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Bi-polar father and Qigong Therapy, TM and Healing Culture

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Someone in my family is on drugs for bi-polar disorder. If you dont know, this is simply a mental illness where one experiences highs and lows. This is something that bothers me whenever I am around the person, now that I am more in-tune with subtle energies. The disorder is supposedly caused by an imbalance in his thyroid gland (what we know as the throat chakra).


The person is my father. If my father wants to release his addiction to the bi-polar drugs and live more healthily and happily without them, I know it "could" work! Since I am (21 years old, and for the summer) living at home, this transformation would be a very delicate process for myself, mother and twin brother, as well (seeing as how he has been on bi-polar drugs for very many years). On the other hand, I also think it should/could be a fun and enlightening proccess for my father and family, this potential for positive change. (And if it was not for positive change, there would be no point in even considering this healing rebirth!)


As we harcore taoists know, being bi-polar can be a good thing! This is the Path of the Shaman or sage who, according to Tracker Tom Brown, must "walk the path of duality." This knowledge allows us to transcend the yin and yang and OPEN to the infinite knowledge and bliss of the universe, the field of unbounded time. I see medicinal herb, cannabis, as being an important element in the future of qigong therapy.. 80% of Americans support medicinal "marijuana" herb! (Lets not get off track here though, my father hasnt smoked pot in some 25 years, and I do not think it is a good idea for him, but something to think about if you are interested in herb legalization and qigong therapy...)


So, I see this illness as a blessing in disguise, afterall, his imbalance surely effected my spiritual/life path and I am very happy with this life and path, the spiritual and scientific reality I have been able to uncover, the heaven and earth duality and their realization in my own life.


I know in time, everything works out for the best. My father healed or not, it is okay! However, in his presence I feel the coldness in his heart chakra, as the buddha in him has yet to awaken on a conscious level, although clearly present unconciously, he has been plagued by ancestoral chi that had emotional issues...


My question is, would anyone offer advice as to how this transformation from bi polar drugs to holistic living may take place? It seems the balanced activation of endorphins is the key... From having an illness to having a gift? Paradoxicaly, my father is rather succesful in helping people with mental illness. An executive director of a social services agency, his organization hosts many group-homes for the severly mentaly ill. In the future, I forsee his agency, and other similar agencies moving towards curing people of their addictions to drugs, those with learning disabilities in schools, prisoners, and anything for which qigong therapy has positive, healing effects. Meditation and/or qigong therapy research has been proven to heal social ills.


I realize that the components of a "rebirth" into a holistic lifestyle may include: medtitation, movement, (self)massage and nutrition


That covers everything, no? It makes it all sound so easy! And it is, in a way.


In my father's case, I feel that dropping the drugs and THEN learning qigong therapy could be more efficient than trying to learn it while (still having the heat trapped in the body, that is) still on the bi-polar drugs. I am open to other opinion on this, however...? This is where I get slightly worried.


Also, the question of which movement, meditation, massage and nutrition teachings to adopt is a hard question to answer, as well (of couse I want the best of the best). Perhaps one book or seminar might cover everything? Mosty likely not. IDEAS?


So, to sum up, does anyone have a vision of how to embody the tao quickly and easily? Perhaps in the delicate case of my father? Is that even possible? Perhaps the shift must be very gradual, using the wisdom of (other than family=me) experienced qigong therapists. I know this revolution cannot be forced, and THAT wisdom alone is the key.


...thank you for considering this highly emotional meditation.


P.S. I have been thoroughly researching the TM organization, and their infrastructure is VERY interesting. The entire TM program is very enlightening, how they set it up, that is. Look at and and ...on Wiki they are dissed real bad, perhaps due to religious fundamentalists who do not like them...the organization has serious issues...The 2500 training is available for $25, see the link on the Wiki site. I plan to buy that... A conference for stress free schools came around and a hindu CEO of the The Hartford insurance gave a speech, they want to bankroll training for inner city schools here, where we have the worst child poverty rate in the country...I want to get involved but I see their infrastructure sucks in that I couldnt be a teacher or make waves until a long time and paying them a lot of money...

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GrandTrinity ... this is a deep, personal post man. I'm still digesting it. My Dad also appears to me and most of my family to have something like Bipolar disorder although he is not diagnosed. He self medicates most likely daily with marijuana and is highly resistant to doing anything whastoever to help himself. As he gets older he grows more and more destructive of himself and those around him, it's disturbing. I can't even talk to him anymore, it's just too distressing for me. I'm saying this because it seems like your Dad is coping with this disorder one thousand times better than my Dad, so you should be (and it seems like you already are) very proud of him. I certaintly don't feel like I am in any position to offer any specific suggestions on alternative medical treatment modalities for something like this, but I would say that, if he is truly truly open and motivated to heal this condition naturally, I believe it's possible he could get off meds and that bipolar could be a doorway into something new. I would add though that IMO he should definitely stay on meds and experiment with reducing meds very very gradually over time, preferably under good supervision, and paying careful attention to increased symptoms. I think this is a much much safer approach than just ditching meds and jumping into an alternative treatment. Too much stress all at once. Stabilize into a soild treatment plan, and wean off the meds slowly as the treatment starts to take effect is my opinion.


One thing I have read is that Omega-3 supplementation is one of the few nutritional treatments to have been conclusively shown to have an impact on bipolar disorder ... obviously doesn't mean it's the only thing, but it's just something with some solid science behind it AFAIK. Also, I believe bipolar (as well as borderline, psychopathic, narcissistic, etc) symptoms can be caused by early trauma ... good trauma treatment methodology:



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Yes a very emotional and deeply sensative issue is how we relate to the (un)health of our parents, but very important, too.


Thanks a lot for your reflections, this makes me feel much better.


If there is one thing we learn in the tao, gradual change is better than quick change.


Yes, I suppose I am proud of my father. True, there is much worse dads out there and I am very lucky.


Leave it all up to the tao...

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