials it "needs" instead of giving it grosser matter it has to spend energy breaking down. (just like feeding it amino acids instead of protein). Plus starches have to be cooked and are thus enzyme deficient, causing more energy to go towards creating those enzymes and more energy in digestion and elimination. Starches are just a waste of energy imo.


If you want to go further, look up my only post in "off topic" and download the "Mucusless diet healing system" by dr arnold ehret. He did an experiment that showed the sugar from starches were mostly unusable by the body and left behind a "paste" or "glue" like substance that clogs up the system over time. He did the same experiment with "fruit sugar" and found that it was completely utilized by the body with little to no residue. Yogis tend to prefer (raw)milk and fruit because they leave the least amount of residue in the colon. Do an experiment, eat nothing but breads and cheeses for a week, then eat nothing but fruit for a week. See if your bowel movements leave more or less "residue" (meaning if you have to wipe more or not, not how much comes out).


Lastly the fermented lactose sugar and likely fermentation of the starch is the ideal food source for anaerobic microbes (yeast mold fungus bacteria virus parasites). Normally glucose is broken down into pyruvate and, in the presence of abundant oxygen, the mitochondria turns that into ATP which is energy for the body. But if that sugar instead ferments then it feed not only the body but also the microbes which take up residence in your body. If there is no fermentation then there is no food for these bugs thus they cannot survive. However it's not uncommon for them to cause you to crave starches and dairy and such so they can continue to survive. Also the more fermentation that takes place, the more anaerobic microbes that infest your body, the lower the cellular oxygen, which means you get less energy ATP because the mitochondria cannot function properly. Of course this doesn't occur for quite some time, but when it does...Well you've heard of Otto Warburg, the man who showed that cancer was caused by the mitochondria's inability to create ATP, thus sugar fermentation and that cancer cannot thrive in a high oxygen environment... I would pose that our bodies have been radically altered over generations and we've reached a point where we're either going to wake up and start the "journey home" or die. Of course I mean our vessel, not the REAL us, but you get the idea.


MOST importantly though is the effect on consciousness and energetic sensitivity. I have found that fruit and fruit alone is the ideal food for increasing awareness of the body, mind and emotions, and increases sensitivity to energy and auras. This is a personal discovery of mine. Fasting does it too, but is often too extreme to handle, the fruit is a "lighter" version of fasting. It's an ideal transition to inedia as once you've adapted to the vibration of living on fruits, fasting becomes MUCH easier, although should still be a gentle evolution (unless for whatever reason you're pressed for time). But starches simply don't do it, they're too "heavy" and dairy is too "thick", fruit alone is "light" and "clear". The reason I am such a supporter of the fruit diet is because it does to me the same thing kunlun does to me. I noticed that when I had stopped the practice. I went fruitarian for a time and I noticed the same things in kunlun started occurring during my fruit experiment. I had a heightened sensitivity, I felt light, young, everything was more colorful and alive, I was more aware of my emotions and they often surfaced, I was more aware of others' energy and my own, my thoughts were clearer, etc. Now I'm beginning to combine the two... B)


Again all of the above is simply my opinion based on my experience and the experiences of others.


Edited by Astral_Anima

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When did I say starches were "wrong". And why would you even use such a subjective word? For me they're wrong because of my beliefs and my goals. For someone who doesn't share those beliefs or goals perhaps they are "right", but these silly subjective terms don't belong in the context of objectivity.


Starches, cheese and dairy ferment, or have the tendency to ferment. Also starches take energy to break down, whereas simple sugars are absorbed immediately and effortlessly. You get more net energy because you're feeding the body the raw materials it "needs" instead of giving it grosser matter it has to spend energy breaking down. (just like feeding it amino acids instead of protein). Plus starches have to be cooked and are thus enzyme deficient, causing more energy to go towards creating those enzymes and more energy in digestion and elimination. Starches are just a waste of energy imo.


