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呂祖師寶誥 Sincere Conversion Ceremony scripture (Ancestor LU's precious admonishment) is a Taoism scripture, which is be recited during Taoists worship their master and ancestor masters. In this script, it is worship the Taoism ancestor LU, and also includes many master LU's stories. 至心皈命禮 (呂祖師寶誥)  是真心皈依道教的人顶礼拜师时颂念的对吕祖的赞颂,其中隐括了诸多的吕洞宾祖师的故事.

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wuweidao, thanks for the post.


The birthday of Ancestor LU is around these days. Many Taoism Temples and organizations may host some events. Here, Lao Zi Academy would like share with Tao friends another Taoism Scripture from Master Qiu Chu-Ji --- the founder of Dragon gate Taoism branch of Quan-Zhen (Complete Reality)


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丘祖忏悔文 (Taoist Ancestor Qiu's Confession Scripture)


 经功浩力不思议 回向十方诸圣众

 愿见真心求忏悔 河沙罪障悉消除 (meaning: we sincerely do the confession, hope to remove our sin)


志心皈命忏悔我等 自从曩劫 乃至今生 假火风地水以成形 恋香味色声而触法 

(meaning: Our human beings have all kind of sin)


贪嗔痴妒 恶口妄言 杀盗邪淫 恣情纵欲 逆辱父母 悖负君师 

(the sin: hating, jealous,unscrupulousness,killing, stealing, sensuality sexual, against parents and teachers)








所觊命逢昌运 名注丹台 际遇真师 亲闻至道 精修妙行 增长善芽 尽节玄门 怡神真境

(Seeking for true teacher / master, listen the true Tao, diligently practicing, experiencing the true Tao...)


他日运应灭度 自性不致昏迷 迳生十善之家 能通宿命  遂证上乘之道 承侍虚皇 

(Some day, Your body die, but your self spirit won't lost, reincarnating to good life, continue to experience high level Tao...)


Above translation is just rough meaning by our own understanding, if you thought it's not right, please correct us. Lao Zi Academy is a non-profit organization, sorry for the unprofessional rough translation.



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呂祖師寶誥“Sincere Conversion Ceremony scripture (Ancestor LU’s precious admonishment)”is a Taoism scripture, which is be recited during Taoists worship their master and ancestor masters. In this script, it is worship the Taoism ancestor LU, and also includes many master LU’s stories. “至心皈命禮 (呂祖師寶誥)” 是真心皈依道教的人顶礼拜师时颂念的对吕祖的赞颂,其中隐括了诸多的吕洞宾祖师的故事.

Edited by kathyli

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