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Kriya Yoga book review and a commentary on Respect...

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In case anyone ventures into Kriya... You know, Autobiography of a Yogi???


Anyway, a guy wrote a book on it called "A Recipe for Bliss" and broke out of the secret tradition in doing so. This tradition is supposed to be the tradition with a lineage to Jesus Christ. The reason I find it important to post here is that the final teachings are VERY similar to what Winn teaches at the highest levels.


Which leads me to another point. I recently had my LKL booklet out and it says:


Respect the system

and respect the master:

you will naturally receive

the true transmission.


Slight the system

and slight the master:

you might as well not

waste your time.


There is a reason that this credo is there and in effect! I believe that this will resonate with some here who may have not appreciated these guys. Are they perfect, of course not. Are they wonderful teachers, sharing ancient teachings on the Way. YES THEY ARE! When any naysayer can stand up and say #1) they are perfect, #2) they have something amazing to share with the world. I SAY SHARE IT THEN! Until then, well...


Inner Peace,



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Respect the system  

and respect the master:  

you will naturally receive  

the true transmission.  


Slight the system  

and slight the master:  

you might as well not  

waste your time.


I thought this was copied from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching. :roll:


With Metta


Harry Pain

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