If you want to go further, look up my only post in "off topic" and download the "Mucusless diet healing system" by dr arnold ehret. He did an experiment that showed the sugar from starches were mostly unusable by the body and left behind a "paste" or "glue" like substance that clogs up the system over time. He did the same experiment with "fruit sugar" and found that it was completely utilized by the body with little to no residue. Yogis tend to prefer (raw)milk and fruit because they leave the least amount of residue in the colon. Do an experiment, eat nothing but breads and cheeses for a week, then eat nothing but fruit for a week. See if your bowel movements leave more or less "residue" (meaning if you have to wipe more or not, not how much comes out).


Lastly the fermented lactose sugar and likely fermentation of the starch is the ideal food source for anaerobic microbes (yeast mold fungus bacteria virus parasites). Normally glucose is broken down into pyruvate and, in the presence of abundant oxygen, the mitochondria turns that into ATP which is energy for the body. But if that sugar instead ferments then it feed not only the body but also the microbes which take up residence in your body. If there is no fermentation then there is no food for these bugs thus they cannot survive. However it's not uncommon for them to cause you to crave starches and dairy and such so they can continue to survive. Also the more fermentation that takes place, the more anaerobic microbes that infest your body, the lower the cellular oxygen, which means you get less energy ATP because the mitochondria cannot function properly. Of course this doesn't occur for quite some time, but when it does...Well you've heard of Otto Warburg, the man who showed that cancer was caused by the mitochondria's inability to create ATP, thus sugar fermentation and that cancer cannot thrive in a high oxygen environment... I would pose that our bodies have been radically altered over generations and we've reached a point where we're either going to wake up and start the "journey home" or die. Of course I mean our vessel, not the REAL us, but you get the idea.


MOST importantly though is the effect on consciousness and energetic sensitivity. I have found that fruit and fruit alone is the ideal food for increasing awareness of the body, mind and emotions, and increases sensitivity to energy and auras. This is a personal discovery of mine. Fasting does it too, but is often too extreme to handle, the fruit is a "lighter" version of fasting. It's an ideal transition to inedia as once you've adapted to the vibration of living on fruits, fasting becomes MUCH easier, although should still be a gentle evolution (unless for whatever reason you're pressed for time). But starches simply don't do it, they're too "heavy" and dairy is too "thick", fruit alone is "light" and "clear". The reason I am such a supporter of the fruit diet is because it does to me the same thing kunlun does to me. I noticed that when I had stopped the practice. I went fruitarian for a time and I noticed the same things in kunlun started occurring during my fruit experiment. I had a heightened sensitivity, I felt light, young, everything was more colorful and alive, I was more aware of my emotions and they often surfaced, I was more aware of others' energy and my own, my thoughts were clearer, etc. Now I'm beginning to combine the two... B)


Again all of the above is simply my opinion based on my experience and the experiences of others.



What about legumes like beans, lentils and seed? And of course, soy products?


Also, are grains like rice considered to be starchy?


Cos i am looking for a good source of non-animal protein.

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Audio - Wow, that was easy. If thats all it takes to get an emotional response I'm sure energy vamps must salivate at the look of you :P

As for the molecular structure of toxins....Eeesh, maybe someone can help me out here. Anyone know what the molecular structure of fear is? ;)


Cat- I could share my intellectual understanding of things but I think it's best if you make your goals clear and known to yourself and follow your intuition, thats your best guide. I've done the "Lemonade Detox" with the cayanne and syrup and such, plus many others. They're interesting experiments indeed but tend to be short lived. The purgatives are fun to do, colonics, liver flushes, oxygen therapy, electric therapy, etc, and they help get a "head start" but ultimately in the end it's up to the body to clean itself out it's own way, and it's up to us to surrender to it, get out of it's way and enjoy the ride back to divinity. Imho, cultivating a high body intuition is much more valuable than the physical cleansing, it just so happens that by doing intense cleanses you develop a certain sensitivity where you're more in touch with your body and your emotions. If we could just empty our minds and forget everything we've been told, and just trust our bodily wisdom, our intuition, the "god" within us...I believe we'd all be in a state of divinity.


