Twenty years ago I obtained a copy of the Dao De King from Kindred Spirit magazine in the UK. These books were given away free. In the pages of this book a prophecy was given about the way the world was going and a warning that we were heading towards destroy ourselves. The Dao De King presented, was a version that was obtained directly from Lao Tzu By shaman Flowing Hands. Lao Tzu being one of his masters. It seems a rather bizarre thing but subsequent research of religious Daoism revealed very strong pockets of traditional Daoist shamanism in areas like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia etc. Where Lao Tzu is revered as a top Immortal. Such shamans are often seen in the Temples in complete trances of Daoist Gods and Goddess's. Earlier this year I came across his web site by Google-ing his name. On his site My link this message is further given timing and a form. His version of the Dao De King can be downloaded. The question I ask is can we believe what he is saying or not? What can we do about it? Is he and what he has to say making him the most Improtant Daoist in modern times?