From experience, if you fast when you're not ready for it there's a high chance you wont be able to handle the emotional strain, fear and panic will arise and you'll "lose it" and binge on the most aweful of things, it happens time and time again. However i've noticed when I go on pure fruit (or close to it as I can get) there's an initial stage of getting used to the new vibration (which is much higher but not too far of a leap to lose control), but after I've adjusted what'll happen is after a time my body will say "I don't want any more food" and a natural fast will ensue. There will still be discomfort but if you're in tune with your body you'll be able to handle it. Your mind will be less likely to panic and get in the way. As i said earlier, if you practice Spontaneous Qigong via kunlun, yigong or whatever else, it'll help to start the process of emotional release and will aid you immensely(imo).

Only eat when your body says "i'm hungry", only drink when your body says "I'm thirsty". As you get more in tune you'll learn to recognize when you're ACTUALLY hungry and when you're just eating to suppress the discomfort of the physical/emotional cleansing that naturally happens when the energy is freed from digestion and over thinking.

Again, to me it's more of a slow gradual thing, an evolution, rather than a leap (Which sucks for me because I used to be quite the extremist, rushing blindly until I got beat around a few times and learned to cool my ambition).


Hope all goes well, may love consume you



As for the not hungry part: just because you don't feel hungry doesn't mean you don't need food. In my experience I can experience no hunger yet become weak, tired, lethargic, etc. because of a lack of nutrients from food. You might be getting enough carbs/sugar but what about the vitamins/minerals? It's hard to get all of the in the required amounts if you're just eating fruit.


BTW in TCM a symptom of spleen imbalance can be lack of appetite. But just be sure when you're not hungry you don't really need anything and it's not just coming from excess cold and damp from foods leading to stagnation. Or lack of yang, stomach yin, etc.

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tulku - Honestly I think you're asking the wrong guy. My focus and advise is to get out of the "left brain" thinking and get in touch with your bodily intuition and go by feeling, trust your body/intuition/higher self. If you're worried about protein I would first understand that your body cannot use protein. You body has to break down protein into amino acids which it uses to make it's own form of protein. Every plant has all the amino acids. In fact I would say focus on leafy greens. Go here.


and read the post/download the file. It should be somewhat enlightening. However our ACTUAL protein needs are completely individual and thus unknown. Remember that the tests were done on an "average american", whom I would suggest is a diseased creature. The typical american likely has absorption issues and needs more nutrients because the body can only absorb a limited % of what's there. Thus I would pose as we become cleaner, we become more efficient and need less nutrients. I would not think about it, don't think about "protein" when you eat, in fact don't think about "nutrition" when you eat, and just see what happens. Let you body/experiences be your guide.

Also, if you choose nuts, seeds, beans or grains, might I suggest sprouting them instead of cooking them. Sprouting predigests the fats into fatty acids, proteins to amino acids and complex carbs to simple carbs. Also if you choose nuts/seeds I suggest you look into culturing them into "seed cheese".

Remember it's not what you put in your body, it's what you digest/absorb and assimilate.


Non - Thank you for thinking of me and concerning for my health, much love back to you friend :) I am looking to cultivate a bodily intuition, listening to my body and quieting my mind. When it is not hungry I don't force feed it anything. I believe the body is much more intelligent than we know and in touch with the divine. I believe that if we just "let go" get out of the way and let the body do what it does then we will return to a state of "health" and perhaps even go beyond that. Remember TCM was created for the general populace who had no desire to evolve to high levels of consciousness. I'm not looking to be "healthy" I'm looking to be "free". Thats not to discredit TCM or any other healing system, it definitely brings health, but like I said, i'm looking for more than just health. I'm looking to explore this vessel's potential.


Wish you all the best,


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Sorry, I don't mean to bash you in any way but surely you should be able to admit that you have very little knowledge of the subject you seem to speak so authoritatively about.


Fear is an emotion- it cannot be measured and we know very little about how emotions function in our body aside from being intimately tied to the brain's limbic system.


A piece of bread, a vitamin, a neurotransmitter, are all made up of molecules of which we can decipher the chemical composition.


For instance, I can say that cyanide is most definitely toxic. A "toxin", if you will. So what is the body releasing? If you don't know the answer to this question how do you know that there are any toxins in the body in the first place? What if what you "flush out" via fasting/sweating/raw dieting is simply water?


So ponder what I wrote a bit and try to give me a sensible response when you get your head out of your ass if that's at all possible.




Audio - Wow, that was easy. If thats all it takes to get an emotional response I'm sure energy vamps must salivate at the look of you :P

As for the molecular structure of toxins....Eeesh, maybe someone can help me out here. Anyone know what the molecular structure of fear is? ;)


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I'm hardcore addicted to bad food. Especially dairy. I can down 3 cups of cottage cheese in one sitting and still want more!


Bland food bores me, I'm addicted to the endorphin release of flavor. This is why I've never attempted a raw diet, seems like it would be really boring to eat.


Maybe I should work on my perception of eating as entertainment rather than just a fueling process for the body.


Here's a question, though. Once you're through detoxing, do the cravings for the unhealthy stuff stop?


I could probably do a fruit diet of some kind. I love me some fruit!


Yes. Once I started eating bitter greens I lost my urge for sweet or excessive flavored food.


If you start to get required nutrients from a new source of food and become accustomed to it you'll start to see cravings for the new foods you're eating. So your body will reprogram itself.

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What about legumes like beans, lentils and seed? And of course, soy products?


Also, are grains like rice considered to be starchy?


Cos i am looking for a good source of non-animal protein.


I don't believe in a fruit only diet like Astral Anima. It's not for me at least. David Jubb recently has said an optimal food is that which becomes a flower, so he mentioned cauliflower and others. Anyway.. I consider in moderation sprouts to be a good source of protein. Lentil, mung, adzuki, and pea sprouts. Seeds/nuts like sesame, flax/chia, hemp seed, almonds, pumpkin, sunflower, wild jungle peanuts. Higher protein greens like algae, greens powders, baby sunflower greens aka sunflower sprouts. When you sprout they become less of a starchy food as the starch breaks down to simpler sugars, proteins becoming glycoproteins, fats will be broken down and make glycolipids, phospholipids, lipoproteins, etc.


Ok, well technically and botanically these are fruits too. I think sprouts are a good food.


Again in moderation just like any fatty food. Same goes for all starchy foods. But IMO all starchy foods coming from seeds should be sprouted and eaten raw. Only the ones which are not poisonous when raw.


As for what is a good source of plant protein? In a raw diet as long as you're eating a healthy proportion of each food and enough you're going to be getting enough protein. I normally use various sprouts for protein and greens (including sea algae and greens). Since I am a 'low-moderate carber' that means I have low starch veggies (salad fruits and veggies) and greens all (including seaweed) day with a small amount of low glycemic fruits in a salad. Seeds/nuts for protein and fat.


You can go on any calorie count website and see that if you calculate the amount of vitamins/minerals needed for one day of carefully selected food this diet meets all of them Except for b12 and vitamin D, but that's normal.


Latest research has also found that just 30g protein a day can be enough for most humans. So IMO I believe it's about the quality of protein you get in a day, I am about 158 lb and I can get about 60g or more of protein a day.

Edited by Non

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There´s this idea, pretty entrenched in our culture, that eating meat is bad for you. Too bad it´s not actually based on any good science. Granted, factory farmed animals aren´t so great. Grass fed though? Another story altogether. People are different and some people might survive, even get a nice spirtual buzz, off an all fruit diet. Don´t fool yourself though--there are a lot of unhealthy vegg. and vegan types out there who would feel a lot better adding some good ole animal flesh back into their daily diet.


If vegetarians, vegans, meat eaters eat junk food of course they will not be healthy.

That goes for anyone on any diet.

I would think eating meat for protein is what is entrenched in our culture.

Edited by mYTHmAKER

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Hi CatPillar. Milk, cheese etc. all point out to the fact that your body is craving for Calcium. For two months try Wheat grass juice or Sesame milk, and your desire for dairy will reasonably or completely drop.



Giving up cheese and dairy would be a test of will, that's for sure. That's my favorite food

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Hi Astral_Anima, How long did this super skinny phase remain for you? (I'm assuming you switched to a complete raw diet.)


But don't misunderstand, this is still very possible. If one were to detoxify long enough, first you'd get very skinny..

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Hi Astral_Anima, How long did this super skinny phase remain for you? (I'm assuming you switched to a complete raw diet.)


just read your post.In my case I have been raw vegan(predomainatley fruit)for 4 years now.First I was normal raw using salt and oil etc.after 6 months and I have lost some weight ,not too much as I am naturally slim and dont put on weight much anyaway.But when I stopped salt and oils and did fruit mostly I got quite skinny for about 4 months,but I never got too skinny unhealthy looking.

Throughout years my body is retaining more weight but I am also much more active and built more muscle. It has been important to maintain physically active lifestyle (daily)and get outdoors a lot.I run,cycle,and stretch outdoors as well as taiji .Being outdoors is like a food for the emotional and mental body as well as physical body.So sweet.

Edited by suninmyeyes

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Hi Suninmyeyes, Thank you for the response. I find cooking the most futile activity on Earth. What motivated you to keep up the diet? Withdrawal symptoms?



just read your post.In my case I have been raw vegan(predomainatley fruit)for 4 years now.First I was normal raw using salt and oil etc.after 6 months and I have lost some weight ,not too much as I am naturally slim and dont put on weight much anyaway.But when I stopped salt and oils and did fruit mostly I got quite skinny for about 4 months,but I never got too skinny unhealthy looking.

Throughout years my body is retaining more weight but I am also much more active and built more muscle. It has been important to maintain physically active lifestyle (daily)and get outdoors a lot.I run,cycle,and stretch outdoors as well as taiji .Being outdoors is like a food for the emotional and mental body as well as physical body.So sweet.

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Yes. Once I started eating bitter greens I lost my urge for sweet or excessive flavored food.


If you start to get required nutrients from a new source of food and become accustomed to it you'll start to see cravings for the new foods you're eating. So your body will reprogram itself.


I am curious to know what a bitter green is? Is it a dark green? I am looking to get rid of my craving for junk food so I would like to know exactly which greens worked for you. I like baby spinach (sweet) but don't care much for regular spinach (bitter). I think I will start with green smoothies. I was eating kale for a while and noticed some cravings went away.

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I am curious to know what a bitter green is? Is it a dark green? I am looking to get rid of my craving for junk food so I would like to know exactly which greens worked for you. I like baby spinach (sweet) but don't care much for regular spinach (bitter). I think I will start with green smoothies. I was eating kale for a while and noticed some cravings went away.


any green really, but of course raw and I mean just eating the green by itself without flavor.


Of course salt in foods can also make you crave more salty than sweet but thats only an addictive effect. In my experience the greens can even help with that.


Greens like romaine lettuce, green leaf, red leaf, chard, kale, turnip, collard, etc. all greens have bitterness. Some fruits do as well.


Also getting enough vitamins/minerals you're cravings shd go away. Other than that.. also making sure the diet is sattvic can help reduce cravings.

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Anyone know of any good books on Raw foods for martial arts and body weight training? Ive been on and off being vegetarian but want to educate myself more on the subject so if anyone has or know of books that I can buy or research even chinese veggie diet for martial arts and body weight please post?


many thanks

Sifu Garry

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A good example of a very strong and fit vegan is Mike Mahler.


He is a former RKC(Pavel Tsatsoulines excellent kettlebell system) and a very cool guy.


If anyone ever expresses interest to me about keeping strong on a vegan/vegetarian diet I tell them about Mike.


Personally, I tried it once and you feel great but it was too much of a hassle to do and I like steak and chicken too much.

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Your humble servant.

Servant? I like it.

OK than be a good boy and get me some nice bananas. :lol:



P.S. :wub: for you . We are all so different and I love it.

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I don't see what's so hard to believe.


Some of the best athletes seem to be the vegans who do it right.


It's quality over quantity simple as that. Also meat cuts down oxygen capacity slightly.


I am going to be that guy. The guy that read the first two posts and then comments, heh..:wub:




At any rate, from age 14-18 I worked on body buillding, I ate MEAT and lots of it. My friend whom I worked out with was a vegetarian, maybe not to the vegan extreme, but he DID NOT eat meat. He was truly a "corn fed" hillbilly. He could bench 440 lbs while I maxed out at 425 lbs on the bench. The thing that always suprised me was my friend had more bodyfat than I did!




To make my point, I am quite sure much of the results of your body building exercises come down to your genetic body structure.




This was really of no big suprise to me, but maybe it was because of my experience with my vege terror weight lifting partner in high school.





EDIT-I am NOT referring to RAW diets. Thanks to Gerard for his post!

Edited by jaysahnztao

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yes yes. As I've said before though Gerard it can be worked around.


How do you think animals eat? They eat raw foods all the time. With the elements you can make things work.


I've now made a shift in my diet to include a lot more sprouted foods. So Im starting to sprout a lot.. and want to work my way into growing sprout greens like sunflower, chia and more. Then I can make a garden one day to grow baby greens. I also have been eating veggies only as condiments and focusing on the greens, fruit and nuts/seeds. The best greens are the baby greens, sprout greens and shoots, and microgreens like alfalfa, clover, broccoli, radish, sesame, etc.


but when it comes to beans I don't really do well with beans unless they're sprouted like the Chinese bean sprout..


Just make sure the food isn't physically cold in temperature, and get some more warm/yang foods. A lot of the sprouts have a warming effect like broccoli sprouts, radish sprouts, fenugreek etc. Nuts/seeds, grains and beans are considered more yang and can be warming but it's hard to digest the starchy foods raw even if sprouted unless they are sprouted for a long time. Right now though Im only using fruits and low starch veggies and sprouts for carbs. It's still low carb as I only use low glycemic fruits with a salad. Like I said just make sure it's room temperature or slightly warmed and it's good.


Also I've noticed that before my hands got cold but since I started eating more carbs in the form of low glycemic fruits I was a lot warmer. I'm still eating less carbs but Im just not denying myself carbs because I wanted to keep myself near ketosis. Ever since I did that my digestion also improved. Acid fruits are really good detoxifiers. Sweet foods tonify the spleen also.


So I think there's something to that. I'm not against the use of herbs like medicine. Some things require heat to get a certain effect and that's ok. As long as the majority of my diet is raw I think it's good. The Essene Gospel of Peace states that the most holy diet is one that is vegan, not cooked and overly processed. I have a lot of faith in the vegan diet, and also the raw vegan diet.


I've been raw for almost a year now and the muscle I have now is still pretty good. I don't exercise as much as I used to though because of my schedule but if I wasn't doing good I think I'd be losing a lot more muscle and would be a lot skinnier. I've had the distending underbelly problem too for some time but I think it's clearing up once I started eating more carbs in the form of fruit. Not in excess though of course because I still get bloated with excess fruits, heck excess of anything will do that, including emotional swings that will affect liver spleen harmony. I also attributed it to the use of coffee and teas. I stopped coffee but now I have to stop tea. I did it before and I noticed my digestion was a lot better.


I also disinfect all my veggies with hydrogen peroxide, I soak and/or sprout any seed I have..and I try as much as possible to not eat anything that is too yin or cold, both in temperature and in nature.

Edited by Non

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Cereal grains


Sea vegetables

Temperate fruits (such as apples and pears)




There's also a list there of the natures of different foods. There are lots to choose from which are warming/hot in nature.


Its also interesting to note tht all the yang foods are only animal foods while neutral are the veggies. Maybe that is only in relation to each other but if you further divide the neutral foods into yin/yang you'll find some are more yin some more yang.


Of course there are different flavors like sweet, pungent, acrid, sour, salty.

Edited by Non